
日期: 2025-03-26 23:05:51 |浏览: 7|编号: 85107





刘·辛胡(Liu Zhenhua)




Speaking of the development of small shops this year, Liu Zhenhua said that it will not only continue its previous goal, but also create a number of distinctive neighborhoods with distinctive characteristics and brand influence, form a "business district economy" leading and radiating the entire district, and strengthen the agglomeration effect of commercial complexes such as Huayu Baihua Valley, Maoye Phase II, Red Star Macalline, and North American N1.它还将加深转型项目的构建,并促进98个关键转型项目的实施和有效性,总投资为1,35亿元人民币。 “今年,我们将依靠小木区投资促进工业园,电子商务工业园,阿里巴巴创新中心,奥美设计中心和专业投资促进团队的“四个主要平台”,以积极建立四个主要的基于总部的建筑物经济,建筑物经济,高端Urban Irban Irban Indiveration Affication Agructan Agrivation Agrivation Agricultial Actricial Actricial Actricial Parkrial and Industrial Park和Industrial Park。刘Zhenhua说,今年,小米区将继续实施以创新为导向的战略,继续建立一个省级创新驱动的演示基础,加速了院士工作站的介绍,例如大气中国科学院科学学院,Shanxi Baixin和其他学术工厂,并创建了一个高地,并创建了一个高地。创建一个核心区域,以全面应用大数据在Longcheng Street-Jinyang Street,加速Zhongke Loongson的安全可靠的协作研究基础以及中国电力电力智能云和中国电力智能云和中国智力等项目,并促进Blockchain技术成就的应用和应用。


随着许多小米的许多商业区的持续兴起,小木的夜生活变得越来越丰富。在这方面,Liu Zhenhua认为,必须尽快介绍和实施经济政策以尽快促进夜间消费。为此,在2019年,小米将加速huaxia jinyun-guxiang特征文化区的建设,培养和开发总部项目,例如达坎在线汽车汽车和Zhendong Pharmaceutical,并继续改善和加强总部经济集群。介绍德国超低能源消耗建筑材料技术研发中心,开发和培养环境保护项目,例如Runmin和Zhiyu,并建立环境保护工业园区。

在城市发展方面,小区地区已经仔细地制定了开发蓝图,并将重点放在“高科技企业聚集,开发的高端服务行业,开发的高端服务业,新的城市生态标准以及第一名的第一个宜居领域”,并计划和建立一个具有高级起点和高标准的现代Xiaodian新城市。 “我们必须抓住建立中央盆地城市集聚并积极融入台湾市区战略的战略机会。”刘Zhenhua说,今年,小米将促进Wangwu Field Complex和Huachen农业花园特征镇等项目。新建造的8个美丽的村庄,包括Wangwu,Nanwangming和Gaocun,并深入进行了农村生活环境的全面改善。

今年,小米将专注于促进对棚户区的翻新项目的翻新,例如Hotanhe Food和110个城市村庄,包括Dama,小米,Dawu,Dawu,Xiaowu,Gongjiabao,Gongjiabao,Xifeng,Xifeng,Laofeng和Gangtou。完成了70个后街和小巷以及214个旧社区的翻新,并创建了4个示威区,包括福肯街。许多道路建设项目将被充分启动和实施,以进一步改善交通环境。


“环境变得更加美丽,人民的教育和医疗保健更加方便。让居住在商店的居民拥有更多的幸福和收益感。这是我们地区委员会继续促进的长期原因。” Liu Zhenhua说,今年,商店将专注于建立人们的生计品牌,例如教育区,医疗和护理区,生态文明区域和社会治理模型区,翻新和扩展13个幼儿园和6所学校,并加快了一定的教育范围,并促进了竞争性教育的建设,并提出了一定的教育,并提出了国际良好的教育,并提出了良好的教育,并提出了良好的教育,并提出了良好的教育,并提出了良好的教育,并提出了国际培训,并提出了创造性的,并提出了创造性的创造性,并提出了创造性的创造性,并提出了创造性的创建,并提出了创造性的创建。 区。




