
日期: 2025-03-17 04:08:14 |浏览: 9|编号: 80402








根据建筑材料产品属性的分类,建筑材料行业可以分为周期性的建筑材料和消费者建筑材料。水泥和玻璃相对均匀,基本上是在完美竞争的阶段,并且具有强烈的周期性。我们将它们归类为周期性的建筑材料;值得一提的是,还原器,混凝土,骨料等通常被归类为水泥产业链。防水,涂料,管道,瓷砖,板,硬件和其他类别涉及消费者和功能属性,并且同质性相对较弱。不同的品牌可以在区分方面竞争,以形成品牌优势。我们将它们归类为消费者建筑材料。房屋建设项目的建设可以主要分为房屋建设民用建筑项目以及室内和室外装饰项目,即对民用建筑和装饰的简单分类。通常,我们将与房地产土木工程阶段有关的建筑称为房地产的早期周期,而典型的早期周期建筑材料是与水泥和水泥产业链有关的材料。 the stage of real estate decoration is called the post-cycle, and typical post-cycle building materials generally include indoor ceramic tiles, paints, PPR water-filled pipes, artificial boards, doors and windows hardware, etc. The broadly defined post-cycle also includes soft furnishings, curtains, carpets, and paintings, etc., while the glass, exterior wall paint, thermal insulation used at the end of the civil engineering construction stage is usually classified into the循环后。 PVC下水道和基础防水等材料通常在早期和后者之间。




消费者建筑材料:消费者建筑材料和周期性建筑材料之间存在很大差异。消费者建筑材料具有品牌属性,产品的某些差异,并且企业需要掌握频道布局等,这些布局通常具有消费者属性和工程属性。通常需要消费建筑材料才能在房地产的循环后装饰,例如陶瓷瓷砖,油漆,板,塑料管,硬件,防水等。促进精美的房屋已使从2016年到2022年的大型B端建筑材料的快速开发;虽然通常通过小型B端或C端渠道进行自我装修和翻新未完成的房屋的需求,因此消费者建筑材料自然具有工程 +消费属性的属性。

消费者建筑材料的坡度很长,积雪是生产牛群的好轨道。在过去的十年中,消费者建筑材料生产了许多长期的牛股。消费者建筑材料的生产过程已经成熟(降低成本的空间很小),品牌 +渠道模型是固定的(好公司具有增长潜力),行业庞大且分散(提高了集中注意力的余地),并且条件是培养一家好的公司。


新房屋正在下降,但是二手房屋交易的比例可能会增加或平滑周期。 2021年房地产融资的收紧,再加上对居民收入的不稳定期望,促使有关房地产新建和销售的数据承受了压力,并且建筑材料行业承受了压力。但是,人们对改善生活环境的需求从未停止过,重新安装的需求很可能。对建筑材料的需求伴随着城市化发展的各个阶段:建筑材料的需求在快速开发阶段迅速增长,并且在长期以来,对稳定阶段的股票翻新需求预计会有很高的城市化率。旧镇的翻新工程受益于1亿以上居民,这有望刺激重新装修的需求。老城区的翻新是对古老的城市社区的翻新。这是我国满足人民对更好生活并促进城市更新的主要措施。主要的翻新目标是完成需要在2000年底之前进行翻新的旧城市社区。2015年,中央工作会议首次提议对旧社区进行翻新。 2019年,州议会发出了促进老城区翻新的通知。 2020年7月,州议会发表了指导意见,以全面促进旧城镇的翻新。 2023年,住房和城乡发展部和其他部门发出了一份通知,以继续稳固地促进老城区的翻新。从2019年到2023年,全国新成立了220,000个旧的城市社区,受益于3800万家庭和约1亿家庭。截至2023年底,我的国家基本上已经完成了在第14个五年计划期间翻新219,000个旧社区的基本目标。老城区的翻新涉及对水,电力,气体和热量等老化管道的翻新,建造节能的装修,安装电梯,增加停车位和充电堆,增加文化和休闲,体育和健身场所,并增加社区服务设施,例如老年人护理和便利和便利和便利。

