在公元811年,Ku村的Bao家族的祖先Bao Quangong搬到了Anguku村的Zhuo Xiaoyang(Zhuo Xiaoyang也被称为“ Zhuo Xiaoyang”,现在是Taishun Nanpuxi Town的Houping Village的地区)。 Bao Quangong早于KU村的Wu家族的祖先吴气搬到了Taishun。但是,根据现有的历史记录,我们现在称为KU村(即KU村的古村区域),Wu的迁移早于Bao's。
根据“库康家族的家谱”,在吴杜克和他的家人定居在Zhuojiazhuang(896年杜克杜克(Duke Wu)搬到库康的Zhuojiazhuang)之后,他在夜间听到了钟声和鼓声,而Venus Vine的声音并不是一个佛教徒的地方,所有的地方都不是一个佛教徒的地方。吴齐公爵沿着山向东行走了三英里,最后定居在一个安静的山谷中。
这是古老的KU村庄。从唐和宋朝,一个鲍氏家族也从附近的Qiancang(位于古代Kucun村的西南侧(后来更名为“ Xincang”)的西南侧移动,并逐渐形成了一个两个家庭一起住在同一个村庄。自唐和歌曲朝代以来,这种情况一直在继续,形成了一个有趣的村庄模式,志扬夫人是相对边界,左边的Wu家族和右边的Bao家族。
采访者:鲍·吉伊(Bao Guoyue)
访谈汇编:Ren Zhongya
图片拍摄:Weng Yu
口服介绍:KU村的本地人Bao Guoyue是Bao Quangong的第35代孙子。他的第六代祖先Zhao Hong曾因其军事优点授予第六名冠军,而第五代祖先的杜克·汉(Duke Tian Han)也被授予监禁命令。从那以后,这个家庭逐渐下降,一家人跌倒了吉耶的祖父这一代,他的家人跌倒了。
鲍·吉伊(Bao Guoyue)曾经有贫穷的年轻人和青少年。在亲戚和政府的帮助下,他接一个地完成了小学和中学。之后,他谋生,担任木匠,种植蘑菇等。自1980年代开始在乡村委员会工作以来,他一直在努力工作,并认真地履行了职责,并且非常熟悉并且对村庄的村民和事务非常熟悉。
这种口头描述是通过带有鲍伊(Bao Guoyue)在村庄的现场行走进行的,风景发生了变化和碎片。该部分的形式是“笔记”的形式和所附图片的图片描述,以便大致整理KU村的公共建筑物和公共设施。
本文是根据口头访谈录制汇编的,并尽可能保留口头叙述风格。该文章提到了“库康的鲍家庭家谱”,“库康的鲍家庭家谱”以及其他相关的文学和历史材料,并摘录了必要的部分,如补充剂和注释(原始文本大多是无句子的读物,没有句子,句子的破坏,以及受访者的标点符号的加入,也要添加标记标记)。欢迎有疑问的部分纠正它。为了方便阅读,Bao Guoyue的口头内容是大胆的字体。
KU村是一个建在山谷中的村庄。它的区域不大。它被三个侧面的山脉包围,并在其前面的一条小溪包围。过去,人们不得不从一个名为“ Qibanqiao”的地方进入KU村。
Qibanqiao建于Song Dynasty,因此尚不清楚现在几点了。
Qibanqiao Old Street。
[注1]中央学院位于KU村的中Zhai Lane的入口处。在肾素(1242)的那年,宫殿前的左翼官员计划讨论Ziliang的公共建设。吴Ziliang出生于1911年的Shaoxi,Song Dynasty(1191),并晋升为Shaoding Jichou年的头衔(1229)。
根据“ Kucun Wu Family家谱”的说法,中央学院一直处于宋朝和Yuan王朝,并被战争摧毁。在清朝的杨山时期,村民们感叹“没有地方学习,而这种文化中只有少数人”的原因是吴家族共同培养的。 “总共有八个房间,家庭的墙壁已经完全续签,标题是“中康学院”。
之后,时间飞逝。在广光时期,中央学院被摧毁并变成废墟。因此,附近的部落成员耕种了花园并将其出售。当他们看到它时,他们伤害了他,并建立了一份合同来建立私人所有权。他们是两个国家的问题。吉利·西林(Guangxu Guiwei siyin),尤兹(Yuzhu),尤兹(Yuzhu),吉米(Yuzhu),吉米(jiabi),吉亚(Jiabi),吉伊尔(Weijing中间有一个露台,大约一英亩,东方是亨格克斯(Hengxuan),可以容纳数百人,在亨格克斯(Hengxuan)和Yutai之后,他们被笼罩在墙壁上,以便男人和女人可以观看戏剧而没有任何风和雨的危险。”
本文是由吴西辛(Wu Siyin)撰写的。吴西辛当时是一名致敬的学生。我不知道“ hehe”一词是由后代添加的还是包括原始文本。在这里录制。
另外:在“库康家族的家谱”中,我突然看到了由鲍·汉(Bao Han)的王汉(Bao Han)在县考试中撰写的第四名。事实证明,吴西辛是一名宽容的学生。
[注2] KU村历史上有两个学院:最早的是Houlin Academy,该学院是由Wu Ziyi在Song Dynasty皇帝的Qingyuan时期(1195-1201)创立的。该地址在顾问墓前,“这是儿子和侄子袭击这封信的地方,他们被称为Houlin,他们进入了城市的议程。”
村里很少有这样的井。 Wuliucuo也有一口,但每个人仍然会去Qingyinjing拿起水。
