
日期: 2025-01-27 14:23:18 |浏览: 9|编号: 67620



8月的第二周(8月5日至8月11日),电子商务领域有什么?以下是本周对数字零售,数字生活,跨境电子商务和工业数字E -Commerce平台的最新动态评论。

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9。TAOBAOUNION 1688建立了“编织工厂”服装IP





8月9日,Apleay服务提供商平台最近发出了一份通知,称为了在Abily Platform上进一步满足合作伙伴的业务需求,该平台最近升级了Alipay Message产品。据报道,特定内容如下:支付宝的消息支持释放商品


TAOBAO在8月10日表示,第二年,TAOBAO将努力工作,以成为时尚,实时供应和工业带供应。在工厂供应方面,淘宝推出了新的IP“织工厂”,并与1688 Source Factory相结合,并在明年孵化了1亿个“织造工厂”。



阿里巴巴第二季度的收入为2341亿元人民币增长14% - 年


陶田集团第二季度的收入1149.53亿元人民币增长了12% - 一年

8月10日晚上,阿里巴巴在2024财政年度(2023年第二季度)的第一季度发布了财务报告。财务报告显示,淘宝和Tmall Group的收入为1,19.53亿元人民币(约158.5亿美元),一年一年增长了12%。


8月10日,在2023年的TAOBAO服装新部队周生态会议上,负责TAOBAO服装供应中心的负责人Yi XI宣布了两种用于服装商人的AI产品:AI和AI测试室。

Quick -Handed E -Commerce在第三季度正式启动了“大型杀菌”频道,以投资近1亿元人民币现金

8月5日,Kuaishou E -Commerce宣布了核心品牌补贴频道“ Big Brand Big Make”的正式启动。该频道以“大名称和低价”的核心运行,该渠道旨在营造每日促销氛围。该频道将分布在购物中心频道,首页,搜索,建议和其他方案上。

Quick -Hand E-商业城市选拔中心登陆Nantong

8月6日,Quick E -Commerce City Selection Center的Nantong站于8月1日举行了揭幕仪式。还正式启动了同时发生的E -Commerce E -Commerce E -Commerce Nantong Home Textile Festive。




8月7日,武士Xun在Bee Live Room Yunnan车站举行的“蜜蜂迷人中国旅行”的第一次特殊性特别会议最近宣布了决赛。在云南可追溯性特别会议中,整体指导营业额超过2343万元人民币。

2023 Kuaishou光合创造者会议将于8月10日开放

8月7日,库伊舒(Kuaishou)正式宣布,“ 2023年Kuaishou Optical Creator会议”将于8月10日在上海举行。Kuaishou的许多高管和商业线都将在场,以深刻地解释Kuaishou Creator的成长和内容生态趋势,并发布创建者服务策略,以全面增强创造者的成长和实现。


8月7日,Sanyang Networks帮助了农村恢复。三个绵羊网络主持人团队将从沙漠中的沙漠森林(Yulong Kashi River)开始,到达Hetian Tanancheng,并在Flower Fruit King风景区域,核桃王风景区,Qianli葡萄走廊和其他地方。本质

Douyin治理非法现象,例如“ Midtou.com”和其他非法现象,在短期内被禁止

8月8日,杜林安全中心几天前发出了通知,称杜林(Douyin非法利润。七个帐户,例如“中城中期”,“中城区”和“ zhongtu.com”选择儿童读物“已在短时间内持续了30天,并且在15天之前取消了实时广播许可。本质

Douyin E -Commerce MCN机构发布了8月份的清单发行的Century Ruike Lake三羊网络在综合优势列表中排名前三

8月8日,Douyin E -Commerce在8月份的列表中发布了MCN机构。该列表依赖于新推出的E -Commerce MCN机构级别系统来排名和发布。 Century Ruike,Yuanxing湖,三个绵羊网络,东方选择,白兔子控股,无忧的媒体和Yaowang Network进入了全面的力量清单。



Century Ruike正式更名为“将朋友Preferred Technology Co.,Ltd.放置”。

8月8日,与香港上市公司Century Ruike的回应更名为朋友Holdings(01450.HK)和“ Hangzhou Century Century Ruike Information Conformation Co.,Ltd。”。被正式更名为“向朋友偏爱的技术有限公司付款”。一个朋友”),作为一个由中国大陆控制的朋友,他成为了一个朋友。

Qian Xun推出了AI Digital Live Broadcast Business的启动小型和中型商人,以加速转型和升级

8月8日,Qian Xian(以下称为“ Qian Xun”),Qian Xun(Hangzhou)Holding Co.,Ltd。的子公司,启动了AI数字实时广播业务和一项智能实时广播综合广播。服务平台。

视频编号:无面孔-to -Face Live广播是非法行为,将受到限制和禁止



8月9日,为了回应成都锤技术集团,成都市场监督和管理局被包括在运营异常列表中,而Friend Technology Co.,Ltd.回答说,异常原因是联系电话号码是改变了。他还说,他已经在与当地主管的权威进行沟通,以积极解决相关情况。

