自2010年成立以来,小米一直深入智能手机市场,并保持了“低毛利 +高质量”的概念,以创建产品,形成三个主要的业务领域:智能手机,智能硬件和互联网服务。通过重点关注用户体验的硬件产品,新的零售渠道确保产品以慷慨的价格有效地出售产品,并且“三角洲”丰富了互联网服务,它已经发展成为一家综合技术公司。
IDC预计到2020年,全球智能手机GACR仅为2.8%。手机用户的消费升级趋势是稳定的。小米投资于研发,以加速技术创新和随访,同时保持其具有成本效益的优势,促进其自己的产品结构的改善,并向上移动到那些为客户购买能力较高的人。积极渗透到海外业务中的新兴市场。 2018年,印度的市场份额达到30.3%,排名第一,海外市场收入份额为36.24%。随着公司继续在海外市场中复制国内模式,海外收入的比例为进一步增加的空间提供了空间。
2013年,小米开始部署其物联网业务。目前,全球物联网市场份额达到1.9%,超过了第二名,市场份额为1.2%,亚马逊已成为全球第一名。 2018年,H1的物联网和消费品业务收入达到104亿元人民币,同比增长104.3%。这是三个主要业务中增长最快的部分,已成为该公司收入增长的新引擎。该公司依靠小米的品牌优势和供应链的优势,通过持有股票而不是控制股票,出口公司的设计能力,质量控制能力,供应链能力等,参与物联网企业,并通过当前的2.06亿MIUI用户和未来的Mijia智能硬件来支持互联网业务。通过其高毛利润和低毛利润硬件业务,IoT群集效应得到了揭示。
作为具有交通资源的渠道,小米具有强大的用户粘性。目前,在移动应用程序中,小米的38个本机应用程序每月有1000万个活力,其中小米App Store的分销量在2018年初超过1,200亿。目前,小米的ARPU为58元,与该公司目标客户的实际情况保持一致。为了提高客户消费水平,该公司已逐渐从简单的频道分布转变为手机游戏的深入操作。
在物联网行业的整体发展,政策支持和行业标准的进一步统一的推动下,中国消费者物联网市场的规模预计将在2022年达到3118亿美元,并在资本的帮助下,预计将出生大量的行业领导者。我们对小米的光资产扩展模型感到乐观。我们认为,其随后量表扩展的核心逻辑在于出口公司的航空公司航空公司级别的支持,通过Business + Capital增强对工业连锁店的控制,从而保持了成本效益的优势。目前,该公司围绕电子消费产品建立了一个集成的产品系统,主要基于智能手机。我们对操作(1)手机外围设备感到乐观; (2)智能可穿戴设备; (3)后端数据收集和处理业务,并且正在蚂蚁市场,并且很容易成长为领先的生态连锁企业投资机会。建议注意具有强大产品系统输出功能的人,并作为跨类别IoT产品服务平台的目标。关键建议:为小米的插电董事会业务有驱动力的上海技术在其自己的数据中心和行业规模上拥有巨大的增长空间。
自2010年成立以来,小米一直深入参与智能手机市场,积极地适应用户的成本效益需求,并保持了“低毛利 +高质量 +高质量”的概念,以创造产品,并成功整合了新的零售,互联网服务,互联网服务和智能硬件业务,以发展成为一家综合技术公司。它的主要业务包括智能手机,互联网服务,物联网和消费产品。业务模型被总结为“三角素”:(1)专注于用户体验的硬件产品; (2)可以确保产品以慷慨的价格和(3)丰富互联网服务有效出售产品的新零售渠道。
小米以其智能手机产品而闻名,但其业务范围比传统制造商更复杂。通过业务数据,小米的智能手机业务在此阶段在全球市场发货量中排名第四。在过去三年中,该公司的营业收入占其智能手机业务的70%以上,使其成为无可争议的主要业务。相比之下,在过去三年中,互联网业务的收入份额一直保持在9%左右,单一用户ARPU仅为9.1美元,在各种货币化领域(例如手机游戏,广告发行和互联网融资)中似乎有些乏味。从另一个角度来看:小米在7年内以整合工业链 +低硬件利润的形式成功地在世界智能手机市场中占有一席之地,并迅速在消费者物联网领域获得了立足点,无疑,该领域使投资者可以看到其交通运营和销售能力的广泛前景。因此,关于小米模型的思考主要集中在两个方向上:
1。将智能硬件的清单视为转移其电子商务业务的渠道。也就是说,通过小米智能硬件的入门级特征,在线电子商务流量转移得以实现,同时降低销售成本并推动其他智能硬件的销售,从而实现小米的“销售硬件 - 形成新的频道 - 形成新的频道 - 通过销售更多的硬件来促进更多的硬件。
小米成立于2010年4月,并于2011年8月发布了第一张小米手机。作为一家以移动电话硬件而闻名的公司,其早期阶段的第一批产品是第三方手机操作系统MIUI,由Android System进行了优化,定制和开发,该公司比第一台移动电话更早。与其他著名的国内制造商相比,小米特别强调其“米粉经济”。从“出生为发烧”到“参与感”,从“年轻人的第一台手机”到“让用户尖叫”,在“ MI粉丝经济”的四个单词之后,是小米社区的毛毛,高达900万,中国的MIUI用户数量为2.06亿,而9亿则是海外的。
在“参与意义”中,小米技术副总裁Li Wanqiang提到了小米的社会营销策略:社区是小米用户发展参与感的基础。在此基础上,建立参与感的三种策略是“制作热产品,成为粉丝和自我媒体”,并围绕“主题 +活动”创建沟通热点。我们认为,隐含的逻辑是:在通过大量曝光获得传播优势之后,为了进一步巩固水稻粉丝的经济,用户可以通过使用小米的产品实现身份和生活方式的统一性。