[注意] Qing Yinjing被WU气功口服挖出。据说qingyinjing中的“阴”是“声音”的错误。为了澄清真相,作者问吴Zhaohui先生近年来一直致力于收集,组织Ku村的Wu家庭家谱,并正在投资于陶森·库村(Wu Family of Taishun Ku Village)的吴家族家谱修改,以阅读大量的旧家谱,例如wu家族统治,以下是《乔·吉克(Wu Family of the Geryealogy of the Geryealogy of the of)。吴宗(1733年)的朱乔(Guichou)年份的吴家族家谱和Yongzheng Jiayin年的Yantou家族家谱(1734年)。无论是在文本中还是地图中,它们都显然写为“ Qingyinjing”而不是“ Qingyinjingjing”。
根据“ Cucun Wu Family家谱”的说法:“清中的Yinjing在Hou Lin的房子面前。帝国审查员Heng Gong是元日王朝的伟大的伟大审查员,被卫生。春天是透明而甜美的,竹子是良好的,竹子在井上,因此称为Qingyinin。”吴亨是吴Zi锣的孙子,他们俩都是北方歌曲王朝期间的金希。
有传言称“ Yin”实际上是“ Yin”的原因可能与附近的Qingyin Pavilion有关。青金馆是由南部歌曲王朝的金希(Wu Huo)建造的。它被放弃了很长时间,但庆林始于至今。在清朝的广周时期,KU村的人们写了一首诗“ Qingyin Pavilion的书籍感”:过去的凉亭在哪里?它在当前的井中很有名。没有地方可以找到清晰的声音,流动的水形成了自己的溪流。它还指出:“青金馆是由宋朝的吴建造的,被废除的霍吉仍然很有名。”
此外,根据林E(Lin E)编写的“ Fenjiang的记录”:“ Qingyin Spring。
我不知道上述原因是否引起了人们的猜测,即“ Qingyinjing”是“ Qingyinjingjingjingjing”。
在与吴Zhaohui先生进行沟通后,作者同意它应该基于较早的“ Kucun Wu家庭家谱”。
另外,在提到了吴Zhaohui老师提供的家谱的各种版本之后,我发现其中一些被写成“ Qingyin Pavilion”为“ Qingyin Pavilion”,但我从未见过那些写“ Qingyinjing”的人为“ Qingyinjing”。 Wu老师解释说,并非所有的编辑都会因为流派汇编而变得严格,而是:“ Qingyinjing中的流派汇编和“所有角色“ Yin””的字符是历史上的。
当然,是“ Qingyinjing”还是“ Qingyinjingjing”?该口头陈述保持开放。欢迎有知识的人参加讨论和更正。
Qingyinting Pavilion原来非常接近井。它的地理位置比井的地理位置高一些。当前的青金馆是几年前新建的。
Wu Hu的叔叔Wu Ziyou在“ Qingyin Pavilion”中也写了一首诗:谁建立了选址家庭? Wu Shougou的好句子,以使人们几代人诵经香水的名字。葡萄酒漂浮在金杯上,月亮吹着玉的天空,音乐并不酷,竹子的声音清晰而绿色。
吴Ziyou是吴泰的父亲。根据“库康家族的家谱”,吴泰还没有出生,吴齐尤已经去世。因为吴Ziyou和武泰的家谱没有记录吴齐尤和武泰的出生日期和死亡日期,所以它只表明吴泰厄去世的时间是在吉维(Guiwei)的吉维(Guiwei)年份(1223)(1223),以及吴胡(Wu Hu吴胡离开办公室时,当他回到库村享受他的老年时,他不是在建造时。
根据“库康家族的家谱”,吴胡的名字来自郑和名为兰比。他在宋朝的清朝的宾楚(Bingchen)年份进入Youxiang,并在Jiatai(1202)的Renxu年份中成为Jinshi,并获得了Chengjielang的头衔。后来,Wu Huo协助Xu Yi守护了柔义,并写了“对国防事务的简要介绍”。后来,当他担任Tengzhou的官员时,他写了“ Anbian的四个要点”。他是一位有抱负的文学官员。最后,他成为武装的医生。辞职后,他回到家乡KU村,死于KU村。当时他八十。
除了撰写“ Lanbi Collection”外,Wu Huo还撰写了“ Zhiguan Jixing”,该过程记录了从他的家乡KU村庄开始的过程,一直旅行,拜访亲戚和朋友,并最终以日记的形式到达Renshou。此摘录是:
19日,我在比东斯看过这本书。这里有庆,我听到了晚上在床和凳子上移动凳子的声音。我对我的孩子们是一个伟大的幻想:我聪明,正直,有着山木·凯森(Shenmu Keshan)的精神。如果您说戏弄可以侮辱诗歌,谁是魔鬼的哭泣
它还写道:我呆了四到五天没有任何影响。在出发晚上,我写了一个回答:不要看音频,并寻找身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体,身体 the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the body, the身体,身体