东部选择认证Douyin Live Room增加到八个矩阵“成员”扩展

据报道,8月9日,东方选择在Douyin平台上增加了两个有关“东方选择风味寿命”和“东方选择商店”的帐户。 6个现场广播室的选择属于同一公司。




8月9日,Douyin E -Commerce发出了一个通知,称该平台几天前收到了更多用户投诉。经过调查后,一些商人/创作者具有非法行为,例如伪造伪造,在车站外发行第三方信息并违反法规进行交易。


几天前的8月10日,Kuaishou发布了一份公告,称为更全面的购物保证和为用户提供更好的购物体验。 “退货维修费”计划已升级到“返回,交换和替换货物”,该计划将在不久的将来开始逐渐增加。

Suning Tesco的新版本DAJI将在内部测试阶段推出

8月7日,Suning Tesco最近宣布了新版本的“ Daju Hui”的升级措施,以帮助商家进一步降低成本并提高效率。新版本的Dajiu进入了内部测试阶段,并将在818个时期启动。


8月7日,雷克森(Lexin)的上演Lexian Lexian电子商务数据显示,从今年1月到6月,奢侈品类别的营业额同比增长181%;今年上半年,90多岁的消费者在奢侈品消费中占90多岁。

蚂蚁集团子公司以6.28亿美元的价格出售了Paytm 10.3%

根据Paytm提交给BSE的文件,Paytm的董事兼首席执行官Vijay Shekhar Sharma签署了一项协议,签署了一项协议,以6.28亿美元的价格从Antfin(荷兰)收购公司的10.3%的公司股票。


8月8日,《每日OWA》宣布,它与英属维尔京群岛公司Frestking Limited签署了一项股权转让协议。根据《股票转让协议》,每日尤克西亚人同意以1美元的价格转让其子公司的三个子公司的所有股份。

Suning Tesco Retail Cloud发布了“星云计划”,预计将在2025年销售超过500亿

8月8日,Suning Tesco Retail Cloud举行了第一次交流和交易会议,以发布“星云计划”。将来,零售云将部署30,000家商店,深入培养家用电器。前端的布局和快速维修的新轨道预计将在2025年销售超过500亿件零售云的销售。

netease严格选择的宠物物品已升级并更名为NetaSe Tiancheng

8月8日,NetEase严格选择了宠物来升级NetEase Tiancheng的名称并打开88品牌日。

尤赞上半年的收入为7243亿元人民币降低了0.7% - 年龄


Xingsheng更喜欢与TAOBAO E -Commerce平台类似的新型“来源购物中心”业务

8月10日,Xingsheng更喜欢“ Yuanshou购物中心”业务。这是一个类似于淘宝的电子商务平台。一位女士的范围从9元到40元。



Suning Tesco 818“十天,十个晚上十个10个10个10个商店巴基斯坦狂欢节”活动开始了

8月10日,Suning Tesco继续在8月“ 818十周年家用电器房屋安装购物节”降落,并将以在线平台和全国超级商店作为支出。从8月11日到20日,“十天,十个晚上,成千上万的城市以及数千个商店,盛大的狂欢节”活动涵盖了城市和农村地区。

在第二季度,dau dau年年增长了18%



8月11日,蘑菇街(Mushroom Street)于今年4月推出了第一个国内AI业务拍卖工具Weshop。据报道,没有任何晋升,累积注册用户就在不到4个月的时间内推出了。大多数用户是跨境商人。




8月4日,淘宝推出了“ Laizhou Book of Book of Book of Laizhou”,以帮助Pugzhou地区受影响的商人降低运营成本,并支持他们尽快恢复其运营。场地上的产品都是Puzhou受影响的商人的紧急库存。可以正常出售的书籍和外围产品。


8月5日,昨晚6点在Luo Yonghao的Toobao Live Room在Luo Yonghao的Taobao Public Fexterty播出了一个朋友Holdings和Taobao,昨晚在Luo Yonghao的Toobao Live Room宣布了现场直播。等待严重的出版商和书籍公司出售公共福利销售,以帮助受影响的商人恢复损失。


8月6日,Pinduoduo宣布为书籍书开展了一项特别活动。用户在搜索框中输入“ Qianzhou Book”或“ +++”后,您可以输入特殊页面。 Pinduoduo已为受影响地区的某些商店实施了延迟的交付政策,并为受影响的商店提供了帮助。除专门活动外,Pinduoduo还提供帮助受影响的学者进行交通,实时广播和豁免佣金。

Li Jiaqi捐赠了500万元,以帮助北京,天津赫比和其他地方的洪水预防和救济



8月5日,为了帮助Luzhou的受影响的书籍商人,He​​bei花费了困难,支持他们尽快恢复其业务,而Youzan为书籍商人启动了援助计划:灾难的书籍商人将获得一个每月减少软件服务费用,即服务,即服务,即服务,即服务,即服务,该期间根据原始服务期限延长了一个月;受影响的书籍商店将由官方媒体矩阵推广; Zanxuan分销市场推荐商业商店中的商品。



