(2019)Zhejiang 0109 Xingchu No. 228
原告:Hangzhou Dexing Bee Industry Co.,Ltd ....
原告Hangzhou Dexing Bee Industry Co.,Ltd。(以下称为Dexing Company)对食品行政罚款的被告Hangzhou Xiaoshan地区市场监督管理局(以下称为小山市场监督局)不满意。原告于2019年9月30日向本法院提交了该法院。在同年10月8日接受行政诉讼后,该法院在2019年10月9日接受了投诉副本,并向被告发出了回应通知。法院根据法律组成了一个大学小组,并于2020年3月17日进行了公开审判。原告智力公司的委托经纪人杨吉quagan,被告Zheng Zemin,小米市场监管局的行政主任,也有委托的代理商Yang Yang Yang代理商。 Liming和Yu Liang出庭参加诉讼。该案的审判现已结束。
被告小山市场监督局于2019年4月8日在北江办公室第164号做出了“行政罚款决定”,主要内容是:“ Xihao Jujube”由Dexing Company于2018年5月24日制作的“ Xihao Jujube”。在案例中涉及的蜂蜜),在2018年10月7日江苏省食品和药物管理局组织的食品循环链接中,殖民地总数(CFU/ g)是实际的。测量值为1700,标准指数为≦1000,单个项目被判断为不合格,殖民地总数不符合GB14963-2011“国家食品安全标准蜂蜜”的要求,并且检查结论不合格。 2018年11月9日,小米市场监督局向葡萄酒公司发表了“检查报告”和“江苏省食品安全监督检查结果通知结果”。同时,在现场检查了它,发现案件中涉及的蜂蜜都被卖光了,没有库存。在一批案例中总共生产了38瓶蜂蜜,其中1瓶用于工厂检查并丢失。一瓶用于样品保留。生产成本为11.9元/瓶。另外36瓶售出,价格为13元/瓶。货物的价值为494元,利润为39.6元。收到检查报告后,Dexing Company立即启动了召回程序,经销商出售了涉及该案的蜂蜜,因此不可能召回。在案件调查期间,Dexing Company提供了诸如生产记录,工厂检查报告和涉及蜂蜜的其他材料之类的材料。基于此,被告认为,葡萄酒生产和运营涉及的蜂蜜检查项目的行为违反了中华人民共和国食品安全法第34条(以下称为食品安全法)该项目的规定是生产和运营其他不符合食品安全标准的食品的行为。同时,鉴于事件发生后的调查积极合作,该案件涉及的货物的价值少于10,000元,符合法定宽松情况,并且根据《食品安全法》 》第124条,第1段和第2段,并决定:1。没收了2018年5月24日生产的一瓶“ Xihao Jujuana Flower Honey”(特别500克/瓶); 2。没收的非法收入为39.6元和罚款50,000元。
原告敏化公司声称,被告小山市场监督局于2019年4月8日在2018年4月8日做出了“行政罚款决定”,第164号,北江办公室,原告履行了2019年4月25日的行政罚款决定。内容。内容。内容。规定的义务。原告决定惩罚诉讼的主要依据 - NANJING食品和药物监督与检查研究所(以下称为Nanjing检查机构)于11月6日发布了NJ2018MC4011的检查程序和检查结果。 ,2018年,并向江苏发了一封信,省会市场监督管理局(以下称为江苏省市场监督局)检索了南京检验研究所测试的殖民地总数的原始记录。原告认为,原始记录证实了南京实验室研究所违反了食品微生物学检查的一般规定,GB4789.1-2016,“确定食品微生物学检查中农场总数”和以前的国家食品和药物管理有关检查工作标准的食品公告(食品和药物管理局(2016)第170号)“食品检查工作标准”以及GB14963-2011“国家食品安全标准蜂蜜”标准的相关规定,原始检查记录不完整,检查不是标准化,检查程序是非法的,判断结果无效。主要原因如下:1。案件涉及的检查的原始信息不完整,缺少数据,检查结果的准确性值得怀疑,并且违反了“食品检查工作代码”第17条。确保检查记录信息已完成,并且可以追踪和复制。”规定。 1。实验室没有记录重要的环境指标,例如温度,湿度和清洁度,也没有满足无菌操作要求,从而影响了检查结果的客观和公平性。
违反GB4789.1中的规定2.2.4和2.2.5。 2。准备培养皿的整个过程应在实验室的超清洁桌或生物安全机柜中进行,但是实验设备记录的柱子并未表示这些设备,表明实验设备无法满足需求在检查工作中,样品在实验室中完全被混合细菌感染。可能的。违反GB4789.1中的2.3.1和2.3.2的规定。 3。样品态(固体和半固体样品,液体样品)尚不清楚。根据GB4789.2,两个不同状态中样品的实验方法不同,并且所使用的实验操作方法不同。违反GB4789.2中的6.1.1和6.1.2规定。 2。如果与案件相关的检查报告的检查程序违反了“食品检查工作法”第18条和第41条的规定,并且应视为无效。该病例所涉及的检查的原始记录表明,确定菌落的总数是不合格的,并且在仅一个未知样本的一次检查结果中未进行结果重新检查程序。 Nanjing检查机构违反了“食品检查工作守则”第18条和第41条。关于NJ2018MC4011检查报告的市场法规,该报告发布了未通过重新审查的蜂蜜殖民地总数违反了“食品检查工作守则”和2019年9月10日的原告,我们收到了一封来自江苏省市场监督局由国家管理局授权进行市场监管。这封信清楚地回答说:“食品安全检查未实施重新检查程序。”