一方面,小米使用丰富的主题和参与感,使用户感到自己不再是与小米买卖之间的简单关系。使用Core Fever用户自发促进,传播基于事件的营销,以低成本的用户群体快速增长,并通过用户身份维持品牌忠诚度。另一方面,我们通过在线“ Cool Wanbang”和离线小米的家中指导用户的生活方式,专注于绩效亮点,培养强大的粘性用户,并且自然为大规模促进未来的生态连锁产品和智能家居的大规模铺平了道路。小米业务构想的另一个体现是通过与用户的强烈互动来了解,并进一步满足公众的基本需求,从而节省了消费者的教育成本。它不仅通过社区效应来增强消费者的忠诚度,而且还避免了创新和使用新技术带来的风险,这与公司的“轻资产”概念相辅相成。
小米既是“快速”的公司,又是“轻”公司。与大多数技术公司相比,小米已经迅速发展:根据全球手机统计数据,小米在7年内的收入超过了1000亿元人民币,成为全球第四大智能手机市场份额。与其他手机制造商相比,小米已经轻巧:在早期,它仅运行在线销售渠道,在发布产品后,它是根据订单生产的,独立设计和生产的OEM,其R&D占很小比例的。在过去的三年中,总研发量甚至不如华为的GPU Turbo的单一投资大。小米在“轻”和“快速”的背后是对市场趋势的精确掌握。小米放弃了其资本密集型和长期的研发业务,并严重依赖原材料采购,以在智能手机饱和之前获得相当大的市场份额;当在线流量成本仍然很低时,选择在线渠道并执行流量转换,并在移动互联网中占据领先地位。小米凭借其强大的资源整合能力和生产链优化,领先于几年比推出智能手机的推出,以极快的速度和低端市场占领了其销售价格,并以非常快速的速度夺取了中高端市场。
根据TechInsights的估计,三星S9+的毛利率约为55%,而Apple iPhone X的毛利率高于60%。相比之下,小米在2015年的智能手机业务总体毛利率仅为3.25%,其2017年的毛利率仅为11.59%。并不难看到它打算基于毛利较低的利润来建造护城河。在公司开发的早期阶段,小米和苹果也有类似的路线,也就是说,他们通过使用手机硬件将互联网增值服务与突破相匹配,从而获得了利润。 However, Apple then relied on the gradual consolidation of its own R&D and the IOS operating system platform to move towards the path of ultra-high gross profit margin and distribution profitability, while Xiaomi followed the "high quality + low gross profit" route, first creating scale advantages through cost-effectiveness, and then obtained traffic while matching high gross profit value-added services around traffic to make profits, and took a different route from traditional consumer goods companies in the core direction选择推动公司的增长。 Lei Jun曾经预测,智能手机的受欢迎程度将在2010年开始五年之后。在2010年,当4G网络尚不受欢迎时,作为一家创业公司,可以选择积极地降低硬件的毛利润以换取货物。这被用作进入移动互联网行业的交通入口,这显示了其对互联网行业发展的愿景。
在一个成熟的市场中,一个领域将生产两个或三家为80%客户提供服务的大公司,其20%的客户由该部门的其他小公司服务。蚂蚁市场是指领先公司几乎没有市场份额,而小型企业没有显着差异的市场。一个典型的例子是中国射程引擎盖行业。 Fangtai,Boss和Shuaikang的市场份额不到30%,其余的70%除以成千上万的小型企业。 Xiaomi's IoT business focuses on the Ant market, is good at nurturing imported-level hot products, intending to build a leader in the segmented industry, and provides aircraft carrier-level support for ecological chain companies such as supply chain, channels, product standards, investment and financing through the way of participating in shares but not controlling shares, and build a "bamboo forest-style" ecological chain.