Dong Haifeng和Weiya向患处捐赠了200万元和300万元的材料

8月9日,为了帮助Laizhou地区受影响的商人降低运营成本,并支持他们尽快恢复其运营。 8月8日晚上,Qian Xun的现场直播现场直播,淘宝启动了三个特殊产品链接,所有这些链接均由Dazhou受影响的商人的紧急库存报告,可以正常出售。并为受影响的书籍商人提供免费佣金,帮助受影响的商人尽可能地恢复一些损失,并帮助受影响的企业越过困难。








8月8日,商务部的网站宣布了132个E -Commerce示范企业的清单。 JD, Kuaishou, worth buying, East selection, multi -point, Xiaomi, Baozun e -commerce, Hema, Pinduoduo, Ding Dong buying vegetables, Xiaohongshu, Children's king, Netease strict selection, Yugen Tao Tian, ​​rookie, rookie, rookie ,新秀,新秀,新秀,新秀,新秀,新秀,新秀Handu Yishe,Ruo Yuchen,Vipshop和其他公司被选为“ E -Commerce示范企业”列表。

数字零售定义:互联网经济机构将零售电子商务升级为数字零售,并通过网络渠道(包括物理商品交易和虚拟商品交易)狭义地指的是商品交易活动。广泛的在线经济社会将数字零售定义为一种格式,包括平台,商人,品牌,用户,服务提供商等。根据模型,有C2C,B2C,C2M,B2B2C等。根据类别,有全面的电子商务和垂直E -Commerce;电子商务,实时电子商务,精品店E-商务,小型计划E-商务,数字收藏等。


(1)全面的E -Commerce:JD,Taobao,Tmall,Pinduoduo,Suning Tesco,Gome True Happy,Vipshop,Dangdang,I Bailian,Bilibani等;

(2)现场e -Commerce:Douyin,Kuaishou,TAOBAO LIVE,JINGDONG LIVE,DUODUO LIVE,MUSHROOK Street Live,Vipshop Live,Little Red Book live等。

(3)新鲜的电子商务:Tmall Fresh,Jingdong Fresh,最初是Life,JD.com,Meituan Shipping,Tao Xianda,ding ding,ding ding,ding dong,Park Park Supermarket,Meituan,Meituan购买食物,盒子,盒子,盒子,Ma Xiansheng,很多食物,更喜欢梅图安,等等。


(5)购物指南E -Commerce:Yitao,Rebate Network,值得购买的东西,800,Tao Fan Bar,慢慢购买等;

(6)E-商业服务提供商:微型 - 艾尔联,Youzan,Weidian,Guangyun Technology,Yiyang Yichuang,Li Renli化妆品,Baozun E -Commerce,Shop Baby,Ruo Yuchen,Qingmu Shares等;

(7)美容 - 商务:沃森,丝芙兰,战斗,完美的日记等;

(8)Wenwan E -Commerce:Weibai Hall,Yipin.com,可玩的物品,唯一的艺术,棕榈的手,Antiques Jianbao,The Art Fox Online等;

(9)葡萄酒E -Commerce:I Moutai,Jiuxian.com,1919 Jiuzu Direct,醉酒的母亲,Qhongjiu.com,winery hui hui,taojiu Man等;


(11)PET E -Commerce:Bochi.com,Pet City,E Pet Mall,Pet Home,Pets,Pet,Pet Fate,Pet Home等;

(12)汽车E -Commerce:BOE课程俱乐部,TMALL汽车保护,Tuhu汽车保护,瓜子二手车,Renren汽车,良好的汽车忧虑 - 免费,Youxin,出售好车,TAO汽车二手车,花生,花生,好车,好车,弹跳汽车等;

(13)奢侈品 - 商务:西库,鲍大师,知识,胖老虎,第五大道奢侈品,爆炸性豪华,价值yao,concubine鱼等;

(14)花e -Commerce:Huajia,Huayi.com,购买鲜花,邻居,Zhongli.com,五颜六色的花朵,仙女花盒等;

(15)数字收藏:Yuan大陆,Yuanwen Gate,Dadagaga.Art,Dream和空间,Sea Fantasy Realm,Grass成立,鲸鱼藏人等。


在线汽车聚合平台混乱现象经常在Hefei City产生相关的监管文件

8月10日,互联网公司移动旅行中心被告知,面对当前在线汽车约会平台Hefei City的混乱现象,为了有效地保护乘客和驾驶员的合法权利和利益,并促进标准化以及在线汽车租赁行业的可持续发展,以规范健康,可持续的发展和释放。 “有关进一步加强在线约会的出租车预订管理的通知”。




8月9日,美国在线汽车公司Lyft宣布了该公司2023财政年度的第二季度财务报告。 Lyft的第二季度收入为1020.9亿美元,增长了3%,而去年同期为9.907亿美元,上一季度为100.5亿美元。这种性能也略微超过了分析师的期望。根据Yahoo Finance频道提供的数据,31位分析师以前预计Lyft的第二季度收入将达到10.2亿美元。

