
日期: 2025-01-26 14:07:30 |浏览: 12|编号: 67380









(1) 卡

本次抽检依据为CCGF-CD-076.2-2020《成都市市场监督管理局群众监督抽查实施细则》,抽查流通领域5批次产品。对拉制的产品进行了垂直间距、耐穿刺性能(高温、低温、浸水)、冲击吸收性能(高温、低温、浸水)等项目的测试。 40.0%。不合格项目为:冲击吸收性能、抗穿刺性能。






纤维成分含量:本次抽查1批次产品纤维成分含量不合格。纤维成分含量是决定纺织品舒适度和是否健康无害的基本质量要素。近年来,发现不少产品纤维成分仍不合格。纤维成分的含量决定了产品的用途和洗涤方法。另外,纤维成分的含量决定了产品的价格,因此有的厂家以假乱真,向消费者收费。不合格原因有:①企业未建立原材料检验制度,面料采购缺乏有效的控制机制和手段;数据标记在标签上; ③企业直接标注面料经销商提供的纤维含量,实际检测成分与标注不符; ④有的企业明知纤维含量不对,还故意套上一定的纤维含量,以便货品能好卖,因此,新纤维含量高,价格普遍偏高。

耐碱性汗渍色牢度:本次抽查有一批产品耐吡啶汗渍着色项目不合格。所谓染色牢度(简称染色牢度)是指染色织物在使用或加工过程中,受到外界因素(挤压、摩擦、水洗、雨淋、暴晒、光照、海水浸泡、唾液浸泡、水渍等)的影响。 、汗渍效果下的变质程度是面料的一个重要指标,颜色差的产品在穿着过程中会褪色,影响穿在身上的其他衣服,或者污染其他衣服。一方面,与其他衣服一起洗涤,影响美观和服用性能;另一方面,彩面产品上的染料和重金属离子可能会伤害人体皮肤,甚至危害您的健康。透过皮肤,甚至危害健康。






本次抽检依据为CCGF-CD-089.2-2021《成都市市场监督管理局照明产品质量监督管理群众监督实施规则》,抽查15批次,其中3批次12批次生产领域的批次流通领域。用于结构、外部接线和内部接线、接地规定、防电保护、耐久性试验、湿度试验、绝缘电阻和电气强度、接触电流和保护导体电流、耐热性、防火性和吊装标志、端子、端子、对端子、颈抗电阻、绝缘电阻测试、耐久性测试、骚扰电压等项目进行了检查。 4批次产品质量不合格,不合格检出率为26.7%。不合格项目有:结构、外部接线和内部接线、防电保护、耐热性、耐火性和吊痕、端子骚扰电压。

结构:本次抽查有1批次产品结构项目不合格。结构工程不合格。一般来说,一般有以下几种情况: 1、耐光透光率机械强度不足。冲击试验后,冲击试验后会损坏。 2、有些II类灯具只有基本绝缘的内部接线与金属外壳接触,绝缘性能不符合II类结构的要求。此类接线应采用双重绝缘或与金属部件接触的加强绝缘来分隔。 3、接线端子与金属外壳之间没有绝缘垫。当自由导体测试时,金属外壳被触摸。接线端子下方需加装绝缘垫,以增加带电部分与金属外壳的距离。 4、台灯不合理、不稳定的可能性。





(7) 魔法通用灯












耐热性(100℃热水,2H):本次抽查有3批次产品项目不合格。本项目不合格产品中间层容易起泡,且发展时间较长,导致玻璃与薄膜分离。在外力冲击下,玻璃被破坏,碎片脱落,造成人身伤害和财产损失。该项目的主要原因是: 1、玻璃平整度紧张,贴膜厚度不够; 2、胶带工艺问题:(1)玻璃没有清洗干净; (2)玻璃未干燥;在大段加工过程中,结合过程中会产生气泡; (4)封边可在压膜过程中产生。如果你的温度高或低,你也可以产生气泡; (6)薄膜本身的质量问题,可产生质量差的; (7)水壶内玻璃的胶带软时会产生气泡。 (8)工艺温度问题:平板压缩机温度过高、平板压缩机转速过快、高压釜压力过小、高压釜转速过快、高压釜压力过大太快了。