2013年下半年开始部署的物联网业务被认为是小米的下一个趋势。根据Iresearch Statistics的数据,小米目前的全球物联网市场份额为1.9%,超过了第二名,市场份额为1.2%,亚马逊已成为世界第一。同时,截至2017年底,中国市场上有13亿个智能硬件设备,据估计,到2022年,全国各地的智能硬件设备将有45亿个连接的智能硬件设备,从2017年到2022年的复合年增长率约为28.19%,而且市场空间广泛。
(2)产品频谱宽,在类似产品下很少有SKU。 SKU的规模反映了业务模型的选择。零售巨头沃尔玛(Walmart)拥有20,000多种产品,而Costco只有4,000种产品。这两条路线表示:“大而完整”和“小而精致”。作为一家具有离线零售业务的互联网公司,小米的电子商务小米购物中心拥有超过20,000个SKU,而小米之家只有200-300 SKUS。与传统的家庭电子商务相比,小米在细分领域中具有广泛的产品线和SKU非常限制。这不仅是由于小米比传统的家庭电子商务更方便的数据门户网站,其用户行为和特征的统计数据以及其以更高效率参与竞争的能力,而且还归功于小米对“爆炸性产品”文化和局部营销的钦佩;
目前,包括中国在内的全球智能手机市场的规模减慢,逐渐从增量市场变成股市。 IDC预计,到2020年,全球智能手机GACR将仅为2.8%。手机用户的消费升级趋势是稳定的。小米投资于研发,以加速技术创新和随访,同时保持其具有成本效益的优势,促进其自己的产品结构的改善,并向上移动到那些为客户购买能力较高的人。积极地渗透到海外业务中的新兴市场,向其他业务和研发,促进未来的产品协调和质量改进期,逐渐改善外观和功能的差异,并促进国内智能手机市场价格的持续上涨。依靠小米供应链的纠正以及“小米房屋”直接销售和分销商店的零售网络的建设,小米实现了销售的逆转。目前,与其他制造商相比,小米在客户获取成本方面具有优势,并且物理商店的效率约为每年240,000元,在世界上处于领先地位。从品牌集中趋势和小米目前的领先地位中受益,我们预计小米的智能手机业务在未来几年内表现稳定,而不会在市场份额方面特别大变化。
小米的智能电视业务具有相对完整的产品系列,所有产品都配备了人工智能语音系统,包括价格从999到9999。小米仍然专门从事中低端市场。小米的电视业务仍然依靠该公司负责采购原材料。第三方原材料供应商根据公司的要求将原材料运送到公司指定的OEM模型,以复制手机的结果,重点关注成本效益并提高中低端用户的需求。根据Cool Goose Club的研究,大多数智能电视用户的分布在25至30至35岁之间,分别占39.7%和36.8%,这与小米的核心用户组一致。此外,尽管作为入门级硬件产品,智能电视将更多地关注游戏,实时广播和视频中应用程序的分布,并且也是小米自己的内容布局中的主要应用程序方案。根据在TMALL购物中心的小米旗舰店Double 11的运输量,我们估计智能电视业务账户的收入占小米的物联网和每日必需品收入的23%。
演讲者和路由器都是小米的战略产品。其中,扬声器迎合了AI趋势,内置的人工智能“ Xiao AI同学”被定位为智能家居的管家和计算中心;智能路由器是家庭中各种设备的网络中心,或连接到家庭路由器的有线或无线设备,最后通过此家庭网络中心访问Internet。智能路由器不仅占据了家庭交通的入口,而且甚至可以扮演防火墙,家庭电子设备控制经理和家庭多媒体中心的角色,并且还可以成为智能家居的“管家”。
目前,智能扬声器市场主要由Google和Amazon主导。根据战略分析的一份研究报告,智能演讲者市场在2017年运行了3200万台单位,同比增长300%以上。 Canalys最近发布了一份报告,该报告显示,2018年第一季度,全球智能扬声器的运输量超过900万台,同比增长了近210%,而中国的智能扬声器运输量为180万台,使其成为世界第二大智能扬声器市场。 However, Google and Amazon account for 9 of every 10 smart speakers sold, and the industry monopoly attitude has begun to emerge. At the same time, we noticed that the competition among major manufacturers for the smart speaker market is actually a competition for the demand for voice interaction systems. Voice interaction terminals need to be used in conjunction with other functions in smart homes. In the context of insufficient equipment, the frequency of smart speakers or smart voice interaction terminals is not high, making it difficult for people to feel willing to buy. Xiaomi launched the deep learning framework open source platform MACE in June 2018, which mainly covers application scenarios including scene recognition, intelligent voice, intelligent translation, etc., to help developers develop artificial intelligence applications on mobile devices. After stepping up the layout of a large enough hardware ecosystem, artificial intelligence will be an important part of Xiaomi's link to IoT devices.