据说,当吴齐扬(Wu Ziliang)50岁时,他的父亲丁(Ding)在家并创立了Guifang Hall。之后,他完成了作业,并回到法院担任官员,并在宫殿里担任左撇子官员。在61岁那年,皇帝命令他建造帝国坟墓。
“库康家族的家谱”包含相关的帝国法令:“ 2月11日,皇帝的法令说,我是前王朝摧毁的皇帝的土地。谷物,我不是浪费的,我是重要的。
皇帝的法令说,我听说吴齐里安格(Wu Ziliang)在宫殿前的左撇子计划谨慎和熟练,他很聪明,很聪明。他是一个忠实的军官,他是一个严厉的人 died......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
吴的杜克·齐扬格(Duke Ziliang)有五个儿子,长子,第二和最小的儿子分别搬到了派兴,鲁安和兰西。 “ Kucun Wu家庭家谱”中未指定第三和第四个儿子的下落。根据家谱的习俗,没有指出下落意味着他们留在家乡库肯(Kucun),但家谱没有记录有关其后代的信息。然而,同一个氏族的侄子吴泰的表亲林恩(Lin An)是当时是富根县的主要书记员,他在泰尔公墓(Taihe Cemetery)提到过,武泰(Wu Taihe)和圭恩(Guan Man)返回他的家乡,死在金华酒店(Jinhua Inn)。因为他当时生下的两个儿子已经在他面前去世,所以他的妻子赵跟着他的最后一句话:“我建立了我的堂兄Runsun,这是讨论儿子Lianggong Ji的后代的左派计划,他是合法的,他将跟随他的后代。”
Shuangxin Road的路边的水是活水,但事实证明它并不大,冬季的水将更少。现在它是从水库带来的,全年都可以使用水,下雨时的水量甚至更大。
[注意]根据记录,吴齐的坟墓最初是在唐王朝(923)的汤古(Tongguang)第一年建造的,并于1823年的多冈(Daoguang)在陶贡(Daoguang)的第三年进行了重建。它覆盖了约900平方米的区域,是扶手椅的形式。诗《夜礼之歌》刻在坟墓前。 “修改吴锣的修复,唐朝顾问的官员唐·平尚(Tang Pingzhang)被安置在坟墓前。
[请注意]根据记录,气功寺庙首次建于汤古(Tongguang)的第一年,在唐王朝(923)(923),位于库康(Kucun)(后来的广为寺庙)的鲁芬庭院以西,在尤恩王朝被摧毁。它是在明朝(1477)的成川(Chenghua)的13年重建,后来被废除。它是在清朝(1787年)的Qianlong的52年的Qianshan Mountain重建的,并于1848年(1848年)的Daoguang 28年被移至Houlinzhengyi Mountain的脚下。
在1970年代,祖先的大厅是由地方政府借来的,并于1980年代由于失修而倒塌。 2010年10月,吴氏氏族开始筹集资金,并在原始地点重建了祖先的寺庙。三年后,它于2013年完成,覆盖了1,800平方米的面积,建筑面积为1,650平方米。
Shiying Gate前面的小巷是一个老胡同。这些沟渠是开放的,下雨时可以排干。
[注1]根据“ Kucun的Bao Family家谱”,Bao Han写下了“关于剪裁大门修订的评论”,该皇帝由明朝的皇帝Yuan Fenggong提倡。 “我以欺骗而闻名,我想帮助世界帮助家庭的美丽。”
此后,鲍韩(Bao Han)处于一个他的生活时代,“两扇门失踪了,屋檐倒塌了”,所以鲍汉(Bao Han)起草了它,并动员了村民重建它。在鲍的文章中,提到“老说,那些以这种方式避免老虎的麻烦的人”证明,在库村建造雪闸门的最初意图确实是因为老虎出现在附近的山脉和森林中,危害了村民和牲畜的安全。
[注2]据说“省宗派”最初是由吴齐米(Wu Zimei)的门徒建造的,以纪念他们的导师。因为吴Zimei的礼貌名称是在缩短,所以她与“ shiying”中的“ shiying”保持一致。但是,家谱中没有这样的记录。
根据“库康家族的家谱”,官方编年史记录吴齐米(Wu Zimei)的礼貌名称为Shiying,来自Taishun Kucun。她在古代和现代精通,并教了门徒关于宗教研究理论的知识。 Ruian的Dali Temple副董事Cai ding,特别喜欢颂歌。她的作者写了“ Yiqing Collection”,主要来自气质的正确性。他的高呼历史作品非常擅长从戒律中学习。
这个柏树大约一百年了。我听说村里的四到五个老年人在十几岁的时候在这里玩,“这里仍然缺少一棵树,”他们说。当时,房子前面有一棵柏树,所以他们偷了它。屋子里的人们冲了过去,问他们要在哪里种柏树。 “这里”。他们说。 “哦,公共场所。那无关。”
该植物还为时过早。该品牌编写了700多年。它比Shiying Family还要古老。
Shiying Gate后面的道路称为Shiying Lane。它在这里转弯,而不是直奔末端。这是一种风水的考虑,并有一些考虑。
Shiying Lane。
