
日期: 2025-03-23 12:06:41 |浏览: 5|编号: 83440



0001 - 三个五个六六六个八个九答案:缺乏衣服和食物

0002 - 一个人站在门口。答案:闪光灯



0005 - 您可以飞,而不是鸟,而是鼠标,而不是鼠标。白天躲在黑暗中,晚上捕获害虫。答:蝙蝠


0007 - 头发是头发是头发,头发是头发是中间的黑色葡萄。答:眼睛

0008 - “蚕蚁”是蚂蚁或蚕?答:蚕




0012 - 为什么两个孩子对吗?答:有三种不利的虔诚

0013 - 为什么婴儿出生时会哭泣?答:因为他看到护士是如此美丽。他太小了

0014 - 就像糖果不是糖,您无法用嘴来品尝它。它将帮助您纠正错别字并在纸上忙碌。答:橡胶


0016-有一个刻有字母的人。他挂出的价格清单如下:刻有4个“ lishu”的角落;刻有6个角落的“模仿歌曲字体”,并刻有“您的名字章节”的8个角落;刻有12元的“您所爱的姓名章”。那么他的雕刻单价是多少?答:每个单词的两个角落


0018 -MR。华人有一项技能,也就是说,他可以使自己的手掌自动面对。这是怎么回事?答:他是中医医生

0019 - 老人梅,您去了医院检查。医生告诉他,他应该开一些处方。他有什么疾病?答:豆类眼睛

0020- Xingzi跳下了52楼,为什么还可以?答:她是鸟

0021 - 为什么两个英俊的男人为一个看起来像恐龙的女人而战?答:如果我击败她,我想嫁给她。

0022 - 我每年都有盈余,为什么我负担不起省钱?答:因为我每年都被解雇



0025 - 招聘答案:步骤



0028 - 灰姑娘的父母是谁?答:白雪公主和鲍锣

0029 - 在道路上,它翻过一场战斗,然后再次翻过

0030 - 由猪肝和熊胆制成的神奇肥皂(猜测4个字符习惯)答案:肝脏和胆囊(肥皂)

0031 - 为什么喜欢阅读漫画?答:无聊

0032 - 男人和女人会变成什么?答:两个人


0034 - 为什么Drj在10后站起来?答:因为他一只手站起来

0035 - 为什么每个人都喜欢坐着看电影?答:因为站立时你的脚会酸

0036 - 什么书不能买?答:自杀

0037 - 最喜欢大鼠清洁的是什么?答案:环境保护部

0038- apipo的英文名称是什么?答案:A-People

0039 - 您永远不会用右手抓住什么?答:右手


0041 - Little Ma Ge的父亲在市政图书馆(四个字符的成语)答案:了解Laoma(城市地图Laoma)的方式

0042 - 游泳后的穆恩牛停止哭泣(四个字符的成语)答案:勇敢但不要固执(MOO)


0044 - 这封信由两个鸡蛋(四个字符的成语)答案:宣誓到末端(野兽)

0045 - 这冰看起来像一块铝箔(四个字符的成语)答案:rulu(铝)薄冰。

0046 - 用10米绳绑的老虎可以吃20米外的草吗?答:老虎...不吃草


0048 - 高空知道地球认识我(福建城市和县的名称)答案:Sanming

0049 - 昌an中的月亮(换一个单词)答案:肿胀



0052 - 为什么Ah Fu总是等待老师在听老师之前采取行动?答:他是聋人


0054 - 王王当时五十多岁时总是喜欢围绕女性旋转?答:老王卖化妆品





0059 - 房间里到处都有雨水,但没人湿。为什么?答:空房子

0060 - 吃饭时可以张开嘴并伸出手?答:宝贝


0062 - 出租车正常在路上驾驶,没有违反任何交通规则,而是被警察阻止。为什么答案:警察乘出租车

0063 - 有一个网站,没有人在互联网上浏览互联网不会先到那里(wwwhang123com)。为什么答案:每个人都可以爱他们想要的东西。


0065 - 头部背部受伤的人如何入睡?答:闭着眼睛睡觉


0067 - 为什么现代人喜欢挖耳朵越来越多?答:越来越多的人喜欢发誓

0068 - 如何区分友谊和爱?答:友谊白天出现,爱出现在晚上

0069 - 如果您不能吃葡萄,就不会说葡萄很酸。为什么?答:理解


0071 - 我们愿意扑灭我们生命的大火?答:切割生日蛋糕之前

0072 - 三名囚犯听取了法官的判决,法官说两人的左右与右派无罪。为什么?答:圭宗

0073 - 中国人怎么说?答:中文

0074 - 地球上有两个地方。昨天可以今天,今天可以是明天。那个地方在哪里?答:南极和北极

0075 - Xiao Kai开车,但总是到达目的地。为什么?答:汽车正在颠倒



0078 - 卢先生完成头发后,他要求理发师将头发降低到“中间”。理发师说他做不到,为什么?答:他的头发很奇怪

0079 - 圣诞老人在圣诞节前夕将圣诞老人放入袜子的第一件事是什么?答:脚




0083 - 为什么拿破仑的词典中没有单词“困难”?答:他的词典是法语

0084 - 僧侣拿着雨伞的习惯是什么?答:没有头发,没有天空


0086 - 哪个火车最少?答案:Firetruck

0087 - 当人们说的时候是一个非常令人钦佩的人,但不想看到答案:上帝

0088 - 胖女孩病了,当别人来拜访她时,您最担心什么?答:照顾好自己


0090 - 为什么一条强壮的鸭子淹死在一条小河中?答:我很讨厌思考

0091 - 过去,那座充满黄金的山是哪种山?答:旧金山

0092 - 放在外面时铁生生锈,金色答案呢:它消失了

0093 - 农民养了10头牛,为什么只有19个角?答:其中之一是犀牛

0094 - Xiao Ming的父亲曾经成为官员,只担任官员几天。但是由于那个官员,他每天都必须为此付费。他成为了什么官员?答:新郎官员

0095 - 高高举起双手的时候更好?答:当一个人将手枪指向您的脑海时

0096 - Xiao Ming的房子住在五楼,但电梯破裂了,他没有自己上楼梯。但是他上了五楼,回到了家。这个可能的答案是:妈妈把他带到楼上

0097 - 一个苹果负一个苹果,猜一个词。答案:0

0098 - 三个金“ XIN”,三个水称为“ Miao”,三个人称为“ Zhong”