促进在“两个商业区”和“三个部门”中的“文化旅游 +”战略的剧烈实施

今年,英泽地区的目标是建立省会首都最好的地区,促进Liuxiang和Chaoyang的“两个商业区”和“三个部门”的发展,并实施“文化旅游 +”策略。 “在2月26日举行的第14届台湾市政人民大会的第四届会议上,泰扬恩市人民代表大会的代表冯·尤恩平派人(Feng Yuanping)兼伊宁兹地区党委员会秘书说,今年将继续接受记者的独家访谈,Yingze将继续促进创新和改造和改善创新和改造和改善经济。


今年,英兹区将加快质量改进和创新,并促进“两个商业区”的发展。 “面对当前发展竞争的挑战以及消费结构和消费模型的转变的影响,两个核心的商业区应充分利用其优势,弥补其劣势,并努力寻找一种新的特征发展道路。” Feng Yuanping说,他将积极探索商业,文化和旅游业综合发展的道路,并振兴Liuxiang商业区。

At the same time, in accordance with the principle of "step by step, repairing the old as the old, organically renewing, step by step implementation, integrating ancient and modern times, creating high-quality products", the overall tr​​ansformation of the Liuxiang-Zhonglou Street area will be launched, and efforts will be made to create high-quality products in the urban business district, so that the Liuxiang District will become a city business card and a living room that shows the城市精神和城市的魅力。

在改善Chaoyang业务区的方面,Feng Yuanping表示,他将创新业务格式的发展,以Dongdu,Yudu,Dongcheng和其他试点项目的态度,探索多样化的业务格式和模型,开发与批发和零售,丰富的业务格式和类别的新实体,并提高商业服务功能;创新商业模式,鼓励企业介绍在线营销机构,培养在线销售机构,营销运营商和工业制造商,开发了“离线实体为主体 +在线营销作为渠道的业务模型”,扩大销售空间,进行较长的销售空间,并进行详细的零售...努力为建立一个新的改革而努力建立一个新的改革,以建立“桥梁”和“开放”。


今年,英泽地区还将实施“文化旅游 +”战略,以促进“三个部门”的发展。 “将文化和旅游业的发展作为促进经济发展和领导工业转型的有效手段。” Feng Yuanping说,根据建立区域中“三个部分”协调“三个部分”的想法,这是国家3A国家风景秀丽的美食街和商业和文化旅游资源的风景,并努力建立一个旧城和老街的特色旅游区;在城市农村的交界区,Shuangta风景秀丽的区域是核心,并努力建立历史和文化旅游区;在东山(Dongshan)地区,达克国家(Taiqian National)4A风景秀丽的景点作为驱动力,促进周围特征城镇的发展,生态农业等,并努力建立一个带有短途旅行,假日休闲和短期度假的生态旅游区。

同时,扬兹区还将加速各个行业与文化和旅游业的融合。培养文化和旅游市场实体,创建文化和旅游业品牌,并设计和开发高质量的“一日游”和“短途旅行”路线以及特殊的文化和旅游产品,并通过在线和离线宣传,通过节日促进旅游业,通过节日促进旅游业来扩大市场影响力。通过优化文化和旅游环境的优化,促进城市和农村建筑和环境治理的融合将促进文化和旅游业的转变,从风景名胜的“独立战斗”模型到全区旅游的发展模型,并全面创造了Yiyou Urban地区的新形象。


“城市规划和建设应非常重视历史和文化保护。今年,我们将专注于改善生活环境,并使用更大的刺绣技能,例如微型拆卸,专注于文明和文化的延续,以便城市能够留下记忆并让居民记住他们的回家。” Feng Yuanping表示,今年,我们将加快城市和农村基础设施的建设,为南Neihuan East Street,South Shifang Street和West Taibao街等道路的东扩展装修项目,以进一步扩大城市发展的空间。