Unlike the smart speaker market that is quickly swallowed by overseas giants, the home router market classification has not yet formed a Matthew effect. The annual sales volume of the home router market is about 5 million units, with an overall market size of about 10 billion yuan and a long service life. Currently, home routers can provide services at three levels: the first level is the most basic network functions, such as WLAN and wired access, wired or 4G connection to the Internet, support for DHCP and NAT, access encryption and control, etc. Most ordinary home routers only provide this level of functions; the second level is to provide some expansion functions on ordinary routers, such as network storage, offline download, network detection, application acceleration, etc.; the third level is to provide an application platform on the router, where users can download and install the required applications themselves, which has greater flexibility and scalability. The latter two levels are the upgrades of smart routers to traditional routers. In the current smart router industry chain, chip manufacturers provide router manufacturers with "nanny-style" services. In addition, the industrial background of low hardware threshold and low performance of routers in the same hardware architecture makes manufacturers mainly compete differentiatedly from three aspects: product appearance design, electronic components selection and software function design. Xiaomi router, which is positioned as a "home server", also mainly expects it to control smart homes. Through in-depth cooperation with smart home central control manufacturer BroadLink, it integrates its infrared and remote interfaces, thereby realizing remote control of smart home devices such as smart TVs and smart lighting.
Xiaomi router adopts the self-developed miwifi operating system. It is a deeply customized system based on OpenWRT. It is updated and improved every week. It provides plug-in expansion through an open platform. It has a built-in 1TB hard drive, which can remotely access photos, videos, offline downloads and automatic backups. It can almost be regarded as a small home server, overlapping with Xiaomi box in some functions. As a strategic product of Xiaomi, Xiaomi router series products have been launched in less than 6 years since it was launched, with more than 11 million active users, 1.455 billion devices connected daily, and 2.46 billion requests processed daily. Xiaomi router has become a device that connects over 100 million users.
2. 2 New retail east wind: coordinated online and offline
2.2.1 Efficiency Revolution: Short channels start from the beginning, and the advantages of high-quality e-commerce are released
New retail has many similarities with O2O. With the current trends of big data development, consumption upgrading, etc., new retail can also be regarded as the upgrade of the above trends that drive the previous "online and offline consumption".