一方面,大量的旧翻新社区将改善居民在完成后追求生活质量的追求。在对社区进行外部翻新和升级之后,居民装饰和升级房屋内部的可能性将增加。另一方面,诸如油漆之类的建筑材料通常具有一定的使用寿命,建筑物的寿命约为50 - 100年。在房屋的生活中,有必要重新粉刷和翻新很多次。二手房屋的销售也将促进居民重新装修他们。中国现有的住房区相对较大。根据州议会第七次全国人口人口普查的结果,中国家庭住房的现有住房区域约为516.99亿平方米。随着住房年龄的逐渐增长,现有的翻新市场有望逐渐增长。

新的新政策进一步刺激了现有股票的翻新。 2024年3月,国务院发布了“促进大规模设备更新和消费品交易的行动计划”,并部署了消费品交易的工作。该计划支持实施旧房屋装饰,并部分翻新了更多现有房屋和二手房屋。所有省份和城市都做出了积极的反应,地方政府均颁布了相应的政策,以提供续签消费品,促进政策实施并刺激居民消费的补贴。其中,上海,广州和其他地方已经清楚地更新,翻新和升级的外墙绝缘材料,门和窗户,许多地方都鼓励和支持替换家具,家具和装饰消费品,这对建筑材料行业产生了重大驾驶效果,并激发了对居民的进一步促进居民的需求。

消费者建筑材料的使用寿命低于建筑建设的使用寿命。根据住房和城乡发展部发布的“公民建筑设计统一标准”,民间建筑的使用寿命通常为50 - 100年。但是,消费者建筑材料的使用寿命通常低于民用建筑物。例如,装修中最常见的油漆的使用寿命为5 - 15年,浴室的使用寿命通常为8 - 10年。这为房屋建筑物在生命周期中的持续翻新提供了支持,并确保对消费者建筑材料的需求。





回顾建筑材料行业的先前波动,我们发现建筑材料行业的波动与房地产行业的波动高度相关。建筑物材料行业的股票价格波动的典型周期通常分为六个阶段:1。在向下压力下,逐渐放松销售限制,导致估值提高; 2.政策期望已经消化,但基本面的改善通常相对滞后,该行业的股价已经进入了波动阶段。 3.政策已经显示出结果,房地产销售的持续改进使第二轮绩效期望的恢复率高。 4。经济过热,政策的收紧抑制了该行业的估值导致下降。 5。政策加剧了基本原理恶化之间的波动性调整; 6。基本原理的恶化导致了绩效的下降,该行业的股价进一步下降了。值得注意的是:1。政策转变与基本转变之间存在一定的时间滞后,这次滞后通常是在行业左/右侧进一步确认的关键时间点。当该政策尚未生效时,随着基本面的继续趋势,该行业的股票价格通常会在上升或跌倒后反弹后反弹。 2。政策期望的核心变化是提高估值,但是基本面的改善引起的市场趋势通常更大。在房地产链的不同阶段,该政策将有所不同,相应的早期/周期后期的性能将有所不同。 3。房地产基本原理和政策的变化通常不是一个周期,而是一个嵌套小周期的大周期。为了做出更好的投资决策,有必要区分大周期和小周期的位置。 4。在房地产扩建周期中,建筑材料公司经常关注房地产公司同时扩展其资产负债表。扩展资产负债表的方法包括运营资产(应收账款),杠杆扩展,股权融资的扩张等。对于大型B端建筑材料公司,资产负债表扩张的步伐通常与收入增长率高度同步。

2.2三个开发模型:资产负债表扩展 +渠道品牌服务 +成本规模竞赛



资产负债表是公司利润的来源。资产负债表包括企业拥有或控制的资源,可以为企业带来预期的经济利益,并解释资源的权利(负债或权益)。净利润=净资产 *权益回报率(ROE)。从这个角度来看,如果企业想提高其净利润量表,它可以从扩大其净资产并增加其股本回报率的角度开始。资产负债表扩展的增长模型在B端循环后建筑材料类别中相对常见,例如防水,陶瓷瓷砖,外墙涂料,排水管等。资产负债表扩展的方法主要包括债务扩展,运营资产扩展和股票融资。这三种方法并不单独存在,并且经常互相关注。企业可以增加其负债并扩大生产,扩大应收账款/账单,并通过上市股权融资进一步扩大生产。企业可以根据自己的融资条件,当时的市场信贷环境以及客户的信任程度选择适合他们的融资模型。