0102 - 蒙基每分钟可以打破一个玉米。在果园里,猴子在5分钟内可以打破多少玉米答案:它们都不能破裂

0103 - 小米的口袋里有10枚铜硬币,但它们都掉下来了。小米的口袋里剩下的答案是什么:还有一个洞

0104 - 比世界上天空高的答案:心脏高于天空

0105 - 空气中最有可能消失的宝贵事物:卫星

0106 - 三个孩子需要3分钟才能吃三个蛋糕。九十个孩子吃90个蛋糕需要多长时间?答:三分钟

0107 - 一个伟大的人在同一天与大狮子一起出生,这有什么关系?答:没关系



0110 - 哪件衣服最耐用?答:我最不喜欢的

0111 - 佛法的路易十四国王斩首了什么?答:孤儿

0112 - 世界上没有什么价格标签?答:爱

0113 - Xiaoyun和Ah Hua已经结婚了,为什么他们仍然秘密约会?答:他们正在和别人约会

0114 - 一个人可以大小的“地方”?答案:介意

0115 - 1年1月前,每个人都在做一件非常重要的事情。你还记得那是什么吗?答:每个人都在呼吸

0116 - 王王在跑步时始终保持相同的姿势?答:因为他在照片中

0117 - 它看起来像是左侧的电风扇,看起来像是右边的电风扇。尽管它看起来像电风扇,但它并没有转。这是什么?答案:电动停电的电风扇

0118 - 在什么情况下,每个人都会主动发挥火和水的精神?答:吃火锅时


0120 - 为什么一个人经常从十米高的情况下跳下没有任何安全设备答案:潜水运动员

0121 —xiao Wang经常由于工作需求而进行社交。尽管他每天都早就回家,但他的妻子仍然不断抱怨。为什么这个答案:他每天清晨回家

0122 - 为什么要从新疆uygur自治区爬上蜗牛到海南省只需要三分钟即可回答:它在地图上爬行

0123 - 一个不能游泳的人落入水中,但没有淹死。为什么答案:穿着救生衣

0124 - 事故发生后,第一组警察到达现场。他们发现驾驶员完好无损,在倾覆的车内和外部有血迹,但看不到死亡或受伤。这是一个旷野,被荒芜。答案是什么:因为这是一辆献血车