原告认为,案件涉及的检查报告以及江苏省市场监督局的答复信违反了“食品检查工作法”第18条“检查机构应建立重新检查程序,以进行检查结果,并在何时进行检查。检查结果是不合格的,或者有疑问。检查结果。”国家法规明确规定必须保留重新检查和记录。该规范适用于根据《食品安全法》及其实施法规的规定进行的食品检验工作。江苏省市场监督局的答复信没有法律依据,应确定该案所涉及的报告的检查程序是非法的,是无效的报告。回复信使“重新注射”和“重新检查”的概念混淆了,两者之间存在一个本质区别:重新检查是指同一检查机构对原始样本进行的重新检查以进一步确认检查结果,可以看作是同一检查机构发出的检查结果。报告之前的最终验证是对原始样本进行重复或可重复测试;重新检查是指在原始验证人群中再次对原始样本进行采样,以确定整体样本是否合格。可以看出,在发布不合格的报告后,重新采样不同的测试机构并检查原始样本。有明确的微生物测试规定,以防止重新检查。 “食品检查工作代码”中提到的所有测试项目涵盖了包括微生物在内的微生物,均是不错的和保证的机构安排,用于微生物,无法重新检查。 3。当被告向原告提供检查报告时,他没有提供抽样表,这导致原告无法确认样本的真实性,案件涉及的检查报告显然不公平。
4。江苏省市场监督局的“答复“ Xihao Jujuana Flower Honey”的相关情况以及Nanjing检查学院的总殖民地测试的原始记录,证明了检测机构总殖民地项目的原始记录。
13. Dexing公司在涉及的检查报告上向江苏省市场监督局和南京检验研究所发出了异议信,证明原告在收到涉及的检查报告后分别通过电子邮件发送了江苏省市场监督局和江苏省市场监督局。异议提出。
被告小山市场监督局认为:1。被告人对被告的行政罚款的事实是明确的,证据是结论性的,申请法律的基础是准确的,程序是合法的,惩罚是合适的。 2018年10月7日,前江苏省食品和药物管理局委托Nanjing检查学院出售由Wuxi Runtai Commercial Co.,Ltd。出售的“ Xihao Jujube Honey”,在流通场上(规格:500克/瓶/瓶/瓶/瓶批次编号:20180524)进行了抽样检查;测试后,涉及该案的蜂蜜被认为是不合格的,因为殖民地总数不符合国家食品安全标准的要求。 2018年11月8日,被告收到了“关于国家图纸和省级绘图的不合格食品的通知”。这些附件包括“有关食品安全监督结果和江苏省检查结果的通知”和“食品安全监督的答复和对江苏省的检查”,并在收到“任务通知”和附件后,被告去了原告的住所将于11月9日发表“产品质量监督和纠正的随机检查令的通知”。检查将根据法律在现场进行。现场没有发现同一批案件中的蜂蜜。在审查了生产记录,工厂检查报告,成品库存订单,产品交付订单以及此批次蜂蜜的其他相关信息之后,原告肯定会产生涉及该案的蜂蜜。被告随后于2018年11月9日进行了调查。经过调查,原告于2018年5月24日生产了38瓶“ Xihao” Jujube蜂蜜,其中1瓶用于检查,1瓶保留样品,并于2018年5月29日将36瓶卖给了Wuxi Runtai。商业有限公司。该案中涉及的蜂蜜是每瓶500克,保质期为18个月。存储方法是将其存储在一个凉爽干燥的地方。采样期间该产品状况良好。
该案涉及的蜂蜜商品的价值为494元,利润为39.6元。在调查期间,原告向被告发表声明和辩护,质疑检查机构在检查过程中没有进行重新检查,并提供了“ Nanjing Food and Drug Bundission and Tempection的原始记录”的副本”。由于提供的记录本身并未表明尚未执行重新检查程序,并且记录不完整,因此被告向江苏省市场监督管理局发送了一封信报告和测试单位的相关资格;收到相关的答复。后来,他给南京检验学院发送了一封信,要求上述材料。南京检验机构回答说,相关报告的原始重新检查记录可以提供给委托方,江苏省市场监督管理局,并且不会单独提供给被告,并提供与测试相关的资格。同时,被告向Wuxi市场监督和行政局发送了一封信,以协助调查Wuxi Runtai Commercial Co.,Ltd。涉及的蜜蜂的运输和存储,随机的包装条件和相关门票检查; Wuxi市场监督局回答说未发现相关案件。蜂蜜的运输和存储不符合要求。外部包装在随机检查过程中已关闭且完整,并提供了卖方的相关购买和销售记录。因此,没有证据证明循环场中涉及的蜂蜜存在问题。在调查期间,被告没有收到任何通知,即检查报告程序和结论不符合该法规。根据第34条,第124条,第1款和食品安全法第2段50,000元的元(小江办公室164 [2018]),并于4月12日交给原告。