广州在6月的互联网数据数据:Harbin Travel Lulai乘客客运乘客有效投诉是顶级

8月8日,广州市政运输局于2023年6月发布了广州互联网汽车市场运营管理的管理监控信息。在服务投诉方面,2023年6月,市政运输当局设立了287个在线出租车广州的乘客12345政府服务热线,以及Didi Chuxing Technology Co.,Ltd。(Didi Chuxing,Hua Xiaogu Taxi),Zhengzhou Habai Habai Network Network Technology Co.,Ltd。(Harbin Travel),Nanjing Pilot Technology Co. Travel),广州Qiyi Technology Co.,Ltd。(Ruqi Travel)该市在线汽车租赁平台上的有效投诉数量排名前三(T3旅行与Ruqi Travel相同,并列第三)。


8月7日,广州市政交通局宣布了2023年第二季度的互联网租赁自行车运营企业的服务质量评估和评估互联网租赁自行车业务企业的服务质量评估。其中,梅图尔(Meituan Bicycle)得分为74.9点,是74.9点,排名第一; ,排名第二;青木的得分为68.2分数排名第三。



支付宝已经启动了“空中票价”功能,可以访问Ctrip Flying Pig的两个主要平台

8月9日,Internet Corporate Mobile Traveling Prc获悉,最近,Abipay启动了“空中票比”功能,并且第一个用于CTRIP和Flying Pig的两个主要平台为用户提供了更多的航班。航班的飞行价格节省了比较。

Douyin 2023 Q1 Hotel B&B订单增加了516% - 年

8月7日,微信互联网手机注意到,巨大的引擎城市研究所发布了“ 2023 Douyin Hotel B&B特别报告”。保持和定位的位置。数据表明23Q1是22q1,Douyin平台上的酒店寄宿家庭订单增加了516%。

预订第二季度收入为54.6亿美元增加27% - 年

8月7日,微信社会注意到,预订宣布其在美国股市之后的2023 Q2业绩,收入为54.6亿美元,一年增长了27%,超过了51.7亿美元的市场预期;净利润为12.9亿美元,一年一年增加了51%。第二季度的总预订达到397亿美元,增长了15% - 一年,高于预期的381亿美元。

Audemars Piguet在第二季度的净利润为6.5亿美元的净利润为24.84亿美元

8月7日,微信移动车站注意到,Airbnb在公司第二季度发布了公司第二季度的财务报告。该报告显示,Audemars Piguet的第二季度收入迎来了24.84亿美元,增长了18%,而去年同期为21.1亿美元,汇率变动的影响为19% - 一年 - 年;净利润为6.5亿美元。相比之下,去年同期的净利润为3.79亿美元,一年增长了72%; A类和B级普通股东的每个股东的稀释收入为0.98美元。 B级的每个股东的稀释收入稀释。$ 0.56。



据报道,8月7日,Tiktok可能会在8月底正式关闭半公开的循环。 At that time, the seller will not be able to place an external chain on Tiktok or guide it to the independent station transactions. The news has been confirmed by official Tiktok officials.

TIKTOK Shop announced the full hosting return to school season promotion report

On August 7, Tiktok SHOP cross -border e -commerce hosting returned to the school season to promote the closure. During the promotion period, the merchants returned to school and the summer consumption nodes of high temperatures in summer, achieving a new high sales high. This time, it covered Edinburgh International Art Festival, Tomorrowland Music Festival and Saushra Festival. Learning supplies and electronic products became hot -selling products in the return school season.

Speed ​​Times New EU Qualification Management Category Category

On August 8th, AliExpress reminded the seller that any commodity sold to the European Union needs to strictly meet the EU -related commodity compliance and product safety requirements. The platform intends to further strengthen the management and control of categories such as beauty and health, home products, home appliances, home improvement (hard installation), pregnant infants, telephone and communication, sports and entertainment.

Tiktok set up an e -commerce team in the United States

On August 9th, Tiktok was recruiting related positions in the United States to establish an e -commerce team to sell second -hand luxury goods such as bags and sneakers. This means that TIKTOK hopes to become a one -stop shopping platform, which will not only cover local high -end brands and full -scale full -custody, but also include increasingly sold second -hand luxury sales.

Tmall International launched the "Super Novelty Creation Camp"

On August 10th, Tmall International recently launched a new business incubation plan "Supernova Creation Camp", invested hundreds of hundreds of funds, and launched new store opening services and annual growth plans for new stores and other new stores. Brand has grown from category new stars to supernova brand.

Ali International Retail Business Q2 revenue is 17.138 billion yuan

On August 10, Alibaba released financial reports in the first quarter of fiscal year as of June 30 (that is, Q2, 2023). The financial report shows that the company's revenue in this quarter was 234.156 billion yuan (approximately US $ 32.292 billion), and its net profit was 33 billion yuan (about 4.551 billion US dollars). Among them, the revenue from international commercial retail business was 17.138 billion yuan (approximately US $ 2.364 billion), an increase of 60%over 10.742 billion yuan in the same period last year.

AliExpress may launch a "semi -hosted" model

On August 11, it was learned from a number of AliExpress sellers that the Aliexpress AliEx Skin -Tong is currently preparing for "half -custard". The semi -custody invitations were taken, and some sellers had received invitations. Investment information shows that semi -hosting is a more flexible custody service launched by AliExpress after full hosting.

Lazada opens Lazmall Speed ​​Application Channel

On August 7th, Lazada Southeast Asia e -commerce recently announced that the Lazmall's rapid application channel is opened to help cross -border sellers achieve brand growth. Lazada has Lazmall, the largest brand mall in Southeast Asia, now has 32,000+ local and international brands, and gathers high -quality consumers in Southeast Asia.

Lazada full hosting business Indonesia's site will be launched

On August 7, Lazada's full hosting business will be launched on August 15 at the Indonesian site. It is worth noting that, or considering the policy restrictions of the Indonesian market, this time is facing local sellers. After joining the full hosting, the seller only needs to transport his high -quality, cost -effective products to Lazada's LeX warehouse, and subsequent operations and delivery are completed by the platform.

SEA will announce the second quarter financial report on August 15th

On August 7, SEA LIMITED, the parent company of Shopee, recently announced that it will announce its performance in the second quarter of 2023 before the opening of the US market on August 15, 2023. At the same time, the company's management will convene a conference call to discuss the results of the second quarter of 2023. The online broadcast of this conference conference will be provided on the company's website.

Amazon large -scale scanning

On August 8th, it was reported that Amazon recently launched a new round of related titles. According to some sellers, the "bond" of this associated title is the seller's receipt account. The so -called receiving account associated, that is, the seller has registered different companies, and the legal persons of each company are different, and they will open multiple Amazon stores (seller accounts).

Meesho has achieved profit for the first time

On August 9, the Indian e -commerce platform Meesho recently announced its first profit in July this year and plans to conduct the first public offering (IPO) in the next 12 to 18 months. Meesho Chief Financial Officer Bansal said the company's latest valuation was 4.4 billion US dollars. The net profit announced in July was only a single digit, but there was no detailed explanation.

Amazon will hold a PRIME member promotion in October

On August 9, Amazon announced that it will bring "Prime members' promotion" to Amazon Prime members in October this year. 19 countries (including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, the United States and the United Kingdom) will be on the Amazon website More preferential products were found on the top.

Amazon response to the rumor of "full custody"

On August 9th, about whether Amazon did "full custody", Amazon Global Vice President and Amazon's Global Store Executive CEO Cindy Tai (Dai Jifei) recently said that Amazon has been thinking about it, and launching the background and ability of different selings and launching the background and ability. Different service models, but in the end, they still hope that sellers can build their own product power and master more autonomy.

Coupang's net income in the second quarter of $ 5.8 billion

On August 10, South Korea's online retailer Coupang recently announced the second quarter of 2023. Performance data shows that the net income of Coupang in the second quarter was US $ 5.8 billion, a year -on -year increase of 16%year -on -year, and a year -on -year increase of 21%calculated according to the exchange rate neutrality.

Bukalapak again laying off again

On August 10, the Indonesian local e -commerce giant Bukalapak began to dismiss employees of multiple departments, including customer service, MITRA business, and employees of the product and engineering team since the end of July.

Bol.com in the second quarter of GMV reached 1.4 billion euros

On August 11, Bol.com's parent company Ahold Delhaize released the performance data in the second quarter of this year. Thanks to the increase in sales and sales of third -party sellers and the rise in advertising revenue, Bol.com's sales in the second quarter achieved double -digit growth.

Amazon may eliminate dozens of own brands

On August 11, Amazon may eliminate dozens of own brands to resist antitrust review and boost profits. People familiar with the matter revealed that Amazon decided to eliminate 27 of its 30 clothing brands in the past year, and some of them are still on the Amazon website because the company is still selling the remaining inventory. Three own clothing brands.

Shein launched the first Brazilian local production series products

On August 7, Shein has launched its first local production series in Brazil. At present, searching "SHE (in) Brasil; Environmental" in Shein's Brazilian shopping website and application merchants can find related products. There are about 300 products in this series of products, covering various styles and trends, and the price ranges from 17 Real to 190.

Zi Bao's expected net profit in the first half of the year will decrease by about 80%to 85%year -on -year

On August 8th, cross -border selling "Ziyu" issued a profit early warning. It is expected that the net profit in the first half of 2023 was about 9.2 million yuan to 12.3 million yuan, a year -on -year decrease of about 80%to 85%. The same period last year was RMB 61.3 million.

Cross -border communication response to "Amazon intends to acquire cross -border cross -border business assets"

On August 10, Amazon intended to acquire cross -border cross -border business assets. In this regard, the Cross -border Securities Department responded that the news was not true, and the company did not receive relevant notices. If there was relevant content, the company would announce it in a timely manner.

Cainiao import center warehouse online batch of custody services

On August 8th, Cainiao International officially announced that starting August 10, more than 90 Cainiao Import Center warehouses will be launched on the batch of centers to realize high -granian refined inventory management. At present, the batch management service of the rookie import center warehouse supports batch entry & management, 2B designated batch delivery, and 2C order record batch functions.