同时,我们将加强城市精致的管理,深入进行全面的城市管理改进措施,简化城市和农村管理系统,并实施全面的执法。实施纠正和改善后街和小巷的项目,探索建立公众参与小街和小巷管理的机制,并实现街头环境的共同管理,治理和共享。 Taking the opportunity of creating a national civilized city and welcoming the convening of the "Second Youth Conference", we actively explore new measures to treat both the symptoms and the root causes and comprehensive rectification of urban and rural cleaning projects, innovate garbage collection and disposal methods, and plan and build a number of collective markets, public toilets, parking lots, and garbage transfer stations according to local conditions to facilitate residents' lives and improve the city's taste and 图像。

Xinghualing District

台湾市人民代表大会的代表,Xinghualing地区党委员会秘书Li Wenquan


“全面努力促进关键工程项目的收集,例如Metro 2,Madaopo Street和中国持久的酿造特色城镇,支持道路,动物园II阶段和第三阶段,并努力尽快清除零。我们将与数百万的园艺工具和ULIDIANT的园艺项目的全面统治项目全面合作。街...”转型项目的范围,并无所不在,踏上了转型和发展的途径,振兴和兴起的特征。


李·温夸(Li Wenquan)表示,2019年,Xinghualing将振兴现有土地使用,增加熟人土地的储备并打破土地利用的“瓶颈”,从而缩短项目实施周期,实现“煮熟的土地和其他项目”,“工厂建筑物和其他企业”和其他企业“和其他企业”,从而有效地吸引了高级生产因素和大型项目和良好的项目和良好的项目。我们将牢固地掌握转型项目的“牛头”,扩大有效的投资,满足消费者需求,并计划在工业转型,基础设施,科学和技术创新,生态和环境保护以及人民生计领域的186个项目,总投资为2356.3亿所。

与其他城市地区相比,Xinghualing在其建成区域具有悠久的历史,现代服务行业涉及的所有方面在该地区都在蓬勃发展。但是,如何加快现代服务行业的质量和扩展的改善已成为今年Xinghualing District委员会的重大活动。 “今年,我们坚持将现代服务行业作为转型和发展的核心内容,并促进生命服务行业的改进和高质量。” Li Wenquan said that in the next step, in conjunction with the construction of subway and eastern road network, we will actively follow up on the early implementation of a number of top-end and new business projects such as IKEA Home Furnishing Taiyuan and New Business Form Projects such as IKEA Home Furnishing Taiyuan and New Business Form are launched, and promote the early completion of projects such as Beijing Hualian Taiyuan Shengli Shopping Market, Wangfu Plaza,CRRC国际广场和农业综合冰链物流。我们将专注于Jiefang Road和Fudongfu West Street,以建立一个城市贸易延伸带。加速现代物流项目的建设,例如台湾Zhangzitou农产品物流公园项目和第一汽车市场的第二阶段。


在2019年,Xinghualing将如何对文化和旅游发展大惊小怪?面对记者的问题,李·温夸(Li Wenquan)自信地说,今年,他们将积极扩展“财务 +”,“文化 +”和“互联网 +”等新的商业模式,并大力发展诸如文化旅游,休闲和旅游业以及医疗保健等行业。同时,将启动地区文化活动中心的建设,以推动周围的文化和体育产业的发展。在此基础上,我们将全面发挥东山的生态优势,加快诸如悠久的酿造特征小镇,台湾台湾智能健康旅游工业园和阳光汽车镇等项目的实施,不断地改善诸如Caiwee Manor and Lavender Manor andible Curtian的风景范围的规模。利用在台湾举行的千年政府办公室和省级旅游发展会议上建造“大风景景点”的机会,我们将整合历史,文化和革命性的文化资源,散布在旧城区的小巷和东山的山峰中,以完全保护,探索和展示三个jins的Charmm of The Charm of Currist and the Cultrist and the Cultrist and x. Quallist and x. “我们必须充分利用东山的资源,并大力促进东山业务形式的全面发展。”李·温夸(Li Wenquan)表示,今年,他们将大力促进东山(Dongshan)的生态建设,并完成了1,000英亩和11.54公里的绿色绿色项目的升级,绿色10个村庄绿色项目和生态文明教育基地。