0125 - 哪种类型的人希望孩子越多越好?答:儿童产品很高

0126 - 一个人死后需要做的最后一件事是什么?答:屏住呼吸

0127 - 刘·贝伊(Liu Bei)拜访他三遍后,Zhuge Liang愿意见到他?答:因为我在前两次没有带礼物

0128 - 王王说,当太阳和月亮永远在一起时,他会旅行。您认为有可能吗?答:可能是明天

0129 - 在古代,没有时钟。有人饲养了一群鸡,但是黎明时,没有鸡告诉他黎明。这是为什么?答:他有一群母鸡


0131 - 小偷被杀在一家远东百货公司中。警察立即阻止了所有出口,但是小偷为什么仍然逃脱?为什么?答:小偷可以从入口逃脱

0132 - 您可以做到,我可以做到,每个人都可以做到,一个人可以做到,两个人不能一起做。这是什么答案:做梦

0133 - 尽管他是一个近视人,但他还是一个著名的贪婪男孩。他把一堆书放在他的面前,并在书后面放了一个苹果。您认为他会先阅读什么?答:您什么都看不到。

0134 - 用餐后,妻子向丈夫要求比赛。丈夫勤奋地将著名的品牌带走了,但妻子瞪了他一眼。为什么?答:较轻的牙齿如何去除牙齿


0136 - 世界上最干净的“球”是什么?答:卫生球

0137 - 每个人最喜欢的人是谁?答:你自己

0138 - 为什么一个没有武装的男人爬进狮子的笼子?答:狮子笼子是空的

0139 - 什么比黄金更容易吸引小偷?答:美丽

0140 - 老挝为什么要购买真正的药物而不是假药?答:他走私胳膊

0141 - 有没有一滴水的大海。这是什么样的海?答案:cihai

0142 - 为什么您只读“小说”而从未读过“大谈”?答:因为大俗话已经过去了

0143 - 钞票的新版本以不同的方式打印。为什么?答:数字不同


0145 - 黑人不必担心什么?答:晒黑

0146 - 一条面对天空的四腿,一条四腿朝向地面,一个非常痛苦,另一个很高兴,这是什么答案:猫和鼠标


0148 - 假装成功的人的方式是什么?答:填写数字

0149 - 您住在什么样的家?你可以不离开家而去上班吗?答:国家



0152 - 在短时间内反复反复改变思想的人们有哪些职业?答案:排队的讲师

0153 - 一个无家可归的人徘徊了50多年,突然停止了一天。为什么?答:他死了

0154 - 王每天都掉头头,他使用了所有方法。只有一种方法可以防止他永远掉头发。什么是解决方案?答:剃光

0155 - 什么动物在天空中有4英尺,地面2英尺,水中有3英尺?答:怪物

0156 - 购买一双高端女性皮鞋的价格为214元,5美分和6美分。购买一个要花多少钱?答:没有人卖

0157 - 500,000吨的油轮沉没。第一个表面是什么?答:空气

0158 - 为什么在罗丹雕塑中是“练习者”,不穿衣服?答:他试图穿那件衣服看起来不错

0159 - 一旦破裂,即使是最精确的乐器也找不到裂缝?答:感觉

0160 - 一只手可以做什么?答:切自己的指甲

0161 - 什么房子着火,但没人出来。答案:太平间

0162 - 房子肮脏而凌乱,我该如何在最短的时间内清理?答:闭上眼睛,失去眼睛。

0163 - 我们可以在生与死中生活吗?答:医院

0164 - 布商店中无法购买的布答案:Songtsen大蒜布

0165 - 什么不能用放大玻璃放大什么?答案:角度

0166 - 如果不幸的是,由于车祸而成为植被的偶像,电影迷会发生什么?答:非常英俊

0167 - 没有孩子或养育孩子或接受教母,在他们收养收养的孩子之前,他们首先成为母亲。我可以问:这个答案是谁:新郎

0168 - 是阿里巴巴和四十个小偷的故事吗?东方还是西方故事?答:这不是童话

0169 - 黑人和白人出生的婴儿,牙齿是什么颜色?答:婴儿尚未长出牙齿

0170 - 王家族的马可以吃旧Zhang家族的大象答案:因为他们在下棋

0171 - 为什么女人穿高跟鞋意味着她即将结婚?答:因为慢慢穿高跟鞋会让男人陷入困境很容易

0172 - 劳高(Lao Gao)骑着自行车十公里,但周围的风景从未改变。为什么答案:他骑着室内运动自行车


0174 - 哪种类型的人最有可能进入极端?答:ikismos

0175 - 狼在这里 - - 果实的名称答案:星星桃子

0176 - 为什么警察戴白带?答:不戴皮带的裤子会掉下来

0177 - 世界上最高的高峰是什么?答:高冯

0178 - 一个圆圈有多个方面?答:两个方面,一个外面,一个里面

0179 - 为什么要在结婚并举行葬礼时对客人吃晚饭?答:第一个宣布是家里还有一个人可以吃饭。之后,第一个宣布是在家吃饭的人少。

0180 - 如何使用最简单的方法使方程式x+i = ix保持?答案:1+x


0182 - 当4-3 = 5?答:计算错误时

0183 - 为什么蛇去皮?答:因为皮肤发痒

0184 - 为什么教室里应该有一个讲台?答:提高老师的状态

0185 - 为什么大炮大炮无法射击星星?答:因为星星会闪烁


0187 - 在餐厅吃饭后我应该做什么,我发现我没有带任何钱?答案:刷卡或征收信用

0188 - 大赛选美大赛 - 一个国家名称答案:以色列

0189 - 蓝色笔可以写红色字符吗?答:当然可以写一封红色的字母

0190 - 人体中最大的器官是什么?答:勇敢。

0191 - 需要30秒才能敲一个壁时钟六次,然后敲打12次?答案:66秒

0192 - 英语有多少字母?答:没有字母用中文

0193 - 王王从九岁起就有牙齿。为什么他90岁时仍然存在牙齿?答:昆虫已被替换

0194 - 为什么胖人比瘦人害怕阳光?答:防晒霜相对较大

0195 - 借钱无法偿还答案:借光

0196 - 刚刚起飞的飞机突然抽烟,跌落在地。为什么没有人受伤。答:每个人都死了

0197 - 当有人敲门的时候?您永远不会说请输入答案:当您在厕所里时

0198 - Liang Shanbo和Zhu Yingtai成为一双成对飞行后发生的事情。答:一堆毛毛虫

0199 - 每次死亡不超过1分钟,您可以多次死亡,在正常情况下,在正常情况下?答:死亡

0200 - 降落伞的三个人A,B和C。 A和B有遮阳伞,但C没有。但是后来C很好,A和B烦了。为什么?答案:A和B举行C葬

0201 - 世界上,人们以近2,000公里的速度奔向梅赛德斯,而无需加油或其他燃料。答:地球

0202 - 当在考试中做出判断问题时,小乌亚掷骰子以确定答案,但是这个问题中有20个问题,为什么他将其扔了40次?答:他想验证

0203 - 只有11厘米长的标尺只能用3个整数尺度雕刻,以测量1至11厘米之间任何整数厘米长的长度?如果可能的话,应该刻有哪些尺度?答:是的。秤可以位于2、7、8。


0205 - 如果核战争爆发,您认为哪两个地方人满为患?答:地球猴和天堂


0207 - 什么马不能奔跑?答:特洛伊木马


0209 - 为什么越来越多的人离婚?答:因为越来越多的婚姻是

0210 - 如果您没有狂犬病,您应该做什么?答:列出敌人清单


0212 - 您知道一个人的小牛应该多久吗?答:它应该成长直到撞到地面

0213 - 您有一艘船,有15名机组人员,60名乘客和300吨货物。您可以根据上述提示计算船东的年龄吗?答:您是否还需要计算船东的年龄?

0214 - Xiao Wang在该市租了一所房子,租约表示,如果大火意外造成并烧毁了房屋,则必须给他300万元人民币补偿。王不仅没有反对,他甚至主动填补了额外的零。为什么?答:我还是买不起

0215 - 您说一年半。在此期间,您在做什么?答:天生哭泣

0216 - 有一项可以准确告诉您的活动:美不是出于自然而出生,而是用言语说的。这是什么类型的活动?答:选择美丽

0217 - 您如何区分东南,西部和北?答:非常简单

0218 - 在什么情况下,有人将购物车推到前面并将其拉到后面,但它仍然会向前移动吗?答:下坡时


0220 - 我经常带我的狗在早上跑步,我和他很累,以至于我和他的出汗大量。为什么?答:你见过狗大汗汗

0221 - Jingjing突然打破了跳高记录。它是怎么做到的?答:她走在杆子下

0222 - 当您捏鼻子时,您看不到什么?答:当然是你自己的鼻子

0223 - 您一生每天都能在枕头上工作什么?答:铁路


0225 - 书呆子买了一本书,但第二天,他的母亲在沃洗脸上找到了这本书。为什么?答:他认为那本书太无聊了

0226 - 木马从图书馆回到家中睡着了。突然,他醒了,发现前排座椅上的驾驶员失踪了,但汽车仍在向前移动。为什么?答:汽车是锚定的,驾驶员将购物车推在后面。

0227-塑料袋中有六个橙子。您如何将它们均匀地分隔在三个孩子中,但是塑料袋中仍然有两个橙子? (您不能分开橙色)答案:当然,一个人有两个橙子,只有一个塑料袋给他。

0228 - 王阿姨有三个儿子,这三个儿子中的每个儿子都有一个姐姐和妹妹。王阿姨总共有几个孩子?答:五

0229 - 小偷“小手”偷走了附近一些富裕家庭的所有金,银和珠宝。为什么唯一尚未拥有反盗用设备或安全人员没有光顾的有钱人?答:他自己的家


0231 - dad要求小敏记住孔子的分析,他在一分钟内记住了整本书。小敏是天才吗?答:这不是因为他仅记住孔子的分析。

0232 - 老挝一家人遭受了巨大的损失,但是当警察通知该案解决了该案时,老挝呼吁慰问去看小偷。为什么?答:他想问一个秘密方法,即如何在半夜回家而不唤醒他的妻子

0233 - 小队的领导人告诉新秀,在拉动手榴弹的安全后,他数了五秒钟,然后才扔掉。新秀遵循了球队领导的指示,但他仍然被杀。为什么?答:因为新手有口吃

0234 - 什么样的老虎很恐怖,但不吃人?答:老虎

0235 - 电话很大,但是小米和他的兄弟没有接听电话。这是怎么回事?答:因为那是电视广告

0236 - 为什么AH Chen不能立即退出赌博?答:因为我退出右手和左手

0237 - 阳光明媚,为什么只有小小的湿透了?答:因为他在游泳

0238 - Nobita掌握了“吃西瓜而无需吐出种子”的技巧。他是如何练习的?答:我吃了一个无种子​​西瓜


0240 - Xiao Qin购买了一辆全新的跑车,但无法在路上驾驶。为什么这是?答:他买了玩具跑车

0241 - 尊严的中央图书馆没有“ Kangxi词典”的Ming版本。为什么这是?答案:清朝的人汇编了Kangxi词典。

0242 - 老师和牧师有一个共同点。你知道那是什么吗?答:您还可以睡觉

0243 - 过去,每个人都害怕“大兄弟”,但现在他们喜欢“大兄弟”。这是怎么回事?答:谁不喜欢大哥的电话号码

0244 - 最好是视而不见的?答:拍照

0245 - 格兰德玛(Grandma)喜欢她养育的猫。在猫的生日那天,她特别准备了五盘盘子,用一条鱼祝贺它。猫走到盘子上,犹豫了一会儿,然后从第三盘吃了鱼。为什么?答:很高兴