股息期间资本周转的能力极大地影响了公司绩效增长的步伐。过去,范克(Vanke)的“ 5986”高离职模型由范克(Vanke)的“ 5986”高流动率模型代表。过去,房地产公司倡导高营业额和低库存操作模型,并且对资本流程的速度有很高的要求。这种高的营业额模型正在非常测试房地产上游大型B端建筑材料公司的资本流量。为了跟上房地产公司的高营业额模型,许多建筑材料公司在此阶段加速了扩张,增加了杠杆作用以吸收资金以扩大整个产品的生产能力和供应能力,并使用帐户期间的折扣来赢得房地产公司的更多订单。在这种模式下,许多大型B端建筑材料公司的收入迅速增长。信贷环境对公司绩效增长有重大影响。示例是从2017年到2018年的“百货”和2019年的“宽松信用”。2016年9月,国务院发布了“州议会对积极和稳步降低企业杠杆比率的意见”,要求企业加强债务清算和债务重组,并在三项削减中做得很好。房地产公司和建筑材料公司的信贷条件已被收紧。再加上对房地产销售政策的相应调整,房地产公司收入的增长率在2017年显着下降。





C端建筑材料的核心竞争力在于建筑服务,营销促进,渠道管理和员工激励措施。建筑服务创造了差异化的竞争力。消费者建筑材料是用于消费者的半生产产品。消费者通常没有独立安装的能力,其价值的真正实现取决于建筑服务的额外成本。此外,消费者建筑材料的制造门槛很低,消费者不足以区分其差异化。因此,建筑已成为消费者感受的最深刻的差异化链接,并已成为消费者建筑材料公司创造核心竞争力的必不可少的。领先的零售建筑材料公司具有布局建设服务:魏新材料开创了“明星巴特勒服务”,为消费者提供了产品真实性查询,专业水压测试,密封测试,管道方向图的投射记录,通知使用说明等,以解决管道使用中最隐藏的危险。销售 +安装 +检查 +质量保证的完整处理服务解决了消费者在隐藏管道项目的安装和使用中的大多数痛苦点,建立了属于Weix的差异化竞争路径,从而增强了公司的形象,并进一步增强了管道的附加值。

Sankeshu为消费者提供了“ Live Now”的一站式绘画服务。通过“ Live Now”,Sankeshu迅速响应在线约会,免费基本检查,定制解决方案,全方位的屏蔽和保护,企业微信进度反馈,完成后完成8小时的入住和1年的保修,为消费者提供全方位,快速和专业的服务,为服务和增强竞争力的竞争力增强了竞争力。营销和促销增强了市场认可。终端零售的特征要求消费者建筑材料公司通过广告和其他方式提高公司的可见性,从而实现更高的客户获取率。诸如weix的新材料和sankeshu之类的企业的销售费用比率占收入比例较高,并且在公司形象和其他方面都有巨大的费用。韦克斯(Weix)雇用了刘·希希(Liu Shishi)来认可清洁工作,桑克苏(Sankeshu)赞助了北京冬季奥运会,而东彭(Dongpeng Holdings)也雇用了刘·陶(Liu tao)和吴齐亚尤(Wu Qianyu)为品牌代言。零售消费者建筑材料公司通过营销和促销进一步接近消费者,并增强其产品的消费属性。




水泥已经从需求改善转变为改善,目前正处于供应收缩/股息拉动的阶段。在2015年及以前,我国家的城市化发展迅速,水泥行业的需求继续增长。 The demand drive led to a rapid growth in cement production and sales, thereby driving the improvement of cement enterprises' performance and stock prices. In 2016 and after, demand in the cement industry gradually entered a steady state. The peak production and capacity replacement drove the improvement of the cement industry structure and drove the upward movement of the cement price center, thereby driving cement profits to a higher level. After 2021, new real estate construction has declined rapidly, and cement demand has declined accordingly. The tight balance of supply and demand brought about by the improvement of the original pattern has been broken. The cement industry is currently in a stage where energy conservation and consumption reduction, carbon trading, and standard improvement drive further growth in the industry output.

Cost competition is the core competitive element of cement. Due to the homogeneity of cement, no inventory, short-leg properties, etc., cost competition has become the core competitive factor of the cement industry. The differences in limestone mining resource costs, freight costs from distance to the mine and distance market, the production efficiency of cement kilns, unit depreciation and amortization, and unit management expenses directly form the profit differences of cement enterprises in the same area.