“今年,我们必须通过质量来实施胜利的概念,以有序的方式计划城市空间布局,发展朝着宜居和温和的生态空间发展,拥有美丽的山脉和河流,并建立了独特的中央城市地区。”李·温夸(Li Wenquan)表示,今年,Xinghualing District将充分促进关键工程项目的收集,例如Metro 2 Line,Madaopo Street,以及为中国悠久的酿酒特征城镇,动物园II阶段和III期的支持道路,并努力尽快清除零。我们将与千年历史的政府办公室的全面纠正支持项目完全合作,并实施州长办公室的前地点的翻新,保护和利用项目。

At the same time, we will carry out special rectification of the "nine chaos" in civilized transportation, back streets and alleys, old communities, and markets, and shift the focus of work from point demonstration to surface chaos, rectify small streets and alleys in a district, refine the "golden corners and silver edges" of the main roads, completely clear the sanitary dead corners, and create a beautiful city appearance.加速沿“两条河流”路线的美化和照明工作,并完成两条主要道路的街景,北街和尚格利街。


lu junfeng,台湾市议会的成员,贾安卡普地区党委员会秘书


建立一个人文主义的生态休闲区,以抛光“上风和水”的金色标志;建立一个创新的转型工业区,以在中国创建一个著名且强大的“不锈钢城市”;在2月26日举行的第14届台湾市政人民大会举行的第四届会议上,建立一个现代宜居的城市地区,使江雪港地区能够实现“强大,繁荣,美丽和繁荣” ... “三区策略”和坚定不移的目标是“强大,繁荣,美丽和繁荣”,并不断改善江卡普开发的“黄金内容”,“新内容”和“绿色内容”。

抛光“ shangfeng and Water”标志

“ 2019年是经济转型的窗口时期,也是我们所在地区的社会发展机会时期。我们将不胜枚举地促进'人文生态休闲区'的建设。”卢·朱恩(Lu Junfeng)表示,今年的江卡(Jiancaoping)将大力实施农村振兴战略。根据“三年零三个步骤,三年的重大变化”的整体计划,我们将实施“创建美丽村庄,社会主义新农村地区的建设,生态文明和工业繁荣的建设”的四个主要项目。一支专业的团队和设计团队将被雇用为乡村“量身定制”开发计划,在城市建立一个美丽的乡村示范村和一个基准村庄,并不断增强村民的自豪感,获得和荣誉。

今年,江口水的哪些农村地区会改变?卢朱芬(Lu Junfeng)透露,它将促进扬奎(Yangqu)和qujiayao等美丽村庄的建设,加强了诸如Nanzhai和Zhuangtou之类的美丽示范村庄的建设,并同时促进了Yangjia,Xizhang,Huyan和Nanxiawen的新社会主义乡村的建设。

今年,Jiancaoping着眼于全区旅游,将连接Xishan郊区森林公园,Fenhe Erku,Juanwei Mountain,Jingyin Temple,Jingyin Temple,Wenfeng Pagoda,Duofu Temple,Huanglong Cave,Guanlong Cave,Guanlong Pavilion以及其他自然和文化资源,以及诸如Duofu Road,Fiension Road,fienfor north north fore north north fiension and forifor north fore north fiensi全面的旅游模式由核心风景景点驱动,并被特色的景点包围。专注于农业工业化的发展,支持和鼓励农民找到就业和创业,扩大收入的渠道,增强收入的渠道,增强农村发展的内源性驱动力,并将“输血”转化为“血液产量”。