0246 - 为什么中国人这么多?答:因为汉(与)人。

0247 - 我女儿第一次参加舞蹈是什么,我母亲最担心的是什么?答:与狼跳舞

0248 - 每个孕妇经常想象她的孩子的未来外观,为什么只有Amei例外?答:她还不记得他父亲的样子

0249 - 猪皮肤的用途是什么?答:为猪肉


0251 - Xiaohu从“武术系列”一书中学到了很多技能,但是当他第一次看到不公正现象时,他被修复了。为什么?答:他正在看盗版版本

0252 - 为什么小敏拒绝使用“在同一...同一...”上使用句子?答:老师不是说“一个思想不能以两种方式使用”?

0253 - 在什么情况下24和44不是最简单的部分?答:在箔分数上写

0254 - 吴吴赞扬了女友的新衣服“非常漂亮”,但他被女友殴打。为什么?答:完整分数是一百

0255 - 如果您不想让母亲洗碗并自己做什么,该怎么办?答:对她说:“妈妈,明天请洗。”

0256 - 挖出孔时,田鼠没有在孔的入口周围留下泥浆。为什么?答:因为他先挖了

0257 - 一个中央已经结婚了几年,但没有生育孩子。为什么这是?答:他生了双胞胎

0258 - 有一个离婚的律师,但他站在妻子的身边,免费担任妻子的辩护律师,并帮助她向丈夫寻求更多的a养费。 In the end, the lawyer did not suffer any losses.为什么? Answer: Because this lawyer is the wife

0259—The teacher gave an essay with the title "If I were a chairman", and the classmates were writing with great care. Why didn't Xiaoqiang take action? Answer: He is waiting for his secretary to write for him

0260—Xiaoli only has 500 yuan on her body, but after get off work, she went to the department store with her colleagues to shop wildly and spent 5,000 yuan.她是怎么做到的? Answer: He uses a credit card

0261—What should I hide and use secretly, and then secretly hand it over to others after using it? Answer: Soft film

0262—There is a cobra in the forest, but it never bites people.你知道为什么吗? Answer: Because there is no one in that forest

0263—Why does Lao Li like to play mahjong with his wife and children? Answer: Only in this way can you recover some of your salary

0264—It is obviously a jar with sugar, but it has a label with "salt" written on it. Do you know what it does? Answer: Scam ants

0265—Why do you have to quit smoking twice? Answer: Do you quit your right hand or your left hand

0266—What would you do if you gave birth to a son with only one right hand? Answer: Why are he afraid of having a left hand?

0267—What car is the most unlikely to have a car accident? Answer: hearse

0268—Why are the person who often stretches his hands to others' bags not thieves? Answer: Customs inspector

0269—Meiling goes out to sleepwalking every night, why doesn't her husband take her to the hospital for treatment? Answer: She brings back two thousand yuan every time she comes back from sleepwalking

0270—What kind of duck eggs in the world cannot be eaten, cannot be cooked, but can be broken? Answer: Duck eggs for competition results.

0271—Lao Wang is an alcoholic. One day he went to see a doctor and the doctor warned him not to drink more than 4 glasses at a time. Why is Lao Wang still not afraid and drink 8 glasses at a time? Answer: Because he saw the doctor twice in a row

0272—There is a house with a fertilizer factory to the north and a winery to the south. It has its advantages.你知道那是什么吗? Answer: You can know what kind of wind is just as soon as you open the window

0273—Xiaohu's motorcycle has neither locked nor violated regulations, but it is still locked.为什么? Answer: I don't know that confused egg lock is wrong

0274—It is obviously a word "wrong", why does Xiaohua say "right"? Answer: It's indeed a word "wrong"

0275—Three people went down to the field together, but one of them always stood there and didn't take action.为什么? Answer: That's a scarecrow

0276—When a foreigner asked for directions, Xiao Ming tried his best to say English to him, but he couldn't understand at all.为什么这是? Answer: Because he is French

0277—Solmes spent half a day but could not find any clues or witnesses at the murder scene, but he immediately announced that the case was solved.为什么? Answer: Because the murderer surrendered

0278—The climate suddenly turned cold, and an ostrich decided to move south. May I ask which side should its head face south and its tail face north, and which side should its claws face? Answer: Ostrich can't fly

0279—Xiaojie loves bragging the most, but why does he say that everyone says his speech is very realistic? Answer: That's what he said himself

0280—The manager wanted to write a letter to his wife, so the oral statement was written by the female secretary. After writing it, the manager found that he missed the last sentence: "I love you."为什么? Answer: The female secretary thought it was told to her

0281—There are ten suns in the sky, why only nine are shot down in the rear wing? Answer: He doesn't want to go home in the dark

0282—When will we be arrogant? Answer: We walked alone in the cemetery in the middle of the night

0283—Who would shake his head for more than half an hour? Answer: Watch the football match

0284—Take a question about the title of relatives. If your great-grandfather's son is the one who married your mother, what should you call him? Answer: Did your son eat it?

0285—Why did Chang'e regret going to Guanghan Palace? Answer: Because there is no race moon cake on the moon

0286—Which thing is best for a person to close his eyes when he is doing? Answer: Save scary when you die

0287—Who else can take the bus every day without paying money besides the driver? Answer: Ticket Conductor

0288—When I was going through the exit procedures at the airport, I remembered that I forgot to get my passport. How can I get my passport in the shortest time? Answer: You can get it by opening the bag

0289—What is the most important thing for a person who intends to leave his hair to his waist? Answer: Don't go out in white at night

0290—Why do some people say: "The lover has a Xi Shi in his eyes"? Answer: Because love makes people blind

0291—Superman saw someone robbing in the bank, why didn't he stop it? Answer: The phone booth cannot be found

0292—Where is the higher the price of items, the happier the guests? Answer: Pawn shop

0293—The car should be run on the right, why is it okay for Mr. Yang to run on the left? Answer: Because he is driving on the country on the left

0294—Old Chen kept his eyes closed and never opened them when he worked. What kind of work does he do? Answer: Pretend to beg for blind people

0295—When there is no power outage or power off, why did Mr. Wu press the switch but the light did not light up? Answer: What he connected was that the TV switch would not light up.