3. Transformation: Actively welcome the new stage of development

3.1 High turnover is no longer available, and the proportion of stock increases

After 2021, the industry will enter a pressure stage from high turnover. After 2021, financing for real estate companies is restricted and the high turnover model is no longer there. The demands of real estate companies have changed from overcoming scale to keeping cash. The profit margins of the real estate industry are under pressure and downward, and indicators such as new construction and sales have begun to decline one after another. The upstream and downstream funds of the real estate chain are relatively tight, and many real estate companies have entered the debt repayment period and even have debt defaults. There are many irreversible changes currently compared with 2014 and 2008. Although there are similar rules between real estate cycles, the overall situation is in a wavy state, and the current is still different from the past few cycles. The difference is at least reflected in the fact that the leverage ratio of residents is no longer rising rapidly, the urbanization rate is already at a relatively high level, and the per capita housing area is also higher than in the past 2014 and 2008. This also means that existing housing may become the main body of demand in the future building materials industry.

The proportion of secondary decoration increases rapidly. According to iResearch Consulting Report, among the decoration purposes of decoration users in our country, incremental house decoration or renovation accounts for 75.3%, and existing house renovation accounts for 24.7%. The proportion of primary decoration accounts for 44.7%, while the proportion of secondary decoration accounts for 55.3%. Secondary decoration accounts for a large proportion, and there is a need for decoration whether it is newly purchased fine decoration houses, second-hand houses or existing existing houses. Most of the home improvement consumption levels are between 110,000 and 200,000 yuan. According to Beike Research Institute, among the installation consumption levels in my country, between 110,000 and 200,000 yuan accounted for the largest proportion, which is 43.0%. Within 100,000 yuan, 40.4% accounted for 210,000-300,000 yuan accounted for 10.4%, and over 300,000 yuan accounted for 6.3%.

The decoration greatly improves consumers' convenience. Home decoration methods are usually divided into four ways: clear bag, half bag, full bag, and whole bag. Under the four methods, the convenience and service experience of the owners have been improved one by one. Compared with the clear bags that require time-consuming and laborious purchase of all materials, the whole bag only needs to be connected to the home decoration company to achieve "moving in with your bag". For home improvement companies, the complete decoration profit margin is higher, and it can also be combined with high-profit smart home products. Therefore, the decoration not only improves consumers' consumption experience, but also is a more preferred method by home improvement companies.

The penetration rate of the whole decoration has increased, and the main consumer group is inclined to labor-saving decoration. According to Beike Research Institute, the proportion of people born in the 1980s and 1990s who choose the complete packaging and full packaging repair model is about 50%. According to Aowei Cloud Network, from 2019 to 2023, the penetration rate of the whole-packing will increase from 20.7% to 24.1%, and the scale of the whole-packing will increase from 684.1 billion to 947.3 billion. Consumer building materials have a brand effect. On the one hand, as the country's requirements for green and environmental protection gradually increase, the concept of environmental protection has gradually entered the minds of consumers. The building materials industry has strong environmental protection attributes. Because large companies have high revenue and profit scale, they often have more funds to invest in environmental protection research and development, while small companies find it difficult to pay attention to environmental protection. Therefore, consumers buy products to promote larger brands with more detailed promotion for green and environmental protection reasons. On the other hand, in the traditional consumer building materials purchase process, it is often difficult for consumers to make choices among many homogeneous products, and choosing a big brand often means better product quality, better service, and guaranteed, which will reduce consumers' choice cost. As time goes by, the brand effect of consumer building materials will become stronger and stronger, and the advantages of large brands will be further highlighted. The incremental real estate market is declining, but home improvement demand will not decline. The new real estate market has entered a bottleneck, but whether it is the purchase of new houses, second-hand houses, or the improvement and update of existing houses, the demand for home improvement and size has always existed and is huge. Moreover, with the continuous update of consumption concepts and the implementation of national policies such as old-for-new, the demand for consumption upgrades still exists, and improved consumer building materials such as system doors and windows, smart bathrooms, etc. may usher in a new round of markets. Mid-to-high-end brands are seizing the market and their concentration continues to increase. Many sub-sectors of consumer building materials show a trend of increasing concentration, which is also a manifestation of consumers' attention to brands. With the overall decline of the real estate industry, the total market volume has been compressed. Some mid-to-high-end brands have the financial strength to seize the market with prices, some brands have good reputation and guaranteed product quality, which will gradually win the trust of consumers, which will lead to the withdrawal of small businesses and small brands. In the future, market concentration is expected to further increase, and leading consumer building materials companies have room for growth brought about by the increase in concentration.