Jiancaojing是台湾北部的生态障碍。卢·朱芬(Lu Junfeng)说,“逆风和水”是吉安卡伊(Jiancaojing)最独特,最令人难忘的“金色招牌”,坚决战斗并赢得了蓝天,透明的水和纯土地的三场主要战斗。今年,Jiancaozhen将继续实施“崛起(Shanwei),以增加红色,整个地区的绿色”和Beishan的生态障碍项目,以创造一个美丽的场景,到处都是山脉,山脉茂密而绿色。严格实施“河流首席系统”,进行黑色和臭水的矫正和河流挖泥,并在实施山脉,河流,森林,田野,湖泊和草地方面做得很好,并创建了一个“直草”,可以看到山脉和水。


“一个强大的企业意味着一个强大的城市,我们将无所不能地促进'创新和转型工业区'的建设。”卢·朱云(Lu Junfeng)表示,今年,江雪郡(Jiancaoping)将全面加深“地区融合”的发展,以便江雪松区和不锈钢公园可以实现团结并共同努力。

今年,Jiancaoping将大力开发先进的制造和新材料合成和加工行业。卢·朱云(Lu Junfeng)表示,他将积极发展消费品行业,尽快增加大型工业企业的数量,提高领先行业发展的质量,并将新的活力注入经济发展。同时,我们将促进“军事 - 西维利人融合”的快速发展。利用位于江安,宁安,新华社和其他居民地区的军事工业企业的闲置空间,以整合土地资源并建立扬王大大道的经济带。

Lu Junfeng said that relying on Taigang and Stainless Steel Park, Jiancaoping will also develop the stainless steel extension industry this year, focusing on introducing a number of high-precision and high-tech stainless steel deep processing enterprises with good market prospects into the park, giving full play to the unique charm of "Shili Steel City", and making every effort to create a stainless steel deep processing industry cluster to create a well-known and powerful中国的“不锈钢城市”。

为了促进私人经济的发展和增长,江卡普(Jiancaoping)将实施领导连接私人企业的干部的系统。卢·朱芬(Lu Junfeng)说,我们应该充分发展一种尊重jiancaoling企业家的新风格,并为像“服务员”这样的企业提供周到的服务。


“建立一个现代宜居的城市地区,我们将创建一个15分钟的生活圈,形成一种新的模式,包括'One River和两家银行,三个地方连续,工业和城市互动,可宜居和友好的''。” Lu Junfeng意识到了Jiancaopiao宜居市区的建设。他告诉Shanxi晚间新闻记者,今年,Jiancaopiao将继续在台湾北部牢固建造新城市。

北部新城市的一个核心区域建于Sanjiao地区,并在确保村民的重新安置的基​​础上呼应了Xinghua商业区,并创建了一个新的Taiyuan Urban Cuben-Center。上海拜班地区将利用军事西维利融合工业区的发展机会,与北中央大学的科学技术行业深入融合,以创建一个典型的演示区,该地区通过行业,学术界和研究来推动区域发展。 The Hedong area will rely on the advantages of the gathering of people in old industrial enterprises such as Taigang, Xing'an, Xinhua, and Jiangyang, and take the development goal of creating "living-friendly" housing for urgent needs, so that a number of mature urban villages such as Nanzhai, Guiduo, Xialan, Nangunian, Beigunian, and Xincheng will "fall the ripe瓜”和秋天。此外,Jiancaoping区还将在Zhencheng Street,Park South Street,张贝伊东街,fushanyuan West Road,Kangxi Road和Baiban Road的“三个垂直和三个水平”道路项目中充分促进建设。


泰扬市民国会议员兼旺巴林地区党委员会秘书杨·朱敏(Yang Junmin)