0296—When Xiaodai was writing an essay one day, he found that he could not write the word "stupid", so he looked up the dictionary, but he couldn't find the word.为什么? Answer: She was stupid and went to check the English dictionary

0297—Anne's doctor boyfriend goes on a business trip in another place for a year and writes a love letter to Anne every two days. How many love letters will Anne receive in two months? Answer: No one, but he was too lazy to send a single letter.

0298—Asan is dead, why did Mao say with confidence: "The murderer is not me, there is definitely someone else!" Answer: Because Asan is from the TV mystery theater

0299—Why did a girl from the middle school in China faint in the toilet after entering the legendary haunted toilet? Answer: He forgot that the toilet door was pulled and pushed for a long time and couldn't open it.

0300—Someone shot five bullets at the target, and scored a total of 100 points. Where did he hit it? Answer: Just one shot is exactly one hundred

0301—A bet with B: "I can bite my right eye." B didn't believe it, so A took down his fake right eye and bit it in his mouth and bit it five times. A said again, "I can still bite my left eye." B still didn't believe it, but A won again.他是怎么做到的? Answer: He took off his dentures and bit his left eye

0302—Most people use their left hand to hold the bowl and the right hand to eat, right? Answer: What do you need to do with your mouth

0303—No tears will not be seen in the coffin” can be used to describe a stubborn person. Do you know who is a dead tough guy who "does not cry when he sees the coffin"? Answer: Of course, it's a dead person

0304—Old Wu smokes two packs of cigarettes a day, and his wife forces him to reduce the amount by half. So Lao Wu divides the day into two periods and smokes at the same interval speed in the past. In fact, Lao Wu's cigarette volume has not decreased.为什么? Answer: His division is that awake and sleep are equal to no less

0305—Old Li stood on the road and was stumbled, but the police did not come to drive him away.为什么? Answer: Lao Li is a policeman

0306—A frog falls into a dry well thirty meters deep. If it can jump two meters high each time, how many times does it need to jump out of the wellhead? Answer: He had already fallen to death at such a deep dry well

0307—Why did Zhou Yu, a handsome man from the Three Kingdoms, say with emotion: "Since Yu is born, why do you give birth to Liang?" Answer: Because Zhuge Liang is more handsome than Zhou Yu

0308—Dabao, who has always loved to eat cake the most, why can't he even eat the 14 small pieces of cake in front of him today? Answer: Because he just finished that 3/4

0309—Why did Ah Fa secretly tell Smoky that he forgot to pull the zipper on his pants, but Smoky didn't care? Answer: Because Afa is talking about himself

0310—A young man in love jumped down from a two-story overpass, but was unscathed.这是怎么回事? Answer: Because he is an actor and is making a movie

0311—My mother is clearly calling Dabao, but the one who comes out is Xiaobao.为什么? Answer: Dabao is not here

0312—What is the smaller the more you rub? Answer: Eraser

0313—What will radish become when you get drunk? Answer: Carrot

0314—What does one plus one equal to? Answer: No three or four

0315—It takes four minutes to cook an egg, and how many minutes to cook eight eggs? Answer: Four minutes

0316—What are you not afraid of cloth, but only stones? Answer: Scissors.

0317—Why do elephants have such a long nose? Answer: He loves to lie

0318—A cow eats three hectares of grass a year. Five cows are raised on the pasture with an area of ​​30 hectares. How long does it take to finish all of them? Answer: They will never finish eating after the spring breeze blows.

0319—He can actually go backwards and move forward.这是怎么回事? Answer: Walk in the opposite direction of the car

0320—The flow of the atmosphere is called "air flow"; the flow of river water is called "water flow"; what about the flow of wind? Answer: Romantic

0321—In the past, people had to check the other party's third generation first when they got married, but what do people nowadays have to check? Answer: Pocket

0322—The Indian government stipulates that men are not allowed to marry his widow's sister.为什么? Answer: Since there is a widow, it means that I am dead, of course I can't marry again

0323—I followed the signpost to Keelung, but ran to Taoyuan.为什么? Answer: The typhoon just passed, the road sign fell

0324—It is obviously a good day when the sun is clear, but someone says, "A typhoon will blow soon!" Why did he say that? Answer: Because now in the eyes of a typhoon

0325—Afazi looks very similar to his family, but everyone says Afazi is not their child.为什么? Answer: Because he is a father

0326—What is the one who wears clothes when he goes out and when he gets home? Answer: Clothes rack

0327—Put a watermelon and ice cube on both sides of the balanced seesaw, with the weight equal. If it is just placed like this, in which direction will the seesaw tilt in the end? Answer: The watermelon is melted and rolls

0328—Where is the place where you can get a full customer if you enter? Answer: Toilet

0329—Why do anyone refuse to save him when he sees death? Answer: What else can I save after death

0330—The news published in the newspaper may not be true, but what news is absolutely not fake? Answer: Date

0331—The elevator was crowded with people, and it suddenly fell shortly after rising. Why was no one injured? Answer: All Deaths

0332—A famous car thief, when there was no one around one day, he saw a Cadillac, but he didn't do anything.为什么? Answer: The car belongs to him

0333—To describe a girl who looks good, what do she happiest to say? Answer: Lies

0334—A blind man was about to walk to the edge of the cliff and suddenly turned around and walked back.为什么? Answer: Because he only blinded one eye

0335—Every morning, rise from the east and fall from the west, guess something with five words? ? Answer: Yes, it's the sun (a little stuttering).

0336—There is a man living on the 13th floor. He takes the elevator to the first floor every day when he goes out, but when he comes back, he only takes the fourth floor and then climbs upstairs. Why is the answer: He is too short and can't press the button

0337—Cao Lan stopped a taxi on the side of the road, and was immediately driven out by the driver after she got into the car.为什么? Answer: Because the driver asked him where he went, she said she would not tell you.