(13) 积木




(15) 淋浴 淋浴 淋浴



本次抽检依据为CCGF-CD-071.1-2020《成都市市场监督管理局水提示及展示质量监督细则实施细则》,抽查流通领域产品20批次。对抽出的产品进行外观、装配、防水机械性能、密封性能、流量、抗使用载荷等检查。 1批次产品质量不合格,不合格率5.0%。不合格项目为:装配。

克服:本次抽查有1批次产品装配项目不合格。制造商没有认真研究GB 18145-2014标准中对装配项目的要求,没有按照标准要求组织生产。产品上无冷热水标识。出厂检验控制不严格,导致装配项目不合格。不合格的组装件会导致用户在使用过程中无法控制喷嘴上的水的冷热水位置,给用户的使用带来不便。当水温过高时,可能有烫伤的危险。



(18) 木门


(19) 陶瓷

本次抽检依据为CCGF-CD-041.1-2020《成都市市场监督管理局墙(地)砖产品质量监督实施细则》,流通领域16批次产品。对泵送产品的吸水率、破坏强度、断裂成型、放射性核素等项目进行了检验。 5批次产品质量不合格,不合格率31.3%。不合格项目为:吸水率、破坏强度。






本次抽检依据为CCGF-CD-149.1-2023《成都市市场监督管理局电动冰箱及经纪产品质量监督实施细则》。本质 泵产品的保护、漏电流与电气强度、稳定性与机械危险、电源连接与外部软线、接地措施、电源爬升距离、电气间隙与固体绝缘、电源端子、电源端子、电源端子、电源端子、电源端子、电源端子、电源端子的电压、噪声等项目进行了检查。 3批次产品质量不合格,不合格率50.0%。不合格项目为:电源连接及外部软线。



本次抽检依据为CCGF-CD-150.1-2023《成都市市场监督管理局电风扇产品质量监督管理实施细则》。抽查共16批次,其中生产领域2批次,流通领域14批次。泵送产品的防护、输入功率和电流、稳定性和机械危险、输入功率和电流、稳定性和机械危险、结构(不包括第22.46条)、电源连接和外部软线、爬升距离、电气间隙和固体绝缘,对供电电源、电源终端骚扰电压、噪声等项目进行了检查。 4批次产品质量不合格,不合格率25.0%。不合格项目有:电源连接和外部软线、保护件的保护、电气间隙、爬升距离和固体绝缘、稳定性和机械危险。





(23) 家用电动洗衣机


(24) 家用和类似用途插头插座

本次抽检依据为CCGF-CD-131.2-2022《成都市市场监督管理局群众监督抽查实施细则》。 4批次。检查产品尺寸、耐电保护、接地措施、固定插座结构、插头与移动插座结构、延长线插座结构、防潮、受力、耐热检查了插头所需的电阻和绝缘材料。不合格的项目是:抗-non -non -non -non -non-正常热,燃烧性和抗抗性,耐热性,绝缘材料的电阻。



The non -non -non -non -normal heat, combustion resistance and electrical resistance of insulation materials: This project has a batch of products that are unqualified.如果制造商使用不阻燃的劣质材料,则在短路时很容易产生燃烧或火焰,这会导致火灾危险。













此抽样检查的基础是CCGF-CD-105.2-2021“对成都市场监督和行政产品委员会大规模监督的实施规则”。 3批E -Commerce。测试了保护,输入功率和电流,结构,电源连接和外部软线,接地措施,攀岩距离,电间隙和实心绝缘材料,电力供应电源电源骚扰电压以及电源终端骚扰电压。两批产品的质量是不合格的,无条件的发现率为7.1%。不合格的项目是:基础措施。