“今年,我们将通过执行“改革与创新,努力和主动性”讨论来基准一流的发展并实施“五项重大行动”。杨·朱敏(Yang Junmin)说,他将有意识地在城市,省和国家找到坐标,有意识地针对该系统和行业的最高水平,并以广泛的思想和远见建立发展坐标和道路。

In terms of innovation and transformation, we will benchmark Shenyang Tiexi District and Shenzhen Nanshan District, and focus on the transformation of new and old kinetic energy, construction of innovation systems, talent introduction services, optimization of the business environment, and supporting the development and growth of the private economy, build high-end equipment manufacturing clusters, rail transit industry clusters and new energy vehicle industry clusters, build Taiyuan new commercial and business centers, focus on cultivating high-end consumption growth points such as CRRC Vientiane City, accelerate the construction of high-end buildings and urban complex projects such as Xinda International Financial Center, China Overseas International Center, New City Wuyue Plaza, Yuanda Shopping Plaza, and build the Xishan Cultural Belt, and gradually form a new pattern of industrial development supported by advanced manufacturing, modern service industry, and ecological tourism.

In terms of transformation and upgrading, we will benchmark cities such as Shijiazhuang and Xi'an, adhere to classified guidance and comprehensive measures, and comprehensively accelerate the procedures for urban village renovation, resettlement and urban renovation projects; steadily promote the transformation and upgrading of urban villages, and start construction of resettlement housing for villagers.

In terms of civilization creation, we will benchmark against Xi'an's "three revolutions", aim at ensuring the "Second Youth Conference", take the "Three Transformation Project" as the starting point, focus on the rectification of "Nine Chaos" and strive for excellence to improve the level of urban refined management, and steadily promote the city's creation work to achieve the goal of "demonstration leading, leading and leading".

In terms of serving the people, we will benchmark against cities such as Shenzhen and Beijing, concentrate our efforts on the construction of universal, basic and bottom-line people's livelihood, coordinate the promotion of basic people's livelihood such as employment, income, education, medical care, and elderly care, effectively prevent and resolve major risks, focus on network security, production security, stability of petitions, and social governance, keep the bottom line, and bravely climb to the top.

Build "Four Major Areas"

"This year we will deepen the construction of the "four major areas" such as industrial transformation demonstration zone, cultural and tourism characteristic zone, ecological restoration model zone, and hot spring leisure and resort zone, so that the "four major areas" will become the main engine of high-quality transformation and development in Wanbolin District." Yang Junmin said that this year, Wanbolin District will take 138 key projects as the starting point and take high-end, intelligent and green as the direction, and continue to deepen the construction of transformation projects in the year. What are the specific contents of the construction of the "four major areas"? Yang Junmin said that the industrial transformation demonstration zone will aim to build a strong advanced manufacturing zone, and strive to introduce 2 to 3 leading enterprises with strong industrial driving force and about 20 high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises with good growth potential. In the new round of economic transformation, advanced manufacturing will be built into a pillar industry in Wanberlin District.

The cultural and tourism characteristic zone will take the opportunity of building Taiyuan Xishan Provincial Ecological Cultural Tourism Development Zone to upgrade the supporting facilities of Wangfeng First-line Tian Scenic Area and promote the construction of the "Xishan Fengqing" ecological tourism project.

The ecological restoration model area will strive to build a national-level demonstration base for the transformation of new and old kinetic energy, and focus on introducing about three leading enterprises in the upstream and downstream high-end industrial chains of coal mine production to settle down, solving the problem of transformation of new and old kinetic energy in the coal industry. Prepare and complete the overall overall plan for the construction of Xishan National Mine Park, and explore new paths for win-win ecological restoration and economic benefits.

The hot spring leisure resort will give full play to the advantages of the only geothermal resource in the provincial capital, expand and strengthen the hot spring industry, promote the cooperation process with Shanxi Guangxin Real Estate, introduce small and medium-sized cultural and creative enterprises, focus on developing business formats such as medical and nursing integration, sports and fitness, leisure and vacation, and create high-end, high-end and elegant characteristic hot spring projects to form a tourism distribution center that radiates across the province.