3.2 Enterprise transformation: three paths: retail, cross-field, and existing housing

Building materials companies have begun to transform one after another. Many building materials companies are under corresponding pressure, with revenue growth falling even the absolute value of revenue falling. The problems of accounts receivable have been exposed one after another, and the impairment has greatly dragged down the performance of many companies. Whether it is the original engineering-end building materials or the retail-end building materials company, it has entered the transformation stage. There are three main directions for transformation: "The engineering end channel expands to retail channels, cross-field mergers and acquisitions expand, and the new housing market extends to the existing housing market, etc.

The core of the engineering-side transformation of retail channels is to share profits with dealers. The engineering side of the B is gradually declining with the exposure of real estate cash risks and the decline in newly started construction area. Building materials companies that originally rely on the B side to achieve rapid growth in revenue may foresee or passively expand their retail end layout. The engineering side tests the large-scale supply capacity of building materials companies, tests cash flow and account periods, and the most important thing is credit and leverage; while retail channels need to test management capabilities, service capabilities, product capabilities, and channel layout capabilities. For enterprises in the transformation stage, the core lies in how to support dealers, how to make profits with dealers, and achieve profit sharing. The core of cross-domain expansion lies in how to achieve efficient management. From a passive perspective, when the growth rate of the original market size has declined and competition has become more intense, cross-field expansion has become urgent; from an active perspective, different fields can share channels and brands, and have synergistic effects. Cross-field expansion can achieve the effect of "1+1>2", so it should be expanded and seek a second growth curve. Whether it is endogenous or external mergers and acquisitions, how to handle brands, channels, supply chains, product competitiveness, etc. in different categories is a very test of the company's management capabilities. The extension of new houses to the existing housing market will test service capabilities even more. New houses are gradually becoming saturated, but there are still many existing houses in my country that need to be renovated and renovated. Compared with new houses, the demand for renovation of existing houses is more scattered, and often requires higher timeliness and environmental protection. Consumer building materials companies that can provide transportation, installation, painting and other services are more likely to win the trust of consumers and stand out in the competition in the existing housing market.

Weixing New Materials: Focus on retail, expanding products + services to system integration + services. Weixing New Materials business is mainly divided into retail business and engineering business, among which retail business is an important source of the company's revenue and profits. The company has been deeply engaged in retail and optimized its channels. From 2020 to 2023, Weixing New Materials' sales branches across the country increased from more than 30 to more than 50, with more than 200 professional marketing service personnel, and more than 30,000 marketing outlets increased from more than 28,000 to more than 30,000. During the period, the company's revenue and profit also achieved good growth. From 2019 to 2023, the operating income CAGR reached 8.1%, and the net profit attributable to shareholders reached 9.9%. Beixin Building Materials: Deepen the one-piece and two-wing wings and accelerate mergers and acquisitions and expansion. Beixin Building Materials' gypsum board products are mainly sold through channels. At present, the marketing network has fully covered major cities in China and counties and townships in economically developed regions. At the same time, the company is promoting the transformation from "working decoration to home decoration" and "city to county and township" to deepen its home decoration business channels. This is also the company's measure in the future that the proportion of second-hand house decoration and existing house renovation will increase. From 2019 to 2023, Beixin Building Materials' operating income and net profit attributable to shareholders maintained good growth.

Oriental Yuhong: Retail is preferred, and the partner channel sales model will be developed in engineering business. In 2023, Oriental Yuhong deepened its retail channel, and the proportion of retail channel operating income increased from 23.23% to 28.29%. At the same time, the company changes its direct sales thinking, develops various partner models, empowers partners to develop, and improves partners' business management capabilities. Bunny: Pay attention to small businesses such as furniture factories and home decoration companies. Tubao's sales channels are divided into four major channels: retail, furniture factory, home decoration company, and engineering. In recent years, the company has attached great importance to the development of customized home furnishings and strengthened the construction of small channels such as furniture factories and home decoration companies. In the decorative materials business, the proportion of furniture factory channels has increased rapidly, from 8% in 2018 to 31% in 2023, and the retail channels have dropped from 73% to 55%.