[注意]用简单的石头铺砌的shiying巷只有两米宽。它是古老的库村唯一带有“名字”的小巷。 The name of this alley should be related to Shiying Gate standing at the entrance of the alley. In fact, it has another "function". The residence of Baowu and Liang clans in the village is bounded by it, with Wu clan on the left and Bao clan on the right.
It is unknown when this kind of village layout that lives in a boundary begins. People in Wu's village say that the Wu family lived on both sides of the Shiying Gate. They believed that after the Song Dynasty, a branch of the Wu family gradually declined or moved to other places, and successively sold the family property to the Bao family, a villager. At a certain period, it began to form a relatively fixed pattern in which the Wu family lived on the left side of Shiying Lane and the Bao family lived on the right side of Shiying Lane.
Including the Shiying Sect, as mentioned above, the Wu family villagers also believe that it is related to their ancestor Wu Zimei (named Shiying). It was originally built by Zimei's disciples to commemorate this talented mentor who had no wish to serve. Later, for various reasons, it became the "Bao family's Shiying Sect".
There is no conclusive evidence to support the above statements. The reason why they are written is that these rumors scattered among the people represent the uncertain possibilities of the past, and provide clues to the possible past, and on the other hand, its circulation and existence also imply the "plasticity" of the "past". Because the "present" is "visible" and "clear", while the "past" is "speculative", "argument", and there is room and room for "imagination".
Bao Family Ancestral Hall, Ikari Wai, Supply and Marketing Club
The Bao family's small ancestral hall was built during the Qing Dynasty. It turns out that the small ancestral hall is not only so big. Nowadays, the houses on both sides of the ancestral hall are built by descendants of people related to the ancestral hall, and others cannot build them.
The bridge connecting the ancient village and the town was built in 999. It turns out that I have to walk through the stream.
The three-story wooden house built by the stream is still intact. Three-story wooden houses in Taishun are relatively rare. The author has only seen one in Yeshan Village and Yexin Village in Siqian.