0338—What should I call a rabbit or a turtle when I was a child? Answer: Babies, Turtle, Son

0339—Xiao Chen eats instant noodles in the middle of the night, why is he staring at the watch while eating? Answer: The edible period of the bread noodles has reached today

0340—Why would Lao Chen say that he couldn't survive even if he didn't have a day without a woman? Answer: He is a cosmetics manufacturer

0341—My uncle's sister-in-law, but not my uncle, so who is she? Answer: My mother

0342—I have nine apples, but I have to share them with thirteen children.我应该怎么办? Answer: Squeeze juice

0343—What is the biggest difference between newspaper news and television news? Answer: You can save the newspaper after reading it.

0344—There was an airplane crash and the scene was broken. It was surprising that no injuries were found.为什么? Answer: It's a remote-controlled aircraft

0345—Old Zhang accidentally swallowed a gold coin, why did he not take it out after surgery ten years? Answer: Because I was not in a hurry to use money

0346—It's dark and bright for one day, but once it's dark twice, it's still only one day passed. Can you guess the reason? Answer: It's a total solar eclipse

0347—A person has a high fever of 50 degrees. Who should he ask for help at this time? Answer: Fire brigade

0348—Why is a bottle of medicine marked with a highly toxicity harmless to people? Answer: Unless you drink it

0349—Xiao Ming handed in the picture class that all painted black, why did the teacher pass the exam? Answer: Because Xiao Ming painted a black man catching a crow in the middle of the night

0350—The pregnant bitch is afraid of people kicking it, but there is a guy kicking it. It neither avoids nor gets angry.为什么? Answer: Because that guy kicks in his belly

0351—What is the word "one person"? Answer: Too

0352—There are three foxes on the hill. The hunter shot and killed one. Ask how many foxes there are on the hill? Answer: One

0353—Xiaohua and Xiaohan made an appointment to have dinner at school at 12 o'clock noon. After Xiaohua looked at the watch, he hurried to find Xiaohan. After meeting, Xiaohan said to Xiaohua, "Do you believe in 9+4=1?" Xiaohua blushed after hearing this.为什么? Answer: 9 o'clock plus 4 o'clock is 1 o'clock

0354—A sheep not only does not fear it, but also eats the tiger.这是怎么回事? Answer: That's a paper test

0355—What is one of the most passionate and most difficult to satisfy passions in people's hearts? Answer: Curiosity

0356—It takes 24 hours to rotate the earth in one circle, how many hours to rotate half a circle? Answer: 6 hours

0357—Xiao Ming and Xiao Han each bought three bouquets of flowers. They tied the flowers together and prepared to give them to the teacher. So how many bouquets of flowers the teacher received? Answer: Things are over

0358—A man asked someone to draw a portrait of the twelve zodiac animals. In the end, only snakes were left but not painted.为什么? Answer: Because he is afraid of adding to his sarcasm

0359—Liangliang drove the car behind a cabriolet, but there was no driver.为什么? Answer: The car is broken and dragged away by the car in front.

0360—The kindergarten teacher takes out a pack of candy and prepares to give it to the children. If one person is divided into one piece, one more piece will be added, one person is divided into two pieces, and another two pieces will be owe. How many children are there at least? How many pieces of candy? Answer: Three kids four pieces of candy

0361—Ming bought a bag of fruit, but when he got home, he was empty-handed. He promised not to steal or lose it.什么原因? Answer: I gave it to someone

0362—In addition to giraffes that can be seen in zoos and Africa, what other places can be seen? Answer: Exam room

0363—Dayong boasted to his friends: During class today, the teacher asked a question. None of the whole class except him answered correctly. What question do you think the teacher asked? Answer: Say: "Dayong, why are you late again?"

0364—Three lit candles were placed on the paper box. A gust of wind blew, one was blown out, and the other two continued to burn, and how many candles would be left in the end? Answer: None of them remain

0365—Dayong accidentally fell into the water tank. There were no adults around at that time, and the children were in a hurry. How could they save Dayong as quickly as possible? Answer: Break the tank

0366—Dayong said that he is very familiar with the teachers in the school and can go anywhere in the school, but Xiaohan said that he has a place he can never go in. What is it? Answer: Women's restroom

0367—A ball and an iron ball fall from a high building, who will land first? Answer: Iron ball

0368—Tuesday passed on Wednesday, Wednesday passed on Thursday, but Thursday passed on Sunday, why answer: Two more calendars were torn

0369—A fat man got on the bus without a monthly ticket or buying a ticket. Why did the ticket seller ask him to take the starting point from the beginning to the end point? Answer: It's a driver

0370—Xiao Ming is 5 years old, Xiao Liang is 3 years old, Xiao Han is one year apart from each other, so how old is Xiao Han? Answer: Four years old

0371—Han caught a little bird. She put the bird on the table, but the bird did not fly.什么原因? Answer: The bird is dead

0372—Dayong always loves to brag. He said that he could take a glass of water away without any container. The children didn't believe it, but he did it.这是怎么回事? Answer: Upside down the cup in a basin filled with water

0373—When you are playing games, you are the commander, you have two commanders, five regiment commanders, ten platoon commanders and twenty-five soldiers. So how old is their commander this year? Answer: How old are you

0374—Xiao Han's mother irons clothes. It takes five minutes for one piece of clothes and three minutes for a pair of pants. Now there are three small pieces and a pair of pants. How many minutes does Xiao Han's mother take all of them? Answer: 18 minutes

0375—What is the difference between a cat and a pig? Answer: One is pet and the other is food

0376—A heavy rain, farmers busy farming were leaving, but there was still no one left.为什么? Answer: It's a scarecrow

0377—Three geckos were crawling on the wall. Not long after one geckos fell, the other two fell down.发生了什么? Answer: Because one was dozing off, the other two clapped and applauded, and fell down.

0378—There is a turtle on a certain island, and there is a coconut tree in the center. There is an island next to the island. The turtle wants to go there, but he is not very good at swimming. How should it pass? Answer: He is still thinking

0379—The bus is coming, a lady in a long skirt invested 8 yuan, the driver asked her to get on the bus, the second lady in a mini skirt invested 4 yuan, the driver also asked her to get on the bus, and the third lady did not invest money, the driver still asked her to get on the bus, why? Answer: She uses a ticket

0380—Why are there fewer A Bing Ge in the Air Force? Answer: Of course there are fewer air forces

0381—What is the relationship between the samurai sword and the Japanese? Answer: They are friends with caesarean section

0382—In the restaurant, there are two mothers and daughters having a meal, each of whom ordered a steak worth 700 yuan, but they only paid 2,100 yuan.为什么? Answer: These two mothers and daughters are grandma and mother daughters.