Amazon Global Logistics Ordering Platform Line Online Order Editing Function

On August 10, the Amazon Global Logistics Ordering Platform (Shipper Central) launched online booking self -editing functions. The seller will be able to operate directly on the new "logistics information" interface on the Amazon booking platform. The self -modified information includes distribution details, value -added services, product lists, transporters, etc., helping sellers to realize one -stop booking services.

"Open Stores" add 7 new global e -commerce platforms

On August 8th, in order to better meet the demand for high -efficiency store opening in cross -border sellers, simplifying the store opening process, recently, the newly upgraded "store opening" of PingPong's store opening assistant, Shein, Tiktok Shop Local, Lazada, Aliexpress, etc. The platform officially settled in the opening of the store and launched the collection service simultaneously to help sellers to realize one -click store opening while providing a more convenient and efficient receiving and payment experience.

VISA and Fugang Bank launched cross -border B2B payment solutions

On August 8th, VISA and the United States CBIBANK Fugang Bank recently announced cooperation to launch an innovative cross -border B2B payment solution for global companies. The aim is to combine the huge resources of traditional financial institutions with the flexibility of innovative financial technology solutions. Relying on VISA's global network and security technology, companies can seamlessly certify and manage cross -border B2B payment.

PingPong launched the "Blue Ocean Plan"

On August 9th, the global payment platform PingPong launched the "Blue Ocean Plan". This plan intended to work with ecological partners to create an exclusive ecosystem of 100 million -level cross -border merchants, and jointly link more cutting -edge content and overseas resources for the PingPong merchant circle.

The revenue of the first half of the world is 998 million yuan

On August 10, Yixian World disclosed the semi -annual report of 2023. The report shows that in the first half of 2023, Yizhi World achieved operating income of 998 million yuan, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 119 million yuan ; of which, the total profit of the world realized in the second quarter In the second quarter of the exchange profit and loss, the total profit was 66.37 million yuan, an increase of 22%month -on -month, and a year -on -year increase of 26.17%.

Leader ERP online "ChatGPT Review Analysis" tool

News on August 10th, in order to better help cross -border sellers to conduct review analysis and achieve business growth, the leading star ERP is based on the ability of ChatGPT to develop a "ChatGPT review analysis" tool that meets the needs of cross -border seller business. At present, sellers can call the "ChatGPT Review Analysis" tool in the New Product Development Function of the Star ERP Tool Module, and the new product development function of the product module.

Shenzhen supports comprehensive bonded zones and other regions to construct cross -border e -commerce refund central warehouses

On August 8th, the "Shenzhen Optimization of International Business Environmental Work Plan (2023-2025)" has recently agreed and officially issued the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, requiring all departments and units in the city to implement it carefully in accordance with实际情况。

The Russian e -commerce market increased by 20% in the first half of the year

On August 10, according to data released by the Russian Internet Trading Corporation (Akit), in the first half of 2023, Russia's e -commerce transaction volume increased by 20%year -on -year to 2.74 trillion rubles. Among them, domestic e -commerce transactions accounted for 97.2%, while cross -border e -commerce transactions accounted for from 4%(in the first half of 2022) to 2.8%. As of the end of June, Russian e -commerce sales accounted for 12.7%of the total retail sales of social.

Shenzhen released the nation's first 9710 export sunny public service product

On August 9, at the landing ceremony of Shenzhen Cross -border E -commerce 9710 exported sunny public service products, Alibaba International Station signed a policy product application agreement with the South Electronic Port. This is the first sunny public service project in the national cross -border e -commerce comprehensive test area.

交叉 - 订单E-商务定义:狭义地指属于不同习俗的交易实体的交叉零售e -Commerce。借助互联网,交易,付款结算和交易过程,通过跨境物流为消费者,包括:9610、1210、1239和其他海关监管代码模型。广播公司的应用被定义为E-商业在进出口贸易和零售业中的应用,包括:进出口跨境E -Commerce,Cross -Border E -Commerce(B2B,B2C,C2C)和9710,9810,9810 and other customs supervision code and related construction stations, related stations, and related stations, SaaS, supply chain, logistics, overseas warehouse, payment, finance and other service providers.

According to COP.100EC.CN, at present, players in cross -border e -commerce industry chain include: (1) Export cross -border e -commerce category: 1) Platform category: Alibaba International Station, Amazon Global开店、eBay、全球速卖通、Wish、Walmart、Shopee、Lazada、TikTok、Allegro、大龙网、大健云仓、敦煌网、MercadoLibre、Joom、联络互动、Temu;2)卖家类:SHEIN、安Ke Innovation, PATPAT, Zebao, Bangu, Tree, Cross -border Tong, Tongtuo, Saiwei, Lan Ting Jishi, Zixu, Aoji, to Europe, Yibai Network, Jihong Co., Ltd. , Huabao Xinneng, Lvlian Technology, etc.;