For Xiaomi, the Internet channel was once their treasure. Around 2012, Xiaomi's so-called concept of making Internet mobile phones included simplifying the channel to online direct sales, and determining the meaning of supply in an option-like manner by pre-ordering. These two steps greatly simplify layers of channels and applications, and also reduce potential problems in offline store goods. Xiaomi's Internet channel customer conversion rate was once very efficient. However, when e-commerce giants such as Taobao, Tmall, and JD became stronger and bigger in a few years, the e-commerce industry faced industry segmentation and increased traffic prices, and the cost on the online channel side was no longer cheap. Since its development, online and offline have faced new nodes: 1. The development of online retail has experienced a turning point in growth, and physical retail has recovered. The relationship between online and offline retail channels has changed from mutual exclusion to integration, and has developed staggeredly; 2. Offline is to attract online traffic, providing business upgrade space and experiential services, and online provides refined promotion solutions for offline, and data analysis supports physical store marketing.
As a general trend, Xiaomi actively developed new retail in 2017 and reversed the decline in mobile phone sales in 2016, bringing new sales and traffic growth points to Xiaomi. According to Xiaomi's strategy, online direct sales are the company's direct retail to terminal consumers through Xiaomi Mall, Tmall flagship store, and Xiaomi Youpin. Online distribution is the company's retail to terminal consumers through third-party e-commerce platform dealers (JD.com, Suning, Flipkart, etc.); offline direct sales are mainly the company's direct sales to terminal consumers through offline direct store "Xiaomi Home", and offline distribution is the company's external distribution through telecom operators, offline dealers, etc. As a pioneer in the 3C product segment of the e-commerce business, Xiaomi's website traffic gradually stabilized after 2014, and while occupying its own traffic, it was weak in growth. In April 2017, Xiaomi launched the selected e-commerce platform "Xiaomi Youpin" based on the concept of "boutique life" and distinguished it from "Xiaomi Mall", and positioned the former in the ecological chain and the latter as a 3C product to achieve downstream segmentation optimization of online channels.
2. 2. 2 Accurate positioning: expansion of outlets is accompanied by performance growth
Unlike Huawei's offline stores that have blossomed in recent years, Oppo and Vivo rely on celebrity endorsements in their early years to open up the market with offline stores in third- and fourth-tier cities, Xiaomi's offline model has only begun to fully layout the "Xiaomi Home" around the home concept in 2017, creating an ecological chain physical store, and improving the fragmentation of IoT ecosystems. As of June 30, 2018, Xiaomi Home has opened more than 400 stores nationwide. Compared with the offline stores of other mobile phone manufacturers, we noticed that the direct sales store "Xiaomi Home" has the following characteristics: (1) SKU is rich. Xiaomi Home has an average of more than 300 SKUs, which is much higher in quantity and richness compared to Huawei, Oppo and Vivo's average of 50 SKUs. Xiaomi's offline direct sales store is not just for 3C business, but also for creating a Xiaomi-style life experience and involves all kinds of products.
In addition to its main low-frequency replacement technology consumer products such as mobile phones and laptops, Xiaomi Home also has high-frequency consumer products such as toothbrushes, towels, and data cables. Such a design helps increase the frequency of customers' arrival in the store, and also plays a role in increasing exposure and promotion for other products in the ecological chain; (2) The location selection and positioning are different from traditional mobile phone manufacturers. Judging from the direct sales stores of Xiaomi Home and Huawei and OV that we visited offline, we can clearly feel that Xiaomi likes to choose a location in the secondary high-spread area of hypermarkets, while Huawei and OV mostly choose a location in the street shop. Moreover, the store area of Huawei and OV is significantly smaller than that of Xiaomi Home. Overall, the location selection is scattered and the number is larger. According to the disclosed prospectus, Xiaomi Home's current square-level efficiency is 240,000 yuan per year, reaching the second level in the world. However, considering that 2017 is when Xiaomi concentrated on opening offline stores, the topicality and freshness are high and the number of stores is limited, it is still impossible to assert that the square-level efficiency represents the stable sales level of Xiaomi's offline stores or how much help it provides for online traffic; (3) Use customer data in product selection. Given the wide variety of Xiaomi Home SKUs, the selection of different product categories and price positioning under the same category in different offline direct sales stores are different. In the Xiaomi Home we visited, there are more luggage products in the stores near the station, while the stores in the city center have relatively average product selections but higher unit prices for ecological chain products.