Comprehensively promote city-building work

The "Three Transformation Project" is a brand project with Wanbolin characteristics. It has led the city creation work in the whole district and achieved a leading lead in Taiyuan City. Yang Junmin said that this year, we must significantly improve the quality of the city, insist on using the "three transformation projects" to lead the creation of national civilized cities, and deeply promote the special rectification of the "nine chaos", Xishan ecological protection and restoration, and urban garden green space construction, and achieve significant results. Citizens' civilized quality, regional civilization level, and people's quality of life have been improved.

At the same time, we will resolutely fight the tough battle against pollution. Firmly establish the concept of "green water and green mountains are gold and silver mountains", strictly implement the "river chief system", innovate the management system and inspection and guarantee mechanism, and complete the task of treating black and odorous water bodies. Increase the intensity of investigation and punishment of various environmental violations and maintain a high-pressure situation in cracking down on environmental violations.

Yang Junmin said that this year, Wanbolin District will also adhere to the radiation and driving force of the urban area, actively implement the rural revitalization strategy, coordinate the transformation of urban villages and border villages, shanty towns and coal mining subsidence areas, the construction of characteristic towns and beautiful villages, infrastructure construction and environmental governance, Vanke Ximing Cultural Tourism Town and other construction projects are being accelerated, infrastructure construction is constantly improved, atmospheric environmental quality is significantly improved, and urban-rural interconnection and integration and coordinated development is accelerating.

Jinyuan District

Yang Jicheng, a representative of Taiyuan Municipal People's Congress and secretary of Jinyuan District Party Committee

Urbanization and rural revitalization "dual-wheel drive" to build a highland for transformation and development

"Comprehensively revitalize the real economy and build a modern industrial system with Jinyuan characteristics; implement the rural revitalization strategy, and do a good job in protecting and developing historical and cultural ancient villages such as Chengjiayu..." On February 26, at the 14th People's Congress of Taiyuan City, Yang Jicheng, a representative of the Taiyuan Municipal People's Congress and secretary of the Jinyuan District Party Committee, said in an interview that this year, Jinyuan District will promote the "dual-wheel drive" of urbanization and rural revitalization, unswervingly revitalize the real economy, and build the Jinyuan Highland to transform and develop.

Build a characteristic modern industrial system

"The construction of transformation projects is an effective means to expand domestic demand and stabilize growth, and it is also an important way to promote transformation, adjust structure, and increase momentum. We will comprehensively revitalize the real economy and build a modern industrial system with Jinyuan characteristics." Yang Jicheng said that this year, a number of new projects, large projects and good projects that lay the foundation, benefit the long-term, make up for shortcomings, and increase momentum will be implemented in the fields of infrastructure, industrial transformation, ecological and environmental protection, scientific and technological innovation, agriculture and rural areas, and people's livelihood improvement, and consolidate the material foundation for transformation and development.

This year, Jinyuan will keep pace with the times, accelerate the pace of informatization, and take advantage of the opportunity of Shanxi Cloud Times big data and other projects to truly make the "old pot stove" make a "new meal". In addition, this year, Jinyuan will also support the development of emerging manufacturing industries and highlight the modern service industry. "In the three industrial structures of our region, the service industry accounts for a large proportion and contributes a high rate to economic growth. It has become the new driving force for economic growth in the region and the main engine of structural transformation. However, there are still prominent problems such as low overall level and insufficient development of productive services." Yang Jicheng said that this year, Jinyuan will do everything possible to change this passive situation and make every effort to promote the transformation and upgrading of the service industry. Promote the extension of productive services to specialization and high-end value chains.