这项采样检查的基础是CCGF-CD-006.5-2020“对成都市场监督和管理局进行大规模监督的实施规则”,以及99批产品是斑点的,其中26个26生产区域和73批流通区域。 VOC含量,总铅(PB)含量,可溶性重金属含量,乙烯甘油醚和乙醚酯的总含量,甲苯和dyshane的含量(含有乙烯),乙烯甘油乙醚和乙烯乙醚和乙烯总含量的含量以太酯的总和乙二醇酯,甲醇的含量,卤素烃的总含量和含量,Dysharena的总和含量和含量, ETC。 ,苯,甲苯 + dysqulytic,游离甲醛,无挥发性物体和二氯甲烷,1,2-二氯乙烷,1,1,1,2-三氯乙烷,三角素等。产品的7批产品的质量是未量的,并且没有资格的发现速度速率率是7.1%。不合格的物品是:免费甲醛,洗涤和刷牙,重金属含量(有限的油漆,粉末涂料,酒精涂料),没有头发。






此抽样检查的基础是CCGF-CD-116.2-2021“对成都市场监督和管理局的特别监督和大规模监督的实施规则”,以及64批次检查产品,包括1次电池和循环中的1批电池和循环。生产领域。 63批。测试了闪光灯(闭合口),硫含量,多边形芳烃含量,脂肪酸甲基含量,密度,己烷值和其他项目。找不到不合格的物品。




该抽样测试是CCGF-CD-052.2-2020“成都市场监督和管理局柴油发动机氧化物氧化物氧化物冗余尿素水溶液(AUS 32)产品质量监督和实施规则”,流通领域的26批产品。检查了尿素含量,密度,折叠率,碱,还原,醛和不溶性物体的尿素含量。找不到不合格的物品。
















此抽样检查的基础是CCGF-CD-004.2-2020“实施规则的规则,用于在成都市场监督和管理中大规模监督天然气产品的大规模监督(压缩/LPG),生产领域中有1批产品它已测试了诸如甲烷摩尔评分,C4+烷基摩尔分数,二氧化碳摩尔分数,氮摩尔分数,氧气摩尔分数,总硫含量(带硫酸表),高体积卡路里和其他项目的项目。 本质







此抽样检查的基础是CCGF-CD-042.2-2020“实施大规模监督,大规模监督和对成都市场监督和管理局的大规模监督”,以及生产领域的9批产品。产品的外观,液压强度,外部密封,稳定精度水平AC,压力较差,静态,静态,静态压力水平SG,静态压力区水平SZ,静态特殊线 - 检查了应力区水平SZP2,内部,内部,内部密封和其他项目,没有发现合格的项目。


这项抽样检查的基础是CCGF-CD-128.3-2022“实施规则,对成都市场监督和天然气的大规模监督和大规模监督以及大规模监督以及大规模监督”。 4批领域。检查了外观,结构和尺寸,压力阻力,气体紧密,耐热性,耐热性和泵送产品的耐热性,并且未发现不合格的物品。


这项抽样检查的基础是CCGF-CD-043.3-2020“实施煤气炉产品监督和成都市场监督和管理管理气体质量监督的实施规则”,生产领域的26批产品。对于通用结构,在干烟气中,噪声噪声,噪声,噪声噪声(α= 1),在干烟气中,防火器保护装置,稳定性性能,表面温度上升,符号和描述(电气(电气(电气(电气(电气(电气(电气),电气(电气性能(电气性能),反电保护(电气性能),室温和电气强度下的泄漏电流(电性能),内部接线(电气性能),功率连接和外部软线(电气性能),接地措施(电性能),攀登电距离(电气性能)、辅助能源、特殊要求(耐久测试除外)等项目进行了检验,未发现不合格项目。,未发现不合格项目。


这项抽样检查的基础是CCGF-CD-125.1-2022“实施大规模监督,大规模监督,大规模监督以及对成都市场监督和行政局的管理和管理”,有21批集体检查,属于现场检查,生产区域中有3批和18批流通区域。卫生器皿清洁剂(以HCL为单位),表面活性剂含量和腐蚀性项目等的总酸度以及活性含量,碱学位(如NA2O),厨房油污垢洗涤剂的腐蚀,腐蚀厨房洗涤代理量( ly12硬铝),pH (25℃,1%水溶液)等项目进行了检验,na2o计)、腐蚀量( ly12硬铝)进行了检验,未发现不合格项目。,未发现不合格项目。




