序言第1部分:古本(Guzheng)的类型。1。丝绸绳索古兴2。钢弦古本(钢筋)古本3。尼龙绳子绳子弦乐4。第2章如何购买古兴,古申,古申,古宗指甲和其他基本供应供应1。 1。古本(Guzheng)的结构2。护理古兴仪器(Guzheng Instruments)第4章如何放置古本(Guzheng)并用右手1佩戴假盔甲。关于古本(Guzheng)2的放置。古本(1)古兴的范围(2)古本的调整(3)古本第6章第6章扮演Guzheng的位置2的基本原则的几种常用调谐。用右手打古本的基本手部形状第7章基本性能技术和Etude 1右手1的索引,中,环和拇指的第1节。弦识别练习1弦识别练习1弦识别练习1弦识别练习2弦识别练习2 2.练习练习2 2.练习互动的手指,以锻炼“练习互动”手指的手指练习“练习”练习“练习”。练习弹奏手指“触摸” 5练习,以弹奏手指“触摸” 5。锻炼拇指“抵抗” 6练习以打拇指“抵抗” 2部分:交替演奏手指和锻炼1的方法1。
交替拇指和食指交替的方法和实践7交替的拇指和食物手指1交替的拇指和食指交替的练习1交替的拇指和食指交替的练习2交替的拇指和食指的练习3交替的拇指和食指交替的拇指和食指的练习3交替的拇指和交替练习的练习4交替的练习4交替的练习,交替的练习交替的拇指练习和交替的练习thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb练习拇指和食指6对拇指交替拇指交替的练习2交替2。交替的拇指和中指的方法和练习13交替练习拇指和中指的交替练习14交替练习14交替练习拇指和中指2练习2练习15练习3击败野生野猪3。 middle finger 18 Practice of alternating the index finger and middle finger 19 Practice of alternating the index finger and middle finger 25. Methods and practices of alternately playing middle fingers and ring fingers 20 Practice of alternating middle fingers and ring fingers 1 Practice of alternating middle fingers 21 Practice of alternating middle fingers and ring fingers 26. Methods and practices of alternating thumb, index finger and middle finger 22 Alternate exercises of thumb, index finger and middle手指1练习23替代拇指,食指和中指的替代运动2练习24替代拇指,食指和中指的替代练习3练习25练习25 liu板练习26滚轮锻炼27杂货店销售练习28 Jiang Chunmeng的第三部分,演奏各种谐波和练习1。
如何进行八度和练习29八度和练习1练习30八度和练习2练习3 31 Xiaocai 2。练习拇指和辅助手指的谐波32练习tianxinshun 33练习tianxinshun 33练习拇指和辅助手指的谐波4 up in a row 2 Exercise 36 Thumbs up in a row 3 Exercise 37 Scissors up in a row 2. Methods and practices of continuous popping of index fingers 38 continuous popping of index fingers 39 Fishing boat singing evening (piece) 3. Methods and practices of middle fingers for continuous popping 40 Methods and practices of middle fingers for continuous popping 40 Section 5 About wearing fake armor with left hand and its methods and practices of practices 41 Physicians for selling newspaper songs 42 Meng Jiangnu_ Section 6 Methods and practices of "supporting" and "splitting" with thumbs 1. Exercise for "supporting" and "split" practice 43 Exercise for "supporting" and "split" practice 1 Exercise for "supporting" and "split" practice 2 Exercise for "supporting" and "split" practice 2 Exercise for "supporting" and "split" practice 45 Tea song 2. Exercise for continuous "supporting" and "split"第七节中的各种刮擦方法和练习的拇指46的连续“支撑”和“拆分”实践。第七节中的练习。方法和练习练习向上刮擦47向上刮擦练习1练习48向上刮擦练习2练习49练习49绣花钱包2。
方法和练习练习,以向下刮擦50向下刮擦练习3。花手指练习51“花手指”练习1“花指”练习52“花指”练习2“花手指”练习53 Sanshilipu第8节中左手的方法和练习滑行。 Methods and practice exercises for upsliding sounds 54 Upsliding sound exercises 1 Practice 55 Upsliding sound exercises 2 Practice 56 Upsliding sound exercises 3 Practice 57 Double folding green exercises 58 Feifeng Han Shu 2. Methods and practice exercises for downward sounds 59 Sliding sound exercises 1 Exercise 60 Sliding sound exercises 2 Exercise 61 Sliding sound exercises 33. Comprehensive practice of glittering exercises 62 Fengyang flower drum练习63 nanniwan练习64茉莉花练习65免费花练习66在花蜜蜂的第九部分按下左手并按下闪闪发光的声音,方法和练习1。左手练习的方法和练习练习67 jioochengshan练习69 jioochghan练习69次练习70次练习70次练习70次练习70 parr练习70 parr练习70 parr练习70 parr练习70 parrror Chunluo 2。用滑动声音按下左手的方法和实践73练习十杯酒74鹅口疮跳跃练习75练习“双重支持”,“双支持”和八度“双支持”和“双重支持” 1。
The playing method and practice exercises of "double support" 76 The playing practice exercises of "double support" 77 Yangtu 2. "Double Patch" playing method and practice exercises 78 "Double Patch" playing exercises 3. The method and practice of playing the octave "double support" 79 The method and practice of playing the octave "double support" 80 The method and practice of playing the tuning of the 11th Guanshanyue section from D to G tuning 81 G tuning scale exercises 82 The在第12 xixiang歌词中指向左手的方法和实践第183章的方法和实践,左手的方法和实践在第13 QIU SI节184 Yongshouan练习85 Cry yu yu yu第8章古代歌曲和传统音乐选择部分第9部分双手播放技术第10章传统和现代的Zheng音乐选择符号:列出手指的符号: