
日期: 2025-01-28 01:26:57 |浏览: 37|编号: 67724




2。Xinyang Precision Technology(Chuzhou)有限公司,总共招募了164名操作员,检查员,系统,EHS和注塑工程师;

3。ChuzhouAiwofu Optoelectronics Technology Co.,Ltd.正在招募207名普通工人,质量检查员和研发技术人员;



6. Bozi Clean Technology(Anhui)Co.,Ltd。正在招募15名运营商,车间主管,专职安全生产经理以及机械和电气工人;

7。DaoyiPrecision Technology(Anhui)Co.,Ltd。正在招募4位技术人员;

8。AnhuiAnhexin Optoelectronics Technology Co.,Ltd。招募22名生产经营者,质量检查员,QE工程师和优质主管;

9. Camellia Modern家用产品(Chuzhou)有限公司(Chuzhou)有限公司,总共招募了65人,包括成本会计师,IPQC检查员,机械师和IE工程师;

10。AnhuiKaicheng Electric Co.,Ltd。正在招募15名运营商,普通工人和检查员;


12。ChuzhouHuihuang Nonwoven Technology Co.,Ltd。正在招募12个焊工,CNC车床,质量检查员和CNC运营商;


14。AnhuiHongao Medical Technology Co.,Ltd.正在招募21名运营商,检查员和预备队干部;

15。ChuzhouJiayuan Mini车辆正在招募14人,包括画家,焊工,钳工和优质检查员;


17. Jiumu智能厨房和浴室(Anhui)有限公司,总共招募了14名仓库经理,运营商和检查员;

18。AnhuiKangneng Electric Co.,Ltd。正在招募3名普通工人和数字变电站研发经理;


20。AnhuiLangbo Pipe Manufacturing Co.,Ltd。正在招募58名普通工人,人事管理,仓库管理和检查员;

21。EtongPrecision Parts(Chuzhou)有限公司,正在招募9个人,用于质量管理,质量测量师等;

22。ChuzhouNanfang Black Black Sesame Food Co.,Ltd。正在招募8个人,包括运营商,电工,机器维修和设计主管;

23。AnhuiNorit Intellignent Technology Co.,Ltd。正在招募11个脚轮,车床工人,运营商和机械师;

24。AnhuiSunlight Precision Components Co.,Ltd。正在招募20名检查员和普通工人;

25。ShangjunMedical Technology(Anhui)Co.,Ltd。正在招募30名运营商;

26。AnhuiSiputek Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co.,Ltd。正在招募12名电气工程师,机械工程师和销售工程师;



29。AnhuiXingao Electric Co.,Ltd。正在招募5名运营商;

30。AnhuiXinju Carbon Fiber Co.,Ltd。正在招募50名普通工人,钣金工人,电工和销售人员;

31。AnhuiXinqirui New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd。正在招募25名运营商和检查员;

32。ChuzhouXinlian Food and Beverage Co.,Ltd。正在招募67个人,包括仓库经理,ERP专家,现场质量控制和质量检查工头;

33。ChuzhouXingheng Precision Industrial Co.,Ltd。正在招募40名丝网印刷操作员,普通工人,注入成型工人和检查员;

34。ChuzhouInnoxin Electric Co.,Ltd。正在招募42名检查员,屏幕打印机,产品开发工程师和注入型成型器;




38。AnhuiYuhong Thin Film Technology Co.,Ltd。正在招募销售,检查员储备金干部,运营商等,共11人;




达利安电子公司(Chuzhou)有限公司成立于2018年。它隶属于Benq Auo Group,总部位于台湾。 Longda Electronics Co.,Ltd。成立于2008年5月23日。这是一家专门生产超高亮度发光二极管(LED)的公司。二极管是一家提供来自EPI,芯片和包装到照明源应用程序的产品。它也是国内LED行业的国际LED领导者,从上游,中游和下游流程到产品应用程序提供一站式生产。 。

















































联系电话:Lu/MS女士。 Tang 0550-2598800分机。 1826年或1827年

公司地址:Anhui省Chuzhou City Nanqiao区的Qingliu East Road 2168号(Jinzhou Road Station 22号公共汽车)




Xinyang Precision Technology(Chuzhou)有限公司


Xiangyang Technology Group目前是亚洲最大的霉菌,注塑成型和精密组装公司之一,也是塑料中最垂直整合的供应商之一。该集团在世界各地都有工厂,包括新加坡,马来西亚(Johor),中国(Tianjin,上海,苏州和中山,Chuzhou),瑞典(Växjour),拉脱维亚(Riga)(Riga)(Riga)和墨西哥(Guadalajara)。

Xinyang Precision Technology(Chuzhou)有限公司于2015年3月13日正式成立。它是新加坡SunningDaleprecision Industries Ltd的全资子公司。该公司位于楚州市Sustu Modern Industrial Park的Lanzhou Road 18号,注册资本为1,290万美元。























公司地址:Chuzhou Suchu工业园区Lanzhou Road 18号(Qingliu East Road和Lanzhou Road的交汇处)




Chuzhou Aiwofu光电技术有限公司。


Chuzhou Aiwofu Optoelectronics Technology Co.,Ltd。是由外国投资者投资的全外国拥有的企业。该公司位于Chuzhou City Suchu工业园区的现代工业广场13号建筑物。

该公司主要从事光纤通信产品的研究,开发,生产和销售。主要产品包括平面光学波导拆分器,光纤跳跃机,脂肪底盘,走廊纤维分配箱,光纤盒和光纤通信系统等。该公司遵守“专业精神,重点,精确和创新”和创新的业务理念始终遵守“首先评估人才”以开发和制造一流产品的原则,满足客户的需求,并不断为客户提供高精度和高质量的产品。 ,全国和国外的客户,并获得了广泛的赞誉。
















在工作期间提供免费的工作用餐和住宿。水和电由自己照顾。宿舍配备了空调。根据法律支付五项社会保险和一项基金。该公司具有资历工资,为100元人民币一年,最高限额为500元。通常需要一日游,并且不需要轮班工作。停止1。正常工作时间为8:00-17:00。该公司基本上需要加班以进行生产。加班时间为17:30-19:00。无尘净化研讨会。研讨会一年四季都有恒定的温度和湿度。它是无毒的,无辐射的和不污染的。您可以在坐着时手头工作。 。



公司地址:Anhui省Chuzhou City的Sustu工业园区现代工业广场的13号建筑物(22号公共汽车 - 在Dongsheng Garden Station下车 - 在Sustu Modern Industrial Park入口大门的13号建筑物)






Oushi Home Furnishing(Chuzhou)有限公司由一家德国公司投资,并于2018年1月正式开始生产。该工厂位于Xin'Anjiang Road和Suchu Avenue的交汇处。专门生产枕头套,沙发盖,垫子盖等。所有产品均直接出口到德国,瑞士和其他欧洲地区。



























公司地址:Sustu Avenue和Xin'Anjiang Road的交汇处



Chuzhou Kairun未来行李产品有限公司


Anhui Korun Co.,Ltd。(股票代码:300577)是Chuzhou的第一家本地上市公司,是一家国际集团公司。 Korrun拥有行李的世界一流精益生产和制造基地,是拥有世界上最好的硬件设施的行李工厂。一。该公司的全球业务已蔓延到美国,台湾,香港,新加坡,印度,印度尼西亚以及其他国家和地区,约有9,500名员工。服务的客户包括耐克,DKL,戴尔,联想,惠普,华硕和许多其他国际品牌。为了更好地为不同品牌的客户提供服务,该公司在Chuzhou地区拥有12个工厂。根据您的需要,总是有合适的公司和职位!我们从不欠员工工资,我们也有员工护理组织!




工作时间:10小时的工作时间; (Changbai Shift 8:00 AM至18:30 PM),每周六天,一天放假;












工作时间:10小时的工作时间; (Changbai Shift 8:00 AM至18:30 PM),休假六天,休息一天;



当员工加入公司时,他们支付了五项社会保险和一项住房基金,在职培训,带薪年假,免费董事会和住宿,完整的宿舍设施(空调,热水器,WiFi,洗衣机);提供双雇员家庭建筑(社区套房,一间卧室,一间客厅,一间厨房和一间浴室));城市地区和宿舍拥有免费的穿梭巴士,度假福利,年终奖金,促销系统,良好的研讨会环境,没有装配线工作,无需穿无尘衣服,下午茶(面包 +水果),请按16点:每天15,夏天和冰淇淋。冰棍。


联系电话:Feng女士0550-3012299 18075248585

公司地址:Chuzhou City Quanzhou Road 100号(Nike Future Fucorting工厂,第12楼,第4阶段,Sustu Modern Industrial Park)




Bozi Clean Technology(Anhui)Co.,Ltd。


Anhui Bozi Cleaning Technology Co.,Ltd。已于2017年7月3日注册并成立。它是一家面向出口的私人企业产品。木浆海绵是一种新的国际绿色,环保和高性能清洁材料。它取代了原始的普通清洁材料,主要用于家庭装饰,食品和餐饮,医疗建筑,美容和健美运动以及其他行业。




薪金:4500-8000 +元/月,五项保险和一项住房基金,食品和住宿






薪水:4000-6000 +元/月,详细信息可谈判



薪水:全面的每月薪水约为4,500-6,000元/月。公司员工的薪水基于基本的工资 +绩效奖金 +年终奖金。年收入为60,000-80,000(无上限),每月支付,房间和董事会是免费的。




联系电话:0550-2382098/177755022284 SUN先生(微信上的相同号码)


工厂地址:Anhui省Chuzhou City Suchu Modern Industrial Park Hongye Road 39号(Anhui Bozi)



Daoyi Precision Technology(ANHUI)有限公司


Daoyi Precision Technology(Anhui)Co.,Ltd。隶属于新加坡Daoyi集团,目前在马来西亚,法国和中国拥有39个国际分支机构。该公司主要从事精密金属和陶瓷注入成型和模具的设计,生产和销售。它可以极大地满足不同领域的客户的需求,例如电子,通信,医疗设备,汽车和半导体。该公司遵守工业领域的最高制造标准,是一家专业企业,具有较高的技术内容,广泛的产品系列,一流的规模以及中国金属粉末加工行业的强度。该公司位于Chuzhou Sustu Modern Industrial Park的Weiye Road 88号,总建筑面积约为30,000平方米。它具有美丽的工厂环境,良好的薪水和福利,以及一个广泛的开发平台。欢迎您加入!







工作需求:精通EDM排放必需品,精通GF机器运营(Charmilles GF操作的经验是首选);









Chuzhou Sustu工业园区Weiye Road 88号(Sustu Avenue和Weiye Road的交汇处)



Daoyi Precision Technology(ANHUI)有限公司


Anhui Anhexin光电技术有限公司,位于Chuzhou City的Sustu Modern Industrial Park。该公司成立于2019年,主要从事光学产品,新材料,招牌和模具的研究,开发和销售;电子产品和组件,材料的电子销售,光电材料和塑料板;自动化设备和零件的设计,生产和销售。总面积为3507.99m2。该项目计划投资2000万元购买真空涂料设备,空气压缩机,冷水机,喷砂机和其他生产设备。该项目完成后,预计该项目的年产量为3000万台5G手机背板和汽车。显示面板生产能力为150,000平方米。





薪水:基本工资(2020元) +出勤奖金 +资历薪金 +加班费 +进餐津贴 +夜班津贴,每月薪水为4,000-6,000元/月。




薪水:基本工资(2020元) +出勤奖金 +资历薪金 +加班费 +进餐津贴 +夜班津贴,每月薪水为4,000-6,000元/月。




薪水:基本工资(2020元) +出勤奖金 +资历薪金 +加班费 +进餐津贴 +夜班津贴,每月薪水为4,000-6,000元/月。


工作要求:20 - 38年,高中学位或更高,超过两年的质量管理经验。强大的能力承受压力,良好的沟通和协调能力;

Working hours: two-shift working system, day shift 8:30-20:30, night shift 20:30-8:30 (shift in half a month), rest on statutory holidays;

Salary: basic salary (2020 yuan) + perfect attendance bonus + seniority salary + overtime pay + meal allowance + night shift allowance, monthly salary 4,000-6,000 yuan/month.


Employees of the company who have been employed for three months or more are entitled to social insurance stipulated by the state, and are provided with free board and lodging, a 24-hour constant-temperature dust-free workshop, and are required to wear dust-free clothes and dust-free shoes.工作非常容易。

4. Contact information

Contact number: Ms. Chen 18755002904

Interview time: Monday to Saturday 8:30-16:30

Interviewees can call directly for consultation.


Camellia Modern Household Products (Chuzhou) Co., Ltd.


Camellia Modern Household Products Co., Ltd. (stock abbreviation: Camellia Co., Ltd., stock code: 603615SH) was established in 1997. Its headquarters is located in Jin'an District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. Its subsidiary is located at No. 79 Yiye Road, Suchu Modern Industrial Park, Chuzhou City. Specializing in the R&D, production and sales of modern household products, it is a leading enterprise in China's plastic household products industry. The company currently has 148 new technologies that have obtained national patents, has more than 1,500 employees, and has an annual productivity of 50,000 tons. The "Camellia" trademark won the title of China's Well-known Trademark in 2010. The company's main sales terminals are concentrated in hypermarkets and large supermarkets across the country, and it has established close relationships with domestic and foreign national supermarket chains such as Wal-Mart, Carrefour, RT-Mart, China Resources Vanguard, Yonghui, Renrenle, Wumart, Lotus, and Auchan. strategic partnership. The company provides employees with benefits such as a beautiful office environment, on-the-job training, working meals, cadre dormitories, five insurances and one housing fund, birthday and holiday gifts, and multiple channels for career development.

2. Recruitment positions, job requirements, working hours and salary benefits

(1) Cost accountant: 1 person

Job requirements: Full-time college degree or above, assistant accountant title is preferred; financial management-related training and re-education training, more than two years of experience in cost accounting for industrial enterprises; proficient in ERP operation experience, familiar with EXCEL; clear expression, clear thinking, and a certain level of experience communication and coordination skills;

Salary: Comprehensive salary 5,000-6,000 yuan/month.

(2) IPQC inspector: 1

Job requirements: High school degree or above, familiar with ISO:9001 quality management system; familiar with ISO:9001 quality management system, GB/T 2828.1-2003 sampling inspection plan, and good knowledge of office computers;

Salary: Comprehensive salary 3,500-5,000 yuan/month.

(3) Mechanics: 2

Job requirements: High school/technical school degree or above; hold a valid welder certificate; have 3 years or more of relevant work experience in equipment maintenance;

Salary: Comprehensive hourly salary of 4,000-5,000 yuan/month.

(4) IE engineer: 1

Job requirements: College degree or above; more than 5 years of experience as an IE engineer in the injection molding industry, familiar with ERP systems, strong data concepts, and understanding of mechanical drawing (CAD or Pro/E);

Salary: Comprehensive salary 5,000-7,000 yuan/month.

(5) Injection molding technicians: 10

Job requirements: technical secondary school degree or above; knowledge related to mechanical maintenance and automation maintenance; skills related to injection molding process, and certain communication skills with colleagues;

Salary: Comprehensive salary is 4,500-6,000 yuan/month.

(6) Operators: 50

Job requirements: Junior high school education or above; knowledge of product color identification and 6S on the workshop site; knowledge of product color identification and 6S on the workshop site;

Salary: Comprehensive salary is 3,500-5,000 yuan/month.

3. Benefits

Five insurances and one housing fund, paid annual leave, weekend breaks; beautiful office environment, cadre dormitories, free working meals, etc.

4. Contact information

Contact number: Ms. Cui 13365508286

Company address: No. 79, Yiye Road, Suchu Modern Industrial Park, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province

Email address: czhr@chahuajj.com (please indicate the position you are applying for in the subject of the email)


Anhui Kaicheng Electric Co., Ltd.


Specializing in the design, processing and manufacturing of low-voltage electrical components, precision stamping parts, plastic parts, and precision stamping continuous molds. The factory area is 3,000 square meters. The company has a group of professionals engaged in electrical accessories, automation engineering, mold design, production, technology, quality management, etc. Its main products are self-designed, developed and processed, covering precision molds, precision stamping parts, welded parts, injection molding and automation accessories. 。 The company has introduced precision stamping equipment to realize automatic feeding and processing of more than 90% of continuous molds, creating an annual production capacity of more than 8 million sets of parts and 500 million pieces of various stamping parts. There are currently more than 30 stamping machines of various specifications ranging from 16 to 125 tons, and dozens of special testing equipment such as two-dimensional projection detectors, electronic hardness testers, analytical laboratory instruments, etc., to provide customers with higher quality products and professional technology. Guaranteed and perfect quality management.欢迎加入我们!

2. Recruitment positions, job requirements, working hours and salary benefits

(1) Spot welding and stamping operators: 10

Job requirements: Male or female, 18-45 years old, mainly operating machines, with or without experience, junior high school education or above, hard-working, proactive, obedient to management, and follow leadership arrangements.

Working hours: 12 hours long day shift;

Salary: Comprehensive hourly salary of 3,600-4,500 yuan/month, including food and accommodation.

(1) General workers: 4

Job requirements: High work consciousness, no need for supervision, able to adapt to complex work (cleaning, grinding, polishing, etc.) and product shaping.

Working hours: 8 hours, overtime is acceptable, overtime wages will be calculated separately;

Salary: Comprehensive hourly salary of 2100-2500/month, including food and accommodation.

(3) Inspector: 1

Job requirements: No limit to male or female, 18 to 38 years old, use measuring tools and inspection tools to inspect products, with or without experience;

Working hours: 12 hours long day shift;

Salary: Comprehensive hourly salary of 3,600-5,000 yuan/month, including food and accommodation.


Purchase five insurances, holiday allowances and gifts, meal allowances, seniority allowances, birthday gifts, national holidays and annual leaves, six days off and one day off, overtime pay and other related benefits!

4. Contact information

Contact number: Manager Li 18855005550 / 0550-3802266

Company address: No. 759, Xin'anjiang Road, Chuzhou

Interviewees can call directly for consultation or come to the company for consultation.


Hongwei Electronics (Anhui) Co., Ltd.


Hongwei Electronics (Anhui) Co., Ltd. is an enterprise invested by Singapore PROCARE with independent legal qualifications and provides high-tech temperature and humidity controllers, temperature and humidity meters, household appliance controllers, electronic special equipment, instruments and configurations.

In September 2015, based on the company's development, it entered Chuzhou, Anhui Province. In Chuzhou Suchu Modern Industrial Park, the industrial park covers an area of ​​27087.68㎡, with a total investment of more than 5.4 million US dollars. The company mainly exports to Europe and the United States, mainly Its main customers include Walmart, Macy's, Kohl's, Biglots, JCP, KMART, and SEARS. We are committed to creating high-tech electric blankets. The products of heating pads have laid the foundation for development. Hongwei Electronics welcomes everyone to join us.

2. Recruitment positions, job requirements, working hours and salary benefits

(1) General workers: 25

Job requirements: Male or female, 18-45 years old, healthy, hard-working, with or without experience;

Working hours: 12-hour day shift, finish work early and leave early;

Salary: Comprehensive salary is 3,000-3,800 yuan/month, including food and accommodation.

(2) Inspectors: 5

Job requirements: No limit to male or female, 18 to 35 years old, hard-working, willing to work overtime, with or without experience;

Working hours: 12-hour day shift, follow the line, finish the production line early and leave early;

Salary: Comprehensive salary is 3,000-3,800 yuan/month, including food and accommodation.

(3) Sewing workers: 25

Job requirements: 18-46 years old, skilled worker, hard-working, willing to work overtime;

Working hours: 12-hour long day shift, those who finish work early and get off work early, and those who are quick will be rewarded for overproduction;

Salary: Time comprehensive salary is 4000-6500 yuan/month, including boarding and lodging.

(4) Sewing technician: 1

1. Maintenance and maintenance;

2. Equipment check;

3. Daily machine detection and maintenance;

4. Those who will repair the sewing machine give priority to the promotion (salary negotiation)

(5) Quality Director: 1

1. Men, 3 years of work experience, English listening, reading and writing are generally available;

2. For customers, the introduction of various systems, rich experience, and familiar with the quality process. (Salary interview)


Employees will pay five insurances when they enter the job, pay one fund after transfer, enter the training, pay annual vacations, free board lodging, festival benefits, year -end awards, enjoy a promotion system, a good workshop environment, without wearing no dust clothes.

4. Contact information

Contact number: Ms. Wang 0550-3560652 18214709255

Contact number: Ms. Wang 0550-3836220 13665504117

Company Address: No. 1918 Qingliu East Road, Su Chuye Industrial Park, Luzhou (intersection of Qingliu Road and Changzhou Road)

Email address: 425275761@qq.com



Luzhou Glory Non -woven Technology Co., Ltd.


Luzhou Glory Non -woven Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional development and production and registered capital of 10 million yuan. It mainly operates single S, dual SS. Molten -spray SMS production of propararchy spinning non -woven fabric production equipment. Enterprises are located in Suzhou Suyun Modern Industrial Park, with beautiful scenery and convenient transportation. Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangsu, Anhui, Sichuan, Chengdu, etc., Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, India, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Russia, Poland have our company's equipment.

2. Recruitment positions, job requirements and salary benefits

(1) Welder: 4

Job requirements: Can be proficient in welding and use proficiency, familiar with welding materials and welding requirements of various equipment, technical secondary school and above, holding welding certificate priority;

Salary: Comprehensive salary of 3800-4000 yuan/month.

(2) CNC lathe: 2 people

Job requirements: Familiar with mechanical processing drawings, complete processing according to the requirements of the process, responsible for programming according to the drawing, technical secondary school and above, and CNC professional persons are preferred;

Salary: Time comprehensive salary is 4500-5000 yuan/month.

(3) Quality Inspector: 2

Job requirements: mechanical design related majors, familiar with mechanical equipment drawings, more than three years of experience in machinery processing and manufacturing quality management work experience, college degree, mechanical and equipment professionals are preferred;

Salary: Time comprehensive salary is 3500-5000 yuan/month.

(4) CNC operator: 4 people

Job requirements: I can understand the mechanical drawings, complete the processing of workpiece and parts according to the procedures, perform actual measurement according to the drawings, carry out daily maintenance of the machine, and the college degree and familiar with machine tool operators are preferred ;

Salary: Time comprehensive salary is 4000-6000 yuan/month.


Including and living, there are year -end prizes, five insurances, and gifts for the holidays of the New Year.

4. Contact information

Contact number: Miss Li 0550-3900333/18019860341

Company Address: No. 2 Factory No. 2 Factory No. 2, Xin'anjiang Road, Suzhu Industrial Park, Luzhou City, Anhui Province.


Anhui Hongwei Environmental Equipment Co., Ltd.


Anhui Hongwei Environmental Equipment Co., Ltd. is a specialized high -tech enterprise specializing in the development and manufacturing of central air -conditioning end products and artificial environmental equipment related products.

The company's first -phase newly built plant covers an area of ​​6,000 square meters, with more than 100 technical workers in the workshop; the office area is 800 square meters and 30 office staff. It also set up branches in Tianjin, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Zhejiang and other places. Greatly enhances the ability to serve the market and meet customer needs. Mei Xiangfeng flushed the seas, and Lan Youyu Jingxin Wuzhou. We wholeheartedly invite people from all walks of life: sincerely cooperate and seek common development.


(1) Operator: 10 (male)

Packing, assembly, piece counting salary, average salary of 3500-5500.

Working hours: 8 hours of Changbai class, one after another.

(2) Craft clerk: 1 (female)

The entry and maintenance of the product BOM; CAD software is required.

Working hours: 8 hours of Changbai class, the salary is negotiated, and one will be one.


Pay five insurances, enroll training, and enjoy the promotion system.

4. Contact information

Contact number: Ms. Zhou 18655065554

Company Address: 5th Phase 5 of Su Chu Modern Industrial Park (intersection of Quanzhou Road and Xin'anjiang Road)



Anhui Hong'ao Medical Technology Co., Ltd.


Anhui Hong'ao Medical Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2018. It is located in the Suzhu Industrial Park in Anhui Province. It is separated from Nanjing Yijiang. The company's area is close to Tianqian high -speed. Ningluo high -speed transportation conditions are superior. Hong'ao Medical is mainly engaged in the development, production and sales of high -quality anesthesia and breathing. The main products include anesthesia products such as tracheal intubation, throat masks, respiratory products such as oxygen suction masks, atomized masks, and other disposable medical catheter products. Products have entered developed markets such as North America and the European Union, as well as many countries and regions such as Eastern Europe, Latin America, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Division is located in the Fourth Phase II Factory Factory No. 5 of the Fourth Phase II Industrial Park in Suzhou, with a total construction area of ​​about 8,000 square meters, of which 100,000 cleansing workshops and more than 2,000 square meters of laboratories that meet the GMP requirements. The beautiful factory environment, good salary and welfare, and broad development platform, welcome to join!


(1) Operator: 10 people

Job requirements: men and women are not limited, 25-42 years old, good health, and good hands and feet. Diploma in junior high school and above can be engaged in manual work for a long time. There is no flow of water line, there is no experience;


Salary: Comprehensive salary of 3200-4500 yuan/month.

(2) Inspector: 2

Job requirements: men and women are not limited, 23-35 years old, good health, responsible, technical secondary school and above, computer, careful communication, good communication ability, can operate general inspection tools, and have work experience preferred.


Salary: Comprehensive salary of 3200-4200 yuan/month.

(3) Production planner: 1

Job requirements: women, age 25-35 years old, high school or technical secondary school degree or above; you can operate your computer, you can do the Excel table; work diligent, careful, good communication skills; related work experience is preferred.

Working hours: 8 hours;

Salary: Comprehensive salary of 3000-4000 yuan/month.

(4) Reserve cadres: 3

Job requirements: male, 22-30 years old, college degree or above; those who have work experience in the mechanical field are preferred, and they can accept fresh graduates; they have strong management capabilities and are stable in their cases. His work is serious and responsible, with strong pressure, and good teamwork spirit.

Working hours: 8 hours;

Salary: Comprehensive salary of 3200-4500 yuan/month.

(5) Examiner: 1

Job requirements: men and women are not limited, 25-30 years old. Pharmacy, biological or chemical related majors, college degree or above, it is best to do microbiochemical -related experiments, with work experience preferred.

Working hours: 8 hours;

Salary: Comprehensive salary of 3500-4000 yuan/month.

(6) Workshop Assistant: 1

Job requirements: men and women are not limited, 25-35 years old, technical secondary school and above, good health, computer, flexible work, can coordinate the various tasks of the production department, follow up, promote, adjust, adjust, adjust, adjust, adjust, adjust, adjust, adjust, adjust, adjust tidy.

Working hours: 8 hours;

Salary: Comprehensive salary of 3000-4000 yuan/month.

(7) Warehouse management: 1

Job requirements: Male, about 32-42 years old, technical secondary school and above, will operate high cars, and be proficient in driving forklifts. Actively stand hard work and have a strong sense of responsibility.

Salary: Comprehensive salary 3000-4000 yuan/month

(8) Warehouse clerk: 1

Job requirements: Female, a 25-35-year-old secondary college degree or above; more than one year of warehouse management work experience; familiar with computer office software, have good communication, coordination and execution ability, work and serious work, and strong sense of responsibility.

Working hours: 8 hours;

Salary: 3000-3500 yuan/month comprehensive salary.

(9) Diligence Miscellaneous Workers: 1

Job requirements: Male, 40-48 years old, good health, hard work, and obeying company management; there is a crushing work experience.

Working hours: 8 hours;

Salary: Comprehensive salary 2800-3200 yuan/month.

(10) Personnel clerk: 1

Job requirements: Female, 25-35 years old, skilled in using Office office software, C1 driver's license, have a sense of responsibility, strong text writing ability, communication and coordination and language expression ability.

Working hours: 8 hours;

Salary: 3000-3500 yuan/month comprehensive salary.


Employee benefits: Five insurances, free work lunch, overtime subsidy (meals), festive benefits, paid annual leave, annual effort, free training, promotion space.

4. Contact information

Contact: Geng Dawei

Email: cdk1945@dingtalk.com

Tel: 13866901945

QQ: 25430675

Contact address: No. 5 Factory, No. 4 Industrial Shop, Quanzhou Road, Su Chu Modern Industrial Garden.


Luzhou Jiayuan Microtida


Since 1982, Jiayuan has been focusing on the research and development, production and sales of core components and vehicles in pure electric vehicles. With more than 100 inventions and patents, it is the oldest professional company that has the longest history of developing automobiles in my country and the richest technology accumulation. In the process of long -term professional research and development and production, innovation has established a complete technical route of electric vehicles with characteristics of Jiayuan. Design and produce the core components of the Jiayuan electric vehicle driver system.


(1) painter: 2 places

Job requirements: Male, 25-45 years old, have more than two years of car paint paint experience, can independently complete the entire set of operating processes such as scraping, polishing, and paint paint;

Working hours: Eight hours of Changbai Class, one for six breaks;

Salary: Comprehensive salary 4000-6000 yuan/month.

(2) Welders: 4

Job requirements: Male, 25-45 years old, more than one year of gas protection welding experience, there is a welding certificate to be preferred;

Working hours: Eight hours of Changbai Class, one for six breaks;

Salary: Comprehensive salary of 3500-5000 yuan/month.

(3) Patgers: 4

Job requirements: Men, 18-40 years old, responsible for the commissioning of automated equipment, processing parts and product processing, PLC programmers are preferred, technical secondary school/technical school or above;

Working hours: Eight hours of Changbai Class, one for six breaks;

Salary: 3000-4500 yuan/month comprehensive salary.

(4) Electrician and Equipment Management: 1

Job requirements: Men, 25-40 years old, must have high and low voltage electrician certificates and more than three years of factory electricity and equipment maintenance experience;

Working hours: Eight hours of Changbai Class, one for six breaks;

Salary: Salary interview.

(5) Detector: 1

Job requirements: men, 25-35 years old, require driving license driving age and maintenance experience, and in the same industry related work experience to be preferred;

Working hours: Eight hours of Changbai Class, one for six breaks;

Salary: 3000-4500 yuan/month comprehensive salary.

(6) Quality Inspector: 2

Job requirements: men and women are not limited, 25-35 years old, require driving license driving age and inspection experience, and use basic inspection tools;

Working hours: Eight hours of Changbai Class, one for six breaks;

Salary: 3000-4500 yuan/month comprehensive salary.


Five insurances, free lunch and employee dormitories in the month of employment. Enjoy the benefits of statutory holidays, high temperature holidays, holiday gifts, birthdays.

4. Contact information

Contact number: 0550-6860958 18855002053 (WeChat same number)

Company Address: Modern Industrial Workshop, Qingliu Road, Suzhu Industrial Park, Luzhou City, No. 16, Standardized Plant (22nd bus to Nantimen Station of Dongsheng Garden, under Changzhou Road)

Email address: 354346950@qq.com



Jinyang Electronics (Luzhou) Co., Ltd.


Jinyang Electronics's parent company South Korea SMT, as a supporting company LG displayed by the LCD display industry, was independent from LG Group Corporation in March 2005. It is mainly engaged in printing circuit boards such as LCDTV, LCD screens, laptops and tablets and other产品。 The total investment of the Luzhou project has invested $ 20 million, registered for $ 8 million, and purchased 30 acres of land construction factories. The project is planned to be put into production before March 30, 2020. It is planned to work in about 450 people after delivery. The company's environment is beautiful and clean, and the management experience of foreign -funded enterprises is advanced. The company is located at No. 26 Lanzhou Road, Su Lu Modern Industrial Park, Nanxun District, Luzhou City.欢迎美丽的工厂环境,良好的薪水和福利以及广泛的开发平台加入!


(1) Production Director: 1

Job requirements: About 33-40 years old, the SMT industry has more than 5 years of work experience, and the work experience of enterprises with more than 100 employees, understand the basic model of SMT production technology and office procedures, familiar with the Panasonic series CM602, NPM, etc.

Working hours: 26 days benchmark;

Salary: 12k yuan/month, provide accommodation.

(2) SMT production squad leader: 2 people

Job requirements: 25-38 years old, technical secondary school, or above, proficient in computer, more than 3 years of SMT manufacturing enterprises to produce grass-roots management experience, good team consciousness, communication ability and organizational coordination ability, hard work, can adapt to adaptation, can adapt to adaptation Character;

Working hours: 12 hours and two shifts;

Salary: 7.6k-8.4K yuan/month, provides accommodation.

(3) SMT production team leader: 4 places

The post requires a secondary degree or above, 25-35 years old, more than 2 years of job experience, good at communication, careful work, has a certain management ability, familiar with SMT equipment and production processes, good stability, and have certain pressure resistance;

Working hours: 12 hours and two shifts;

Salary: 7K-7.7K yuan/month, provides accommodation.

(4) SMT mouth suction management maintenance staff: 1

Job requirements: Technical school/secondary degree or above, male, understand the SMT patch machine equipment, familiar with the daily maintenance process of sucking mouth, have the work experience of the SMT factory for more than three years to maintain management, and have a team collaboration. ;

Working hours: 5 days long white class system;

Salary: 4.7k-6K yuan/month, provides accommodation.

(5) SMT Quality Section Leader: 2 people

Job requirements: secondary school degree or above, 25-35 years old. You must have the work experience for more than 2 years of SMT factory management;

Working hours: 12 hours and two shifts;

Salary: 7.6k-8.4K yuan/month, provides accommodation.

(6) SMT repairman: 1 (male)

Job requirements: high school/vocational high/technical school/technical secondary school degree, understand the performance of general electronic components, can understand the basic electronic schematic diagram, skilled SMT (patch component) soldering iron weld; ; There is a team collaboration spirit to endure hardships and stand hard work;

Working hours: 12 hours and two shifts;

Salary: 5K-5.5K yuan/month, providing accommodation.

(7) Engineering Equipment Science and Technology Officer: 4 (male)

Job requirements: understand various professional tools for equipment management, and be able to apply it proficient; more than 2 years of SMT production line equipment management and maintenance experience; good team collaboration ability, communication ability, execution, and strong management ability;

Working hours: 12 hours and two shifts;

Salary: 7.2k-7.9k yuan/month, provides accommodation.

(8) Procurement: 1

Job requirements: related majors or above, men and women are unlimited, 25-35 years old; more than 2 years of SMT procurement related work experience; positive forge The enthusiasm of work, good team cooperation spirit;

Working hours: 5 days long white class system;

Salary: 4.7k-5.6k yuan/month, provides accommodation.

(9) Warehouse squad leader: 2

Job requirements: men and women are unlimited, 25-35 years old, technical secondary school and above; more than 2 years of SMT warehouse management experience is preferred; the requirements of familiarity with electronic equipment warehouse management; familiar with SMT electronic components, and can use office software to make accounts ; Sensitive, serious, careful, responsible;

Working hours: 12 hours and two shifts;

Salary: 7.6k-8.4K yuan/month, provides accommodation.

(10) Business (proficient in Korean): 1 (male)

Job requirements: male, 25-33 years old, college degree or above, have more than two years of work experience with single-member work; familiar with the process of delivery, delivery and connecting with customers; proficient in Korean;

Working hours: 5 days long white class system;

Salary: 6K-8K yuan/month, provide accommodation.

(11) Procurement (proficient in Korean): 1

Job requirements: related majors and colleges or above, men and women are unlimited, 25-35 years old; more than 2 years of purchasing related work experience; positive forgiving, strong sense Passionate work, good teamwork spirit;

Working hours: 5 days long white class system;

Salary: 6K-8K yuan/month, provide accommodation.

(12) Cost accounting: 1

Job requirements: college degree or above, men and women are not limited, age between 30-38 years, college degree or above, financial and accounting related majors, primary or above titles; -Per more than 5 years of work experience in manufacturing enterprises;

Working hours: 5 days long white class system;

Salary: 4.7k-5K yuan/month, provides accommodation.

(13) Customs declaration: 1 (female)

Job requirements: Female, 25-33 years old, college degree or above, have more than two years of factory customs declaration work experience;

Working hours: 5 days long white class system;

Salary: 4.7k-5K yuan/month, provides accommodation.

(14) General Personnel: 1 (male)

Job requirements: 30-40 years old, college degree or above, more than 3 years of work experience in the same position; have the ability to organize and coordinate the organization and cross-departments in good departments, and have strong teamwork ability;

Working hours: 5 days long white class system;

Salary: 4.7k-5K yuan/month, provides accommodation.

(15) Personnel Specialist: 1

Job requirements: college degree or above, with more than 4 years of personnel specialist experience work experience; have good communication and expression ability and organizational coordination ability; have good management, execution ability, and confidentiality awareness; Work responsibility and learning ability, good teamwork awareness;

Working hours: 5 days long white class system;

Salary: 4.7k-5K yuan/month, provides accommodation.

(16) Factory Electrician: 2

3. Job requirements: 30-40 years old, more than 2 years of factory factory affairs

Electrician work experience; and have more than one year of work experience in the power distribution room; it can repair the normal operation of dormitory, the hydropower lighting system of the office building, and the power system and the power of the power system and the power supply of all workshops; There are low -voltage electrician operating permits recognized by the state;

Working hours: 12 hours and two shifts;

Salary: 6.6k-7.3K yuan/month, providing accommodation.


Employees will enjoy social insurance and housing provident funds in the next month; enjoy national statutory holidays; paid annual leave: 1-10 years in the company's service: 1-10 years, 5-year vacation, 10-20 years, 10-day vacation; 20 years and above 15 Niannian vacation; free work meal, 50 yuan/month/person (dormitory water and electricity costs).

4. Contact information

Contact number: Ms. Yi 0550-3769000/14790133261

Company Address: No. 26 Lanzhou Road, Su Chu Hyundai Industrial Garden, Nanyu District, Luzhou City

Mailbox address: 1725775407@qq.com



Jiu Mu Smart Kitchen and Ben (Anhui) Co., Ltd.


The world -renowned kitchen and bathroom brand JOMOO, the top of the "China's Most Valuable Brand 500 Fortune 500" industry for the year, the brand value is as high as 16.156 billion yuan.

Jiu Mu Smart Kitchen and Ben (Anhui) Co., Ltd. was founded in 2009. It is affiliated with Jiu Mu Group. It is a comprehensive modern enterprise integrating research and development, production, and sales of smart furniture products including drying racks and integrated ceilings. 140,000 square meters is the largest modern drying product production base in Asia. Since its birth, it has formulated a strategic goal of becoming the first domestic brand in the drying industry within 5 years, positioning as a leader in China's high -end intelligent drying rack.


(1) Operator: 10 people

Job requirements: men and women are not limited, 18-48 years old, assembled parts, assembly line work, there is any experience;

Working hours: 8-hour long Bai Ban Danxiu (8: 00-17: 00) (3 hours overtime during the peak season: 17: 30-20: 30);

Salary: 1 month of the probation period (basic salary+overtime pay), transfer the packet salary, comprehensive salary of 3,000-4000 yuan/month, including board and lodging.

(2) Inspector: 2

Job requirements: women, 18 to 38 years old, have experience preferred;

Working hours: 8-hour long Bai Ban Danxiu (8: 00-17: 00) (3 hours overtime during the peak season: 17: 30-20: 30);

Salary: Comprehensive salary of 3500-4000 yuan/month, including board and lodging.

(3) Warehouse management officer: 2

Job requirements: Men, 18-40 years old, responsible for finished products/semi-finished products in and out of database, will operate computers, forklifts prefer, technical secondary school/technical school or above;

Working hours: 8-hour long Bai Ban Danxiu (8: 00-17: 00) (3 hours overtime during the peak season: 17: 30-20: 30);

Salary: Comprehensive salary of 3500-4000 yuan/month, including board and lodging.


Employees will pay five insurances and one fund, enter the training, pay annual leave, free board and lodging (lunch), festival benefits, year -end awards, and enjoy the promotion system.今天注册

4. Contact information

Contact number: Ms. Xu 18955012387

Company Address: No. 1528 Yangzi East Road, Su Chu Industrial Park, Luzhou (You can take bus 22 to Luzhou Avenue Station)



Anhui Kangneng Electric Co., Ltd.


Anhui Kangneng Electric Co., Ltd. (formerly Beijing Jixintong Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd.), the company's original technology originated from the Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua Universit