同时,该案件已通过法律程序进行法律处理,例如案件申请调查,案件审查,集体讨论,行政罚款听证通知,审查声明和辩护。 2。原告声称原因无效。关于“国家食品安全采样样品表”的交付。 “对食品安全采样和检查的管理措施”仅规定了检查报告和抽样检查结果必须提供的,并且不能清楚地规定“国家食品安全采样和检查样本形式”必须交付材料。其次,在交付的“检查报告”中,详细介绍了采样顺序中涉及的相关信息,例如抽样批次,名义生产企业,抽样时间,抽样位置,采样人员,密封状态信息,采样数量等。 ,是否有“国家食品安全采样样本表”实际上并不影响原告的反对权的行使。关于异议通知。该案中涉及的蜂蜜在流通领域进行了随机检查,并由江苏省市场监督局组织。相关信息和材料由江苏省市场监督局提供。被告有责任根据法律进行交付。根据“国家监管局总局的通知有关进一步标准化食品安全监督,采样和异议工作的通知”(市政食品检查[2018]第48号),如果您对此有任何异议样本的真实性,检查和判断基础,您将申请一个人向食品安全监督和管理部门提交书面申请,该申请在收到不合格结论通知之日起的7个工作日内进行随机检查并提交相关的支持文件。如果原告对此有任何反对意见,则应将其提交给江苏省市场监督管理局。关于重新检查问题。首先,原告本身提交的原始检查记录(部分)不能直接表明检查违反了法规,或直接导致检查报告的无效性。其次,江苏省市场监督局清楚地回答说,原告不需要执行重新检查程序。根据原告提供的证据,江苏省市场监督局在2019年9月10日给原告的答复信中清楚地指出:食品中微生物的不均匀分布使得很难重现微生物测试的结果,考虑了考虑的结果检查食品微生物测试。微生物检查的特殊性质未在食品安全检查中执行重新检查程序。总而言之,原告的诉讼请求根据法律被拒绝。
在法庭上进行盘问后,该法院核实了上述证据,如下所示:原告的证据6是原告对案件涉及的检查和检查过程的意见,属于证据的类型,并符合证据的三个证据,即并被接受。原告的证据12与此案无关,不会被接受。原告的证据13加上原告的证据4,江苏省市场监督局的“回答“ Xihao Jujuana Flower Honey”的局势“可以证明原告提出异议并接受这一事实。被告的证据2还有其他证据,包括与案件有关的检查报告,并被接受。案件调查终止报告中记录的“当事方对测试结果无异议”的内容4与此案中其他证据所证实的事实不一致。确实是错误的。该记录的内容不接受,但报告的其他内容是正确的。合法,接受它。其他证据表明双方都没有异议,并且经过审查后,他们都符合证据的三个本质并被接受。
经过审判后,发现2018年10月7日,前江苏省食品和药物管理局委托Nanjing实验室出售原告Dexing Company于2018年5月24日生产的“ Xihao Jujube”。瓶子数:20180524)用于采样检查。所涉及的蜂蜜是1700,标准指数为≦1000,单项判断是根据这一点不合格的。 2018年11月8日,“国家食品安全标准蜂蜜”和检验结论是不合格的。这些附件包括“有关食品安全监督结果和对江苏省的检查结果的通知”和“江苏省食品安全说明,有关监督,抽样检查和重新检查工作的食物安全说明”以及与案件相关的NANJING检查研究所的检查报告。 2019年11月9日,被告为“江苏省食品安全采样结果通知”和与案件相关的检查报告提供给原告,并发出了“产品质量监督采样命令修复通知”,要求原告使一项 - 月份的纠正,同一天,将对原告的蜂蜜检查案件进行调查。被告在提起案件的那天对原告公司的生产地点进行了现场检查。检查后,该案中涉及的一批蜂蜜已经售罄,没有库存。发现在批处理中总共生产了38瓶,使用了1瓶进行工厂检查,其中1瓶用于保存样品,其余36瓶将出售给Wuxi Runtai Commercial Co.,Ltd.,Ltd., with a production cost of 11.9 yuan/bottle, a price of 13 yuan/bottle, a value of 494 yuan, and a profit of 39.6 yuan.
During the investigation, the defendant inquired about the plaintiff's legal representative, retrieved the honey production inspection and sales information involved in the case, and sent letters to the Jiangsu Provincial Market Supervision Bureau and the Nanjing Inspection Institute to request verification: 1. The inspection report involved in the case Legality, authenticity, and validity; 2. Original records of the re-inspection of the inspection report involved in the case; 3. Relevant qualification certification materials of Nanjing Inspection Institute. The defendant also sent a letter to the Wuxi Municipal Market Supervision Bureau to request the bureau to investigate: 1. Whether the honey involved in the purchase of Wuxi Runtai Commercial Co., Ltd. meets the storage requirements for the honey involved in the case; 2. Whether the packaging