3.4 Focus on the main business, expand side business, and increase customer order price

Weixing New Materials: Concentric Circle Strategy. Weixing New Materials' concentric circle products include pipeline series with PPR products as the core, including drainage pipes, floor heating pipes and other pipes, as well as waterproof and water purification business categories. Based on the main business of pipe materials, waterproofing and water purification businesses are the expansion of pipe materials business scenarios, and the two belong to the same channel. The implementation of the concentric circle strategy can help significantly increase customer unit price.

Beixin Building Materials: One body and two wings. In 2019, the company sorted out and determined the development goal of "one body and two wings, global layout". Beixin Building Materials' main business is gypsum board, while the two wings are the coating industry and the waterproofing industry. In 2019, the company formed a waterproof layout covering the whole country through joint reorganization of waterproofing enterprises such as Sichuan Shuyang and Beixin Yuwang. In 2023, the company jointly reorganized Garberli to strengthen the coatings section. From 2019 to 2023, the proportion of waterproof building materials in operating income increased from 1.54% to 17.41%, and the proportion of paint building materials in operating income in 2023 was 1.76%. Both sectors can contribute profits to the company. In 2023, the gross profit margin of waterproof building materials was 19.12%, and the coating building materials was 28.91%. Oriental Yuhong: Multi-category development path. In addition to focusing on the two main businesses of waterproofing and laying beautiful seams, Oriental Yuhong's Democratic Construction Group has also continued to cultivate putty powder, glue, wall auxiliary materials and other categories, and incubated kitchen and bathroom hardware, tool consumables, household wires and other categories, in order to gradually realize a one-stop building materials purchasing platform for consumers, which is a development measure from the perspective of consumer experience. Dongpeng Holdings: "1+N" multi-category product service model. Dongpeng Holdings' main business is ceramic tiles, but on this basis, the company also covers "N" products such as bathrooms, auxiliary materials, integrated wall panels, ecological stones, ecological soft porcelain, lightweight partition panels, etc., in order to drive the sales of other N products through the tiles sales channels, and realize a one-stop hard decoration product solution for users. This is a development path that fits the concept of integrated decoration. "1+N" can increase customer order value and customer repurchase rate.

4. Stones from other mountains: the development path of overseas enterprises


4.1 宣伟:抓住重涂市场需求,收购提升规模

宣伟(Sherwin-Williams)于1866 年在美国成立,是集研发、生产、销售涂料为一体的全球性涂料品牌,业务覆盖全球120 多个国家。宣伟的涂料产品应用于多个细分领域,包括工业、木器、包装、卷材与型材、汽车涂料、工业重防腐涂料、船舶涂料、水性涂料、UV 涂料等领域。1980 年-2023 年,宣伟股价从35 美元/股增长至311 美元/股, CAGR 达到9.48%。宣伟的发展历程可分为4 个阶段。 第一阶段:1866 年-1922 年,起步期。宣伟成立于1866 年,此时正值南北战争结束后的美国重建时期。宣伟抓住机会进行发展,1880 年,宣伟发明了全球第一罐成品油漆,销售全球第一款调和漆。1922 年,宣伟进入汽车涂料市场,在汽车市场快速增长。 第二阶段:1923 年-1977 年,发展拓展期。一方面,宣伟迅速进行市场开拓,1929 年,宣伟开始国际市场拓展,并于1930 年建立首个上海办事处。另一方面,宣伟继续在涂料领域发力,拓宽品类。1940 年,宣伟推出第一款乳胶漆“Kem-Tone”,1951 年, 宣伟推出第一款内墙乳胶漆“SuperKem-Tone”。1964 年宣伟在纽交所上市,1977 年, 宣伟公司销售额超过10 亿美元。

第三阶段,1978 年-2008 年,快速增量期。此期间美国经济繁荣发展,宣伟亦进行快速发展。1993 年,宣伟成为美国第一家通过ISO9002 认可的涂料公司,2008 年,宣伟公司年销售额达80 亿美元,该期间销售额CAGR 达7%以上。 第四阶段,2009 年-至今,存量扩张期。随着新房市场景气度下滑,存量重涂需求愈发明显。宣伟抓住该机会进行逆势扩张,收购式而丽、贝格罗马、Leigh Paints、威士伯等品牌,营业收入不断增长,成为全球涂料领域的领导者。