(2) Imported cross -border e -commerce categories: Tmall International, JD International, Koala Sea Buy, Ocean Wharf, Onion Group, Baby Style, 55 Haitao, Amazon Overseas Purchase, Haipai Passenger, KK Group , Stupid potato, etc.;

(3) Cross -border e -commerce service providers: 1) Cross -border payment category: Ant International, Tencent Cross -border Finance, Lianlian International, UnionPay Electronic Payment, PingPong, Pa Anying, Fuyou Pay, Baibao, Lakara, Air in the Air云汇、京东支付、通联支付、易宝支付、钱宝科技、快钱支付、苏宁易支付、寻汇、钱海、珊瑚跨境等;2)跨境物流类:纵腾集团、递四方、燕文物流、佳成国际、至美通、运去哪、环世物流、出口易、芒果海外仓、海管家、无忧达、飞盒跨境等;3)跨境SaaS类:领星、店匠、易仓科技、小满科技、积加、店小秘、爱客科技、马帮ERP、船长BI、擎天全税通、客优云、稻米云等。

Fourth, industrial digital articles

1688 will use improper use information illegal behavior

On August 7, 1688 recently announced that the platform has recently received buyers' complaints to feedback the merchants shipped from other platforms and receive logistics text messages, after -sales telephones, marketing text messages, and other platforms with other platforms with other platforms. The buyer's experience has seriously affected.

Love purchasing online consumer goods zone

On August 8th, the consumer goods zone was launched a few days ago. Users can open the official website, APP or WeChat mini -programs of Ai to purchase mobile phone purchases, and you can click on the entrance of the homepage. For the seller's side, the launch of the consumer goods area has opened a new business position for the seller, introducing more and more accurate buyer traffic for their stores and products, and will further promote inquiries and transformation.

Fujian Province 2022 Digital economy reached 2.6 trillion yuan

On August 9, the News Office of the Fujian Provincial People's Government held a press conference recently to introduce the relevant situation of the "Digital Fujian Development Report (2022)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report"). In terms of digital base base, the construction of digital infrastructure has been comprehensively advanced. 5G infrastructure investment increased in the fourth place in the country, with 5G base stations of 71,000, and achieved more than 74 % of administrative villages with 5G network coverage.

MRO Industrial E -commerce Western Regions and China Coal Mine Construction Group reached cooperation

On August 10, the Western Regions recently reached a cooperation with China Coal Mine Construction Group, which will provide customers with professional and efficient MRO products supply and API digital solutions. The Western MRO digital supply chain service realizes procurement collaboration, completes the entire process from orders to payment, to improve procurement efficiency and reduce the cost of procurement of enterprises.

Alibaba B2B business Q2 revenue of 10.11 billion yuan

On August 10th, Alibaba (BABA; HKEX: 9988) released the financial report of the first quarter of fiscal year as of June 30 (that is, Q2, 2023). The financial report shows that the company's revenue in this quarter was 234.156 billion yuan (approximately US $ 32.292 billion), and its net profit was 33 billion yuan (about 4.551 billion US dollars).

Taobao Union 1688 Established the "Weaving Factory" clothing IP

On August 10th, at the 2023 Taobao Clothing new forces, at the ecological press conference, the person in charge of Taobao clothing Qiao Qiao said that there were more than 400 million users in Taobao's annual purchases, and 1 of each of the country purchased clothes on Taobao. In addition to ifAshion, Taobao Clothing has established a new clothing IP -weaving factory this year. It is a "explosive+cost -effective" product with Taobao Clothing and 1688 source factory.

Alibaba Cloud Serverless Application Engine SAE2.0 public beta

On August 7, Alibaba Cloud Serverless's application engine SAE2.0 was officially launched, achieving a decrease of application costs by more than 40%. In addition, Alibaba Cloud also brings a new upgrade of a variety of products such as the Serverless version, functional calculation, the eighth -generation high -frequency computing example, and office security platform SASE, to further reduce the corporate cloud and use cloud threshold, so that application development is more Simple.

The global public cloud market exceeded $ 100 billion in 2022

On August 8th, Gartner released the statistical results of the 2022 global public cloud market. The report showed that in 2022, the global IaaS market increased from US $ 92.8 billion in 2021 to $ 120.3 billion, exceeding $ 100 billion for the first time.

Amazon launched the cloud area in Israel

On August 9th, Amazon recently announced that it will invest $ 7.2 billion in Israel and establish Amazon Network Service (AWS) Data Center in the country, which will continue until 2037. After the area is open, AWS will cover 32 geographical areas around the world, with a total of 102 available areas.

Alibaba Cloud Computing Business Q2 revenue of 25.123 billion yuan

On August 10th, Alibaba (BABA; HKEX: 9988) released the financial report of the first quarter of fiscal year as of June 30 (that is, Q2, 2023). The financial report shows that the company's revenue in this quarter was 234.156 billion yuan (approximately US $ 32.292 billion), and its net profit was 33 billion yuan (about 4.551 billion US dollars).