of the honey is complete and closed during the sampling inspection; 3. The purchase channels and purchase tickets for this batch of honey. Nanjing Laboratory Institute replied to the letter on February 18, 2019 to provide the unit's qualification certification certificate. Wuxi Xiliang District Market Supervision Bureau replied to the defendant on March 8, 2019, saying that it was not found that the honey involved in the case did not meet the storage requirements. During the sampling inspection, the outer packaging of the honey batch was completely closed and provided the honey involved in the case. Purchase sales record. On January 9, 2019, the defendant issued a "Notice of Administrative Penalty Hearing" to the plaintiff, informing him of the facts, reasons and basis for the punishment to be made, and enjoying the right to state, defend or request a hearing. The plaintiff did not make a hearing request and submitted a written statement to the defendant on January 15, 2019, saying that the case-related inspection report made by the Nanjing Inspection Institute only conducted one inspection and failed to fulfill the obligation of re-inspection, which constituted a violation and could not be used as a punishment. Based on the basis and believe that the existing evidence cannot prove that the production process is the only reason for the excess of the total colony count, and the plaintiff has doubts about the authenticity of the sample.
While raising objections to the defendant, the plaintiff submitted a written report to the defendant on November 12, 2018 to apply for a review of the inspection report to the Nanjing Inspection Institute. The signature date of November 30, 2018 to the former Jiangsu Provincial Food and Drug Administration The written inquiry letter from the Supervision Bureau Inspection Bureau requested the bureau to instruct the Nanjing Inspection Institute to provide it with original inspection materials. On February 2, 2019, the defendant decided to extend the case handling period by 30 days. On April 8, 2019, the defendant made the "Administrative Penalty Decision" No. 164 of Xiaoshi Jiankong Office [2018] and served it to the plaintiff. The plaintiff was dissatisfied and sued this court and filed the aforementioned lawsuit.