This year, Jinyuan has decided to promote the construction of urban complexes such as Sate, Outlets, Jinyangli and Banyan Tree, and create new market demand with high-quality supply. "This year we will promote consumption expansion, quality improvement and upgrading, and drive economic growth from the demand side." Yang Jicheng said that in addition, we will also promote the development of the cultural tourism industry towards branding and boutique. We must take the opportunity of the province to create a national all-round tourism demonstration zone, deepen the reform of the cultural tourism system and mechanism, promote the integration of regional tourism factors and tourism resources, and promote the market-oriented, professional and corporate operations of scenic spots such as Taishan, Tianlongshan, and Longshan.

Build a southern suburban agricultural demonstration zone

"This year we will adhere to the priority development of agriculture and rural areas, focus on the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, and ensure the smooth progress of all key tasks in agriculture and rural areas." Yang Jicheng said that this year, Jinyuan will deepen the structural reform of the agricultural supply side. In line with the planning of the southern suburban agricultural demonstration zone of Taiyuan City, we will adhere to the market-oriented orientation, take "one reduction and five increase" as a starting point, actively adjust and optimize the agricultural structure, increase the supply of high-quality, characteristic and green agricultural products, drive agricultural quality improvement, farmers' income increase, and promote the integrated development of the first, second and third industries in rural areas.

Yang Jicheng said that he will take the opportunity of Jinci rice to apply for a national geographical indication protection product to establish brand awareness, highlight the value of "characteristics", realize the transformation from "famous products" to "famous brands", and gradually increase the product value and market share of Jinci rice, so that Jinci rice, known as "the best of Northern Rice" and "royal tribute", will go to the dining tables of more people. Relying on Dongguan Flower Town and taking Meizhi Gardening and Zhenhua Gardening as the leader, it extends the flower industry chain and creates a characteristic modern flower industrial park integrating planting, processing, sales, sightseeing and leisure, activates Jinyuan's "beautiful economy". Relying on scientific and technological innovation and taking Kangpei Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Park as a demonstration, we will improve the scientific and technological content of facility agriculture, increase the supply of pollution-free fruits and vegetables, and build a number of modern urban agricultural complexes integrating productive, life-oriented, ecological and entertainment, and improve the comprehensive agricultural benefits and market competitiveness.

This year, Jinyuan District will make every effort to strengthen the protection of ancient village remains in terms of tourism development, and do a good job in the protection and development of historical and cultural ancient villages such as Chengjiayu, Diantou, and Chiqiao. It is planned to build five cultural and tourism characteristic towns, including Jinyuan Flower Town and Yaotou Cave B&B. Carefully organize special rural tourism activities such as Guandasi lotus and Sunflower Photography Festival.

"Two-wheel drive"

In 2019, Jinyuan will continue to promote the "dual-wheel drive" of urbanization and rural revitalization, accelerate the construction of vibrant Jinyuan, livable Jinyuan, charming Jinyuan, and rule of law Jinyuan, unswervingly revitalize the real economy, and build a transformed and developed Jinyuan Highland.

In terms of economic development, Jinyuan District has already drawn a blueprint. Yang Jicheng told reporters that this year Jinyuan will make every effort to promote the layout of four core industrial circles and continue to implement the construction of three 10 billion projects. This year, Jinyuan will further expand and strengthen the private economy. "Adhere to treat private entrepreneurs as their own people, introduce practical and practical specific measures to stimulate the vitality of micro-subjects." Yang Jicheng said that he will break down barriers to the flow of various factors, promote positive incentives and survival of the fittest, and allow private enterprises to truly enhance their sense of gain from policies. At the same time, financial institutions are encouraged and supported to set up outlets in Jinyuan to provide financing services for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. We must take the opportunity of carrying out the special campaign to crack down on gangs and eliminate evil, resolutely punish illegal acts that endanger the development of enterprises, and purify the development environment of enterprises. (Interview and writing: Reporter wants Vivi, Zhao Dewei, Photographed by Reporter Kou Ning)

Source: Shanxi Evening News

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