Industrial digitalization: Industrial digital refers to the use of various modern information technology and digital methods to optimize, transform, and empower the traditional industries, and to all -factor digitalization, transformation, and reconstruction of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, thereby achieving the efficiency of all nodes in the industry. Specifically, including the industrial Internet as an important carrier, the industrial e -commerce as the core, and the innovation of new industries and new models supported by digital technology represented by cloud computing.

According to COP.100EC.cn, players in the industrial e -commerce industry chain currently include: comprehensive categories: Alibaba, Guolian Co., Ltd., Huicong Group, Focus Technology, Net Library Group 、义乌购;垂直类:京东工业品、震坤行、西域、锐锢商城、鑫方盛、思贝克、捷配、科通芯城、云汉芯城、猎芯网、拍明芯城、上海钢联、欧冶云商、找钢网、百布、一手、搜布、塑米城、摩贝、找塑料、网筑集团、筑集采、小胖熊、康众汽配、巴图鲁、开思、中驰车福、汇通达、中农网、海上鲜、中商惠民、易久批、冻品在线等;服务商类:甄云科技、端点、文沥、商越、励销云、莱德云链、支出宝、企企通等。

5. Logistics Technology

Cainiao and Taobao provide services such as sub -positions and warehouses for the disaster -stricken book merchants in Lizhou

On August 5th, Cainiao and Taobao provided logistics support for the Dazhou Faculty Publishing House and Book Company, providing a sub -position transfer service for merchants who needed to transfer books, and supporting merchants to quickly enter the warehouse to ship.

Fenghuo handed CEO Liu Ye announced the launch of the Fenghuo delivery delivery service platform

On August 7, Fenghuo handed the 7th anniversary brand day event with the theme of "7 years of wind and fire, can be ejaculated". During the event, the CEO Liu Ye gave the 7th anniversary keynote speech, summarized the past, and looked forward to the future.

Jingdong Logistics supports Puzhou Book Merchants to transfer to position nearby

On August 7, the flood control and disaster relief work in Beijing and Hebei continued to carry out. JD will continue to donate various production and living materials, to support various production and living materials, to provide support for various places such as Hebei, Langshui, Fuping, Fangshan, Mentougou and other places. Essence It is reported that JD Logistics also actively mobilizes capacity and manpower, cooperate with the disaster relief plan, and continues to assist in the obligation of social disaster relief supplies in Fangshan, Mentougou, and Lizhou.

Yuantong Express announced the donation of 10 million yuan to support flood relief and post -disaster reconstruction

On August 8th, the Yuantong Express Public Welfare Foundation announced the donation of 10 million yuan to support flood control and post -disaster reconstruction, and exerted the advantages of express networks and supply chain to provide support for on -site rescue, emergency guarantee and post -disaster resumption.

SF's "Half -Day" service has expanded to more than 140 cities across the country

On August 9th, SF Express, Shandong, launched the "360" city for half -day products in the same city, mainly delivered within 360 minutes. As of now, SF's "Half of the City" has expanded to more than 140 cities across the country, and has achieved 100%of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan and other key large -scale cities.

Cainiao Group's second quarter revenue of 23.164 billion yuan increased by 34% year -on -year

On the evening of August 10, Alibaba released the financial report in the first quarter of fiscal year in fiscal 2024 (the second quarter of 2023). Cainiao Group's revenue of this quarter was 23.164 billion yuan, an increase of 34%year -on -year.

According to COP.100EC.cn, in the logistics technology industry chain, the main players include:

1) Warehousing logistics: Paido Smart, Hai Rou Innovation, EOSLIFT, Quick Warehouse, DJANGO, Lightning Wharma, Zhiziyue Transition, Box Credit, Fresh Life, Syrius Torch, etc.;

2) E -commerce logistics: JD Logistics, Suning Logistics, Anxun Logistics, etc.;

3) Cross -border logistics categories: Where to transport, the vertical group, Surpath, ring logistics, handling one logistics, zebrapin, kelp treasure, transshipment Quartet, global MRT, Suda Africa, Yutu, cross -border luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, cross -border luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, cross -border luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, and good luck. Manchuria, Yanwen Logistics, China Trade Logistics, China Foreign Transport, Jiacheng International, Flying Box Cross -border;

4) Instant logistics category: Dada Quick Delivery, Meituan Delivery, Hummingbird, Da Da, House Express, Weijie City, Koma, Lightning Dog, Gang Run Leg, etc.;

5) Freight categories in the same city: UU running legs, flash delivery, SF City, sending parts, Didi freight, cargo pull, fast dog taxi, etc.;

6) Intelligent express cabinets: Fengchao, Cainiao Station, China Post Express, Neighboring Bao, Nikko, Gege, Panda fast collection, Yida cargo stack, etc.;

7) Smart logistics service providers: iron, duckbill beasts, wind fire delivery, Qinglang, Wuwangwang, Xunxu, Sana, Jizhijia, Kailez, fast rabbit, road innovation, etc.;

8) Grand Logistics Networks: Jian'an Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Bujia Vehicle, Ruiyun Cold Chain, Yaao, Box League, Net Shengyunze Logistics Network, etc.