The supply and marketing cooperatives turned out to be ash here. In the past, the anthocyanidae on the mountain was cut and put into the ashes, and it was used as fertilizer to grow vegetables.
[Note] Ash bucket refers to a simple hut in the rural areas of Taishun for burning wood ash and stacking agricultural fertilizers.
In the 1970s, the government wanted to build a supply and marketing cooperative in the village. The Wu family wants to build on their side, and we want to build here. In order to win the supply and marketing cooperative, we unified the ash bucket and removed it. Later, the supply and marketing cooperative was built on our side.
The supply and marketing cooperative counts nine ditches in total. The length and width of a grenade are about 9 meters by 4 meters.
At that time, this place was driven down with wooden piles, and it was more than four meters deep. The underground is alive and the mud is very warm. At that time, we didn't have cement steel bars here, so we carried big stones from a very high place on the mountain. Without transportation, it is just carried by manpower. I was in my teenager at that time and helped lift the stone.
Original supply and marketing cooperative. The words "I wish Chairman Mao a long life" were written by the villager Mr. Bao Changpei. Teacher Bao passed away in the 1990s, and his handwriting was still left in other parts of the village.
At that time, it was very lively, and Lianyun, Baoan and Putou would come here to buy things. We have a little more stuff here, better.
Later in the 1990s, the supply and marketing cooperative was closed.
Some houses in front of the supply and marketing cooperative were built during the Qing Dynasty.
In the 1970s, this place was still a place for open-air movies. The curtain is hung opposite the other side and the movie machine is placed here. The villagers moved their own stools and placed them on the steps to watch movies. Any activities in the village are also placed here. There is a big speaker here that will broadcast "Everyone will open a tea garden tomorrow" and so on.
Gu Cypress in front of the former supply and marketing cooperative. The wooden house in front of the Gu Cypress is the place where you used to watch open-air movies with curtains.
The Imperial Order of the Filial Piety and the "Qianqiu"
The archway of filial piety was originally located at a little place on the supply and marketing cooperative. During the Cultural Revolution, it was demolished by the Red Guards. Destroy the four old ones.
Later we rebuilt.
Some of the components of the Jiexiaofang are old. Some are new.
The Filial Piety House.
[Note] Jiexiaofang was established by the stepmother of Bao Hangong, Kucun, in the Qing Dynasty. Bao Han once wrote an article about this: "Records of the Years and Years of the Construction of the Xia Family in the Joy and the Preservation of the Ambition":
My mother's family was the second wife of Jinjiang Prefecture, the first family. The emperor returned to the palace in twenty-one years. Before the month of the year, the emperor abandoned the emperor. At that time, he was ten years old. The year of Daoguang Bingxu was the year. My mother swore to keep her ambition and caressed her as if she had come out. First, the eldest mother Luo Bizhao was in charge of the affairs of the country, and the mother refused to stop the housework and did not hesitate to hardships. After the eldest mother died, the mother's servant gave me the gifts, and all the teachings of the eldest mother were respected for thirty years. Han was a mourning mother's miserable festival and was about to ask for a prize. At that time, Dong Qingrui and Ji Yunheng, the gentry of the town, interviewed the widow's mother's festival, and reported the book and reported it to the official, and ordered the treasury to build a treasury. At that time, the Emperor Xianfeng was the year of Renzi. It is July of autumn and the Jigong Stone is over, and it is over in November. Bu Jian, but it fails. Yue Jiayin is auspicious, so it is first built. The mother of Yimao is fifty years old, and the 26th day of his birthday is her birthday. Zhang'an Sun Qitian Taishishou used the post as "The spirit of the sacred festival is grinding the sky with Xihu, and the Qingfeng paints the Emperor Di to praise Zhen". There are fifty-seven years this year, and my daily life is still the same. The reason why the mother of heaven is that there is no mugwort. What should I do if I don't know who wins the imperial tin again?
At that time, the book was completed on August 1st of the first year of Tongzhi, and I would like to know this.
From the above, we can see that the Jiexiaofang was to be grateful to his stepmother Xia for raising him. Later, Dong Qingrui and Ji Yunheng came to come and verify the deeds of Xia. Then, the relevant departments allocated funds to build the Jiexiaofang. At that time, it was the year of Renzi of Xianfeng (1852). The preparation of the Fangshi began in the autumn of that year. However, it was the "Bujian" or the "Bujian" or was suspended due to unfavorable years. It was not until the Jiayin year (1854) that the Jiexiaofang was selected to start construction in the first month.