It was also found that the plaintiff Dexing Company has automatically fulfilled the obligations determined by the administrative penalty in question. On December 26, 2018, the plaintiff received the "Reply to the Situation of "Xihao Jujuana Flower Honey"" from the former Jiangsu Provincial Food and Drug Administration, saying that according to the plaintiff's request, he retrieved the relevant inspection report of the Nanjing Inspection Institute. The original inspection record was provided to the plaintiff. On July 7, 2019, the plaintiff submitted a "Letter of Request to Make a Judgment on whether the NJ2018MC4011 Inspection Report without Re-examination Violation of the NJ2018MC4011 Inspection Report with Unqualified Total Number of Honey Colony" to the State Administration for Market Regulation. After being transferred by the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Jiangsu Provincial Market Supervision Bureau replied in writing to the plaintiff on September 10, 2019 on the request letter: Food microbiology inspection is based on GB4789.1-2016 "National Food Safety Standard Food Microbiology". The General Inspection Provisions are implemented, and item 7.3 of the standard clearly states that "after the inspection results are reported, the remaining samples and the same batch of products will not be re-inspected for microbial items." The uneven distribution of microorganisms in food makes it difficult to reproduce microbial detection results. Considering the particularity of food microbial testing, microbial testing does not perform re-inspection procedures in food safety testing.
This court believes that the "Food Inspection Work Code" issued by the State Food and Drug Administration on December 30, 2016 is a normative document formulated in accordance with the "Food Safety Law" and its Implementation Regulations, and is applicable to the "Food Safety Law" and its Implementation Regulations" to regulate food inspection work. Food inspection work carried out in the provisions of the Food Safety Law and its Implementation Regulations. Article 18 of the "Food Inspection Work Code" stipulates: "Inspection agencies shall establish a re-inspection procedure for inspection results, conduct re-inspection and keep records when the inspection results are unqualified or doubtful, to ensure that the data results are accurate and reliable." Article 41 stipulates that re-inspection refers to the re-inspection of the original sample conducted by the same inspection agency to further confirm the inspection results. According to the relevant provisions of Chapter 4 of the "Inspection" of the State Food and Drug Administration's "Food Safety Sampling Inspection Management Measures" effective when the case-related report is made, re-inspection refers to the fact that the initial inspection agency fails to pass the sample inspection conclusion, another company will be allowed to do so. The inspection agency, as a re-inspection agency, conducts a re-inspection agency to conduct a new inspection of the backup samples. According to the provisions of the above specifications, there are differences between the implementing subject and the inspection subject. In this case, the relevant provisions of the above documents and regulations shall be complied with. During the handling of the case, the defendant Xiaoshan Market Supervision Bureau conducted relevant investigation activities to confirm the legality, authenticity and effectiveness of the inspection report involved in the case, but combined with the evidence in this case, especially the administrative penalty for the Jiangsu Provincial Market Supervision Bureau was sued. After making the reply letter to the plaintiff Dexing Company in September 2019, it can determine that the inspection procedures of the inspection report involved in the case were indeed improper, mainly because the inspection results showed that the total number of colonies of the honey test samples involved in the case was unqualified, and the review was not carried out. The inspection procedures do not comply with Article 18 of the "Food Inspection Work Code" on the re-inspection and record preservation should be carried out when the inspection results are unqualified. The defendant adopts the inspection conclusion of the inspection report as an administrative report for the appeal. The factual basis for the penalty decision is the main evidence and should be revoked according to law. Accordingly, in accordance with Article 70, Paragraph (1) of the Administrative Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China, the judgment is as follows:
The administrative penalty decision of Xiaoshi Jiankong Office No. 164, made by the defendant Xiaoshan District Market Supervision Administration on April 8, 2019, was revoked.
The acceptance fee for this case is 50 yuan, which will be borne by the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou.
The plaintiff Hangzhou Dexing Bee Industry Co., Ltd. applies to this court for refund of the case acceptance fee within fifteen days from the date of the effective date of this judgment; the defendant Hangzhou Xiaoshan District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau will pay the case to this court within seven days from the date of the effective date of this judgment. The case acceptance fee that should be borne.
If you are dissatisfied with this judgment, you may submit an appeal to this court within fifteen days from the date of delivery of the judgment and submit a copy according to the number of the other party, and appeal to the Hangzhou Intermediate People's Court of Zhejiang省。
Presiding Judge Zhou Yiping
Judge Su Jie
Judge Yan Xiaodan
Clerk Feng Yi