此抽样检查的基础是:CCGF-CD-CD-CD-CD-014.2-2020“在成都市场监督和管理局(PAD PAD)产品质量监督下实施卫生拖车的详细规则,11批批次9批次。对于“细菌菌落,结肠菌群,细菌菌落总数,格林伍德,金吡喃吡喃,溶血链,pH值,吸收速度,吸水速度,甲醛含量,迁移荧光物质等)的总数。找到了合格的物品。







此抽样检查的基础是CCGF-CD-011.2-2020“成都市场监督和管理局的大规模监督和产品质量监督的实施规则”,其中24批随机检查,包括10批批次和14批流通循环生产领域的区域。总活性,pH,五磷二氧化磷和蒸液的肮脏布的净化能力为测试。ph 、规定污布的去污力等项目进行了检验,pH(0.1%溶液,25℃),游离碱、磷酸盐(以p2O5计)、表观密度、总活性物、干钠皂、水分和挥发物、规定污布的去污力等项目进行了检验,对所抽皂类的干钠皂、总有效物含量、总游离碱、氯化物、游离苛性碱、总五氧化二磷、发泡力等项目进行了检验,未发现不合格项目。,未发现不合格项目。




这项抽样检查的基础是CCGF-CD-123.1-2022“针对成都市场监督和管理局的金属珠宝产品的金属监督的实施规则”,以及在流通领域中的20批产品。检查了泵产品的有害元素(镉含量)和有害元素(铅含量)。 1批产品的质量不合格,无条件的发现率为5.0%。不合格的项目是:有害元素(镉含量)。





这项抽样检查的基础是CCGF-CD-CD-097.1-2021“实施行李质量监督,大规模监督以及对成都市场监督和管理局的管理的实施规则”。有17批点检查,包括生产区域中的2批批次和15批循环场。检查了诸如畅通无阻,步行性能,振荡影响性能,性能下降,滚筒撞击性能,塑料硬盒面条以及冲击性能的影响性能等项目。 2批产品的质量没有资格。合格的发现率为11.8%。不合格的项目是:振荡影响性能。


(Fifty -seven) Overcoming glasses

The basis for this sampling inspection is CCGF-CD-065.1-2020 "Implementation Rules for the Implementation of the Mass Supervision of Glasses Products in the Chengdu Market Supervision and Administration Bureau", and 30 batches of products in the production field. For the top focus deviation of the top mirror, the pillar top focus deviation, the direction deviation of the pillar axis, the horizontal distance deviation of the optical center, the vertical difference between the optical center, the unilateral horizontal deviation of the optical center, the lens material and surface quality , Assembled quality, logo (labels) and other projects were inspected. The quality of 1 batch of products was unqualified, and the unqualified discovery rate was 3.3%. Unqualified items are: logo.

Logo: The logo project of 1 batch of products in this spot is unqualified. National Mandatory Standard GB 13511.1-2011 "Part 1: Equipment Part 1: Single Light and Multi-Focus" Standard stipulates that the fixed-match glasses product logo includes functional parameters that are closely connected to the physical quality, such as the top focus of glasses, axis positions of the glasses, axis positions Puppet parameters such as pupil distance; at the same time, it should also indicate product names, production factory names, address, product execution standards, and product quality inspection certificates, factory date or production batch number. As well as other instructions that consumers know in advance and other laws and regulations stipulated. These requirements are compulsory clauses in this standard and must be executed. Product logo has always been an important issue that is easy to ignore by the glasses industry. There are two main reasons for the unqualified project: ① The enterprise is not familiar with the national standards of the installation glasses, the understanding is not in place, and the information content that needs to be clearly marked on the qualification certificate of the product; Do not pay attention to the lack of relevant information on the product qualification certificate. The product logo seems to have nothing to do with the quality of the product, but it is actually an important part of the quality of the product, and it is also an important basis for consumers to effectively use glasses products.