0383—Amei is in the Department of Philosophy at T University. She squeezes into the bus at 8 o'clock every morning to go to school. Today, there is a space left after she squeezes into the bus.Amei falls asleep unknowingly after she gets on it. She suddenly wakes up and finds that the whole car is empty except her, but the car is still moving forward.为什么? Answer: The car broke down and the driver and passenger were pushing the cart below

0384—Walking into a store, I saw the boss and the customer were negotiating. The boss tried hard to kill the price, but the customer kept raising the price.为什么? Answer: Because the customer comes to sell the car

0385—Someone bought a can of easy-to-open pesticide and planned to commit suicide. His lover also asked to die together, but the amount of pesticide must be a whole can before it will die. As a result, both of them died.为什么? Answer: Open the pesticide tank and get another one

0386—What kind of food is the most disgusting? Answer: Half a bug is hidden in it after eating half an apple

0387—Xiao Chen rushed to Ximending to watch the early movie Sunday morning. When he arrived in Ximending, he couldn't see half of the person. Why did the answer: There are so many people but not half of them.

0388—A baby weighed ten kilograms in a week after drinking milk.为什么? Answer: That's a cow

0389—Xiao Ming brought one hundred yuan to buy a 75 yuan thing, but the boss only found five yuan for him.为什么? Answer: Xiao Ming only gives the boss the yuan

0390—Why did Grandpa Li not only feel sorry for his 100,000 yuan after being robbed by the criminals of 100,000 yuan, but instead laughed? Answer: Because the gangster was played by his grandson who went to kindergarten

0391—"Failure is the mother of success", so what is success in failure? Answer: Antonyms

0392—A fat man and the thin man walked together. The fat man was suddenly knocked down by the falling high-voltage wire. The fat man died, but the thin man did not touch the fat man or the wire, but he was also dead.为什么? Answer: The thin man was fried to death

0393—Someone has the alcohol content of drinking a dozen sorghum, but he got drunk after only half a bottle of beer tonight.为什么? Answer: He just drank a dozen tall groves not long ago

0394—When will you see the most stars? Answer: Step on a mine

0395—Why do dinosaurs die? Answer: There was no Animal Conservation Association at that time

0396—You can have another can of Coke, and you can buy laundry detergent or get a big free gift. So which store can't buy one free get a free gift? Answer: Coffin Shop

0397—What is the happiest thing to do? Answer: Happy surgery

0398—Which country is Joan of Arc from? Answer: Heaven

0399—Why is there sadness Juliet? Answer: Because of the love of Romeo

0400—Why are there stars in the sky? Answer: Prove that Einstein's theory of relativity has stars in the sky and orangutans under the ground.

0401—How to clarify yourself when you can't even wash it off even if you jump to the Yellow River? Answer: Jump to Chengqing Lake

0402—How did the Mongolians riding horses walk? Answer: Step

0403—Why don't most people like to celebrate their 32nd birthday? Answer: No one will insert three long and two shorts into the cake.

0404—What can you see even with your eyes closed? Answer: Dream

0405—Pippi, who has just been studying in kindergarten, has only been learning English for a month but can talk to foreigners without any difficulties.为什么? Answer: Foreigners talk to him in Mandarin

0406—Taiwanese went to Hawaii for vacation, but they drowned at the beach, shouting for help, but no one paid attention to him.为什么? Answer: No one understands Chinese

0407—When Napoleon commanded the battle, he shouted "Run!" Why did all the soldiers not move? Answer: Napoleon said how can Chinese soldiers understand

0408—Xiaolong's father saw that Xiaolong's schoolbag was filled with money, but he ignored it.为什么? Answer: That's children's toys

0409—Xiaoyan stood in the middle of the road, and a car with a speed of 90 kilometers per hour rushed by, but she was not hit and killed.为什么? Answer: Xiaoyan stands on the overpass

0410—A sow brought 10 piglets across the river, carrying 3 piglets on his back. After crossing the river, he calculated that there were still 10 piglets.为什么? Answer: The sows don't count

0411—One day, Xiaoying screamed when she saw Xiao Ming. Seeing this, Xiao Ming also screamed, why? Answer: Because they are playing games

0412—Xiao Wang opened a hospital, and the business has not been very satisfactory. One day, his hospital suddenly had a lot of traffic.为什么? Answer: Because he posted a 70% discount on hospitalization today at the entrance of the hospital

0413—Xiao Hua, who is 168 cm tall, came back from a baseball game one day but became 170 cm.为什么? Answer: Because he was hit, he grew a two-centimeter bag

0414—In a racing competition, a car hit a big tree, the car completely smashed, but the driver was unharmed.为什么? Answer: That's a remote control car race

0415—The old boy who lives in the countryside of Taiwan has a rooster crowing every morning. Now he is at his son's house in the United States. No matter how the rooster crows, the old boy wakes up. Why answer: The American rooster is pronounced in English

0416—The criminal robbed the MTV store and shot the owner. In desperation, the owner pulled out a roll of shadows and blocked them.他很安全。为什么? Answer: The gangster is holding a water gun

0417—The government advocated "Don't let Chang'e laugh at us as dirty" on the Mid-Autumn Festival last year, but this year it did not.为什么? Answer: Because Chang'e died of laughter last year

0418—Picking "bone" in an egg means deliberately causing trouble for someone, so what does it mean to pick "stone" in an egg? Answer: Chicken has kidney stones and must pick stones

0419—Xiao Ming went to participate in a joke-telling competition. Xiao Ming kept applying ice to his mouth along the way.为什么? Answer: I'm afraid the jokes will not be new then

0420—What should you do when your girlfriend asks you for the stars in the sky? Answer: Punch him and tell me if he wants the moon

0421—Whose festival is April 1st? Answer: Yours

0422—Why is there a typhoon in summer? Answer: Because he wants to hibernate

0423—Why is lightning always faster than thunder? Answer: Because Lei Gong said that ladies are preferred

0424—What is his greatest wish for a prisoner who is about to be executed? Answer: Wear a bulletproof jacket

0425—As a Chinese, do you know why you must eat mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival? Answer: You can eat sun cakes

0426—Xiaobao's mother, after reading the milk powder advertisement, went to buy Canadian pollution-free milk powder. As a result, Xiaobao still had diarrhea after eating it.为什么? Answer: Because it was made from Taiwan

0427—Datou bought a pair of shoes, but he has never worn them before. He walked around with his shoes. What is the purpose of? Answer: He said that shoes will be broken if worn for a long time