2005 年后美国新房销量逐渐下降。美国的新建住房销售量在1991 年-2005 年保持稳定增长的态势,由50.9 万套增长至128.3 万套,CAGR 达到6.8%。2006 年美国楼市开始出现房价下跌的情况,2007 年次贷危机和金融危机爆发后,随后几年内都出现新房销量持续走低的情况,于2011 年出现回升,但至今仍位于1995 年点位。 宣伟营收大幅增长来源于收购其他公司和重涂市场的兴起。期间美国新房销量虽维持低位,但宣伟除2008 年-2009 年受金融危机影响营收存在下滑外,其余时间营收均保持增长,且增长幅度可观。一方面,宣伟通过收购品牌及公司扩张其规模,宣伟近年间收购了式而丽、贝格罗马、Leigh Paints、威士伯等品牌,尤其是对威士伯的收购,根据宣伟估计,可以将涂料利润率提升2pct,并且大幅增加收入规模及亚太市场份额。另一方面, 宣伟抓住重涂市场的兴起。美国重涂市场需求旺盛的原因包括:1)存量房房龄逐年增加; 2)远程工作模式的兴起;3)灾后重建市场规模逐年增加。2006 年-2023 年,宣伟营业收入CAGR 达到6.57%,实现了新房市场相对低位下的逆势扩张。

4.2 火神:扩大规模,专注主业,实现高增长

火神(Vulcan Materials Company)是美国最大的砂石骨料生产商。其总部位于阿拉巴马州伯明翰,前身是成立于1909 年的伯明翰矿渣公司。火神拥有404 个骨料生产设施,71 个沥青设施和142 个混凝土设施,大多数位于美国。火神的发展历程可以分为4 个阶段。 第一阶段:1909 年-1956 年,起步发展期。自从火神前身伯明翰矿渣公司成立后, 公司不断发展。1942 年-1945 年,公司为军事项目提供建筑材料;1951 年,公司成为美国高速公路计划的主要骨料供应商。1956 年公司在纽交所上市,由伯明翰矿渣公司更名为火神材料公司。 第二阶段:1957 年-2004 年,“骨料+化学”双业务扩张期。自从火神上市后,公司持续多次收购其他骨料公司进行规模扩张以及通过收购实现在不同地域的扩展。此外, 火神从1957 年开始成立化学品部门,1968 年公司收购有机氯化合物工厂,1980 年公司从巴斯夫手中收购了氯碱工厂。期间公司不断建造工厂生产相关化学品,实现骨料和化学业务的扩张。 第三阶段:2005 年-2015 年,战略盘整期。2005 年,公司出售其化学品部门, 2013 年,公司剥离部分水泥和混凝土业务。期间公司继续收购骨料设施,专注主业建设。 2009 年,受金融危机影响,公司营收出现26%的下滑,随后营收恢复增长,2015 年基本恢复至2007-2008 年点位。 第四阶段:2016 年至2023 年,高速增长期。在前期剥离化学品业务,专注主业, 并逐渐恢复至金融危机前营收水平后,公司踏上了收入增长的新台阶,并继续通过收购加强公司在骨料方面的规模和竞争力。2021 年,火神收购美国混凝土公司,将覆盖单位拓展到纽约和新泽西州。期间公司收入高速增长,CAGR 达到11.67%。

火神公司2016 年至今维持高速增长,主要原因包括公司优势及美国骨料行业特点。 公司的经营策略及优势包括:1)专注骨料行业。火神公司在2000 年前存在大量化学品业务及混凝土业务,经过2005 年-2015 年的战略盘整后,公司专注于水泥建设,只保留了部分沥青和混凝土业务。2023 年,公司89%毛利来源于骨料,11%毛利来源于沥青和混凝土。2)各区域保持领先地位。火神通过收购不断覆盖美国多区域市场。如今公司主要覆盖美国南部市场,其中,公司占据领先地位的市场提供了90%的收入。3)运输成本低。骨料有着运输成本相对价格较高的特点,多数情况下使用者会就近购买骨料。公司将运营地点设置在靠近当地市场的地方,2023 年,公司82%的出货量是通过卡车直接运输到客户手中。 美国骨料行业情况较好,主要体现在需求和价格。美国骨料需求来源较多,包括高速公路、桥梁、机场等基础设施建设,以及私人、公用建筑的建设。1982-2006 年骨料需求保持高速增长,随后因金融危机及次贷危机产生下跌,于2010 年后开始又一轮增长。 虽然2006 年-2010 年间需求下滑较大,但骨料价格在1982 年-2022 年间保持持续增长。 根据公司报告,近3 年骨料价格依旧保持高增长,在此基础上,公司在经营建设下单吨毛利持续提升,2018 年-2023 年CAGR 达到8.4%。其中,按照季度平均价格测算,21-23 年行业价格CAGR 为11.01%,火神的单吨毛利CAGR 高于行业价格CAGR,达到了12.84%,体现了公司的经营管理成果。