The archway is opposite the plaque "Qianqiu" opposite. After the archway was built, someone asked someone to write "Qianqiu" and hang it on it, otherwise the house opposite would not be able to bear it. The imperial edict card is too "heavy".
The plaque "Qianqiu" facing the "Imperial Imperial" plaque on the Jiexiaofang.
[Note] The plaque is carved in bluestone and is signed "Inscription by Lin E, a native of the country." According to records, Lin E (1793-1874) was named Taichong and his pseudonym Yugu. He was from the Siqianli Guangren of Taishun County (later moved to Qiaoxia Village, Nanyuan). Daoguang was a tribute student in the 22nd year of his life and served as the instructor of Lanxi and the head of Zhongshan Academy. In his later years, he compiled the Taishun local chronicle "Fenjiang Lu" with his own strength, but unfortunately he died of illness without losing his manuscript. Later, his son Lin Yonglin inherited his father's aspirations and continued to compile a book.
Outer Han Di, also known as Gubai Mountain House, was built by Baohan Gong in the Qing Dynasty.
The legend of flowing water, dragon and tiger
The original flow direction of the stream in front of Waihandi was not like this. I heard that I went straight out from here to the big stream. Later, the Bao family and Wu family wanted to make a dragon and tiger match, so they flowed over there a little more, and the last two streams gathered together.
As a result, our stream was bigger and more powerful.
[Note] Regarding the legend of the Dragon and Tiger pair, a villager in Ku Village also mentioned that it is said that this idea was proposed by Wu Yiqi of the Ming Dynasty. It turned out that Wu Yiqi understood Feng Shui and wanted to use the Dragon and Tiger pair to make the Wu family lucky. Unexpectedly, the Baojiaxi River's formation was larger than that of Wujiaxi River. Now there are no descendants of Wu Yiqi in Ku Village, and his descendants have moved away from Ku Village. ——Miscellaneous talks are not official history.
Also: According to the "Genealogy of Wu Family Ku Village", Wu Yiqi, the sixth-generation grandson of Wu Zimei, whose courtesy name is Shijun and his pseudonym was Lao Feng. He was tributed in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty and was in Zhaomo, Guangzhou Prefecture.
Houses and alleys. The fork at the right side of the road is the original grain management office.
Here is a clean cultural base, and it was built in a grain management office in the planned economy era.
It turned out to be a house of a wealthy family, and their family was rich peasants. In the past six years, the government converted the house into a granary by requisition. In the past seven years, the government demolished the original wooden house and rebuilt the stone wall warehouse, returned the wood to the landlords, and subsidized them a little more money.
[Note] The Grain Management Office is a comprehensive operating agency established by the local people's government's grain functional departments at the grassroots level of rural people's communes, towns, etc., which purchase public grain and unified grain purchase, and supplies grain (staple food, non-staple food) and oil materials to residents in the region, issuing residents' grain purchase certificates, and custom-sale grain, etc.
It turns out that there are big trees here. The whole village is relatively hidden. There is a stream in front of the village, and the opposite side is filled with baiji.
I heard from an old man who grazed cattle. The old man surnamed Wu said: Why do you come early when you fight for the Bao family or the Wu family? Good fields are not as good as your Bao family.
In the past, it was important for people to farm. However, at that time, our Bao family also flourished, and some people went abroad to study.
It turned out that the house on the mountain behind the grain management office was built in the era of the People's Commune, which squeezed camellia seed oil. Also doing red robbery.
At the end of Shiying Lane is the back mountain. This is the mountain of the Bao family, and the old maple tree belongs to the Bao family. There was a mountaintop of the Wu family. It turned out that there was a podium pine tree, which fell off later.
The water in the two streams on both sides of our Ku Village comes down through the source of these two different mountains.
It flows through the streams around Baozhai Village.
Attachment: A few explanations
1. Based on the recording and sorting (ie, the original draft), this oral review manuscript deletes the interviewer's question content and is divided into segments according to the subject and presented in the form of oral self-report. In order to ensure the integrity and coherence of the logic of the manuscript, the order and order of the lecture content have been adjusted.
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5. The sub-titles in the manuscript are designed by the interviewer; the text in brackets and the text descriptions of the attached drawings are all added by the interviewer as annotation, purpose of explanation and other necessary descriptions.
[End of this article]