0428—Xiao Mao likes exercise. One day he does intense exercise under the high temperature of 38 Celsius, so why can't he sweat? Answer: He swims in the water

0429—What are the names of the twins born by Bai Bingbing and Guan Gong? Answer: Pink Party

0430—There are 100 birds on the tree. What method can I use to catch them all? Answer: Use a camera

0431—Xiaohua asked Li Mingyi to sign, but Li Mingyi refused to answer like this.为什么? Answer: Xiaohua asked him to sign in the spouse column of his ID card

0432—When is the most enjoyable time for the second child? Answer: When the boss is not here, you can't bully the second

0433—One day, Xiao Chen accidentally hit a telephone pole, why did even his hands hurt? Answer: Because Xiao Chen beat the telephone pole hard

0434—The famous singer Luo Dayou appeared on the bustling streets of Ximending one day, but why didn't half of him recognize him? Answer: Because he forgot to wear sunglasses

0435—Why are the Eskimos the only ones who live in the North Pole? Answer: Because they are lonely people who love to be lonely

0436—What's going on after Superman and Supergirl leaned forward? There was one hole and two holes on the ground? Answer: Superman with one hand Superwoman with both hands

0437—When is the best day for divorce? Answer: January 23 (Freedom Day)

0438—Why is a paper airplane costing NT$100 million? Answer: That was a NT$100 million paper note

0439—When did Huang Xinjie only choose unity but not independence? Answer: When buying fresh milk

0440—What should I do when my life is not smooth? Answer: Use "Philips" to iron it

0441—What is the difference between Taiwan's traffic lights and Japan's? Answer: Taiwan's reference book

0442—An old lady was reading a newspaper. A mosquito was trying to bite her, but the old lady didn't move her hands and feet. Why did the mosquito suddenly die? Answer: Because he was killed by the old lady's wrinkles

0443—How can a man fall in love at first sight? Answer: Don't let him look at you

0444—The two fathers and one son are in the same room, but the three of them have nine hands in total.为什么? Answer: The three generations of grandparents and grandchildren are both pickpockets

0445—Why did the US military suffer fewer casualties than the Iraqi army during the Persian Gulf War? Answer: There are more black people in the United States

0446—Zhiming said he could whistle and brush his teeth. What do you think he did? Answer: He is wearing a denture

0447—In the study of the wealthy businessman Chen, although there are three bullet holes on the wall, there are no external injuries on his body. How do you guess he died? Answer: I laughed to death for laughing at the poor gunshots

0448—After Xiaoling came home from school, she found that she forgot to bring the key. What should she do to enter the house? Answer: Just open the door without lock

0449—What was the greatest discovery in the genetics community last year? Answer: Sparrow turns into a phoenix

0450—Is there anything more painful than watching a good friend get on the electric chair with his own eyes? Answer: He still holds my hand before he dies

0451—What rat crawls the slowest? Answer: Help the rat on the turtle.

0452—What is the relationship between artist Fang Fang and Fang Fangfang? Answer: One is the square of the square and the other is the square cube.

0453—What soup is the most "fresh" to cook? Answer: Boil "fish" broth and "lamb" broth

0454—What does it mean to stand on the earth and stand on the sky? Answer: Stand upside down

0455—What kind of food does the pilot never eat? Answer: Drunk Chicken

0456—A little polar bear woke up in the morning and kept asking his mother bear if he was a little raccoon. His mother replied: "Of course you are a polar bear", but why did he still not believe it? Answer: Because he feels very cold

0457—There is a 100-meter-long railway track with a horizontal bar placed every 1 cm. How many horizontal bars are there in total? Answer: 0, because there are no horizontal wood on the rails

0458—One day, a class of students were taking the exam. There was a student who answered, why did the teacher beat him up? Answer: Because he read the answer to his classmates

0459—Will an infertile woman's child inherit her infertility? Answer: Infertile women cannot give birth to children at all

0460—What English letter does everyone read every day? Answer: Z

0461—What games can't a little boy and a little girl play when they are together? Answer: Can't play rock-scissors (two kids don't guess 0

0462—Someone suffers from hypertension. The doctor said that it would be fine if he should not eat too salty, but he decided to move when he heard this.为什么? Answer: Because he lives in Tainan, Yanshui, intends to move to Tamsui in Taipei.

0463—The sign of a laundry says "Twenty-four-hour delivery". Xiao Gao took it to wash today. Why did the boss say it would take three days to get it? Answer: Because he is catching a black gun, not a white gun

0464—The sign of a laundry says "Twenty-four-hour delivery". Xiao Gao took it to wash today. Why did the boss say it would take three days to get it? Answer: Because you work eight hours and three days a day, it's exactly 24 hours

0465—What explanation is given if you have more will but less strength? Answer: I know the meaning but I can't explain it

0466—Xiao Ming goes out to the street to buy vegetables with his mother every day, and he catches his mother's skirt every time, but this time he gets lost.为什么? Answer: Because my mother was wearing a miniskirt that day

0467—What should I do if I call? Answer: Watch TV

0468—Walking alone at night, what sentence is most afraid of hearing? Answer: What kind of blood type do you have

0469—Why do cannibals only need to add a lot of cow dung to season when cooking female stars? Answer: They can't bear it if the perfume smells too strong

0470—You hold a bow and arrow in your hand and see two werewolfs at night. Which one will you shoot first? Answer: Moon

0471—Old Ding is 1.68 meters tall, but why does his height become 1.72 meters tall after his death? Answer: He was hanged by a rope

0472—The newlyweds get married, and the groom (mother) is not you. How do you avenge a single arrow at her (his) wedding? Answer: In Xinlang bride sends off guests and says goodbye to them with a smile

0473—No one is afraid of any monster? Answer: No wonder

0474—Why is the richer the more the coffin is, the bigger the coffin is? Answer: It's more convenient to turn over

0475—When you go out, look at the sky, when you enter, look at the face, what should the female ghost look at when she comes knocking on the door? Answer: See who is the most lustful

0476—Seven good people and three bad guys boarded the same ferry. The boat capsized halfway through, and the seven good people sank into the water and drowned, but the three bad guys quickly surfaced.为什么? Answer: Because the egg can only float up after it breaks.

0477—When you encounter any festival, everyone is sad? Answer: Umbrella Festival

0478—What should I do when I am addicted to smoking when I walk at night? Answer: See if there is any ghost fire to light

0479—What should you do if a water monster suddenly pops up nearby while you are rowing in Loch Ness and you forget to bring your