4.3 卡莱尔:经历高速增长后实施业务转型,获得市场认可

卡莱尔(Carlisle)的前身卡莱尔轮胎和橡胶公司于1917 年在宾夕法尼亚开始经营。 发展至今,卡莱尔已经成为一家分散管理的多元化全球制造公司,提供多种工业产品及解决方案。卡莱尔主要分为卡莱尔建筑材料(CCM)和卡莱尔防水技术(CWT)两大部门, 卡莱尔建筑材料主要面向建筑提供产品和相关技术,包括EPDM、TPO、PVC、金属和屋顶花园系统等。卡莱尔防水技术是建筑围护结构方面的领先供应商,产品包括高性能防水产品、保护性屋顶垫层等。卡莱尔的发展历程可以分为4 个阶段。 第一阶段:1917 年-1954 年,起步期。该阶段,在卡莱尔成立后,其主要发展轮胎和橡胶产业,并顺利度过了美国大萧条时期。 第二阶段,1955 年-1988 年,现代化探索期。1955 年,卡莱尔从一家轮胎和橡胶公司转变为一家推动创业文化的企业,并实施激进并购战略。期间卡莱尔公司收购了一系列产品,包括电线电缆、高温导体等。1960 年公司在纽交所上市,继续实施收购战略。 1961 年,卡莱尔开发了用于屋顶的合成橡胶Sure-Seal,并于1978 年起销售额迅猛增长, 成为公司的明星产品。 第三阶段,1989 年-1999 年,高速增长期。上世纪80 年代开始,美国建筑需求量增加,推动了对屋顶系统的需求。卡莱尔屋顶产品高速增长。1989 年,卡莱尔销售额达到5.53 亿美元。该阶段卡莱尔持续进行收购,以争取提升份额。1994 年卡莱尔进入中国。 1989 年-1999 年,卡莱尔销售额从5.53 亿美元增长至16 亿美元,CAGR 达到11%。 第四阶段,2000 年-至今,业务转型期。此阶段卡莱尔关注管理和运营上的优化,并专注主业,继续进行扩张。该阶段卡莱尔收购了大量建材公司,并于2023 年-2024 年出售了卡莱尔互联技术和卡莱尔流体技术两大业务部门,实现从多元化公司向纯建筑产品公司的转变。近年来卡莱尔股价屡创新高,2024 年呈现持续上涨态势。1981 年-2023 年, 卡莱尔股价CAGR 达到6.57%。

2023 年-2024 年卡莱尔股价增长迅猛或与其新一轮业务盘整有关。2022 年及之前, 卡莱尔通过收购形成了4 大业务:卡莱尔建筑材料(CCM)、卡莱尔防水技术(CWT)、 卡莱尔互联技术(CIT)、卡莱尔流体技术(CFT)。为了构建更加集中的建筑材料业务组合,卡莱尔于2023 年出售了旗下的卡莱尔流体技术业务,并于2024 年出售了旗下的卡莱尔互联技术业务,只保留了建筑材料与防水技术业务。卡莱尔流体技术在2015 年公司收购后对收入整体贡献较小,利润率总体位于10%左右,公司将其出售主要是出于战略角度。卡莱尔互联业务在过往对营收和利润的贡献较大,在2016 年-2019 年收入贡献20% 左右,毛利贡献20%-35%。互联业务主要为商用航空航天、军事国防等生产电线电缆以及其他机械。2020 年受疫情影响,商业航空航天市场受打击较大,互联业务受到较大牵连,毛利转负,2022 年虽有回升,但仍处于毛利率较低的状态。其出售互联业务可以优化资本配置,使其更能聚焦主业,是符合其战略的表现,同时也受到了市场的认可。


精选报告来源:【未来智库】。未来智库- 官方网站