(58) Jewelry and jade precious metal jewelry and products

The basis for this sampling inspection is CCGF-CD-100.2-2021 "Implementation Rules for the Implementation of the Metal Jewelry and Product Quality Supervision of the Chengdu Market Supervision and Administration" and CCGF-CD-101-2021 "Chengdu Market Supervision and Administration Bureau Jewelry and Jade Precious Metal Jewelry "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Product Quality Supervision and Small Inspection, and 168 batches of products in the field of circulation. The precious metal materials and content, the content of the precious metal, and the logo of the precious metal jewelry and products are inspected, and the jewelery jadeite name, jewelry and jade quality level of non -embedded jewelery jewelry, the quality level of jewelry and jade (those with standards), jewelry and jade quality (标准有要求者)、标识等项目进行了检验,对所抽镶嵌珠宝玉石饰品的珠宝玉石定名、贵金属材料及含量、珠宝玉石品质等级(标准有要求者)、珠宝玉石质量(标准有要求者)、标识等项目进行了检验,检出33批次产品质量不合格,不合格发现率为19.6%。 Unqualified items are: logo, precious metal materials and content.

Identification: The identification items of 30 batches of products are unqualified in this spot check. The reason for the unqualified identification project is that some inspectors are not familiar with or lack of understanding of the national standard GB/T 31912-2015 "Jewelry Logo". The name of the standard number, the production enterprise (or sales enterprise), and the lack of product quality inspection certificates and the marks of the manufacturer code. If the identification item is unqualified, it may be misleading consumers' purchase behavior.

Precious metal materials and content: This spot check has not qualified for precious metal materials and content projects of 5 batches of products. It may be that the seller's professional knowledge is lacking, the quality of quality is weak, and the sales are started if they are not delivered. It may also be the intentional behavior of merchants to make huge profits, which leads to the difference in the quality of precious metals than the scope of the standard specification.

(59) Commercial oil fume purification equipment

The basis for this sampling inspection is CCGF-CD-153.1-2023 "Implementation Rules for Quality Supervision of Commercial Oil Fm in the Chengdu Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Market Supervision and Administration". Essence The signs and instructions of the products that are drawn (7.1, 7.6, 7.8, 7.14, 7.15), the protection, stability and mechanical danger of touching the power parts, mechanical intensity, stability and mechanical hazard, structure, internal wiring, power connection and power supply, power connection and power supply External soft lines, grounding measures, screws and connections, climbing distance electrical gaps and solid insulation were inspected. The quality of 5 batches of products was unqualified, and the unqualified discovery rate was 83.3%. Unqualified items are: logos and descriptions, protecting, grounding measures, screws and connections, stability and mechanical hazards, and internal wiring.

Sign and instructions: There are three batches of products and instructions for this spot check. The information errors or lack of information in the indication and instructions will lead to lack of sufficient guidance and warning to the installer or users during use, which may not effectively avoid risks.

Protection of touched parts of power components: This random check is unqualified for the protection projects of the touching parts of the charged components. The unqualified project may lead to the danger of electric shock in maintenance or normal use.

Grounding measures: The grounding measures for 2 batches of products are unqualified. Unqualified grounding measures may lead to the inability to import the leakage dangerous electrical energy when the internal insulation failure fails, causing the danger of electric shock.

Screws and connections: There are one batch of products from the screws and the unqualified projects of the product. Unqualified screws and connections may cause screw loosening during the normal use process that causes the container to fall off, causing the electrical short circuit or the loosening of the shell to loosen and loses the protective effect.

Stability and mechanical danger: This spot check has the stability of 1 batch of products and the failure of mechanical danger projects. Unqualified this project may lead to dangerous motion components that touch danger during use and maintenance, causing mechanical damage danger.

Internal wiring: The internal wiring projects of 1 batch of products are unqualified. Using the error color wiring can cause errors during maintenance or the danger of electric shock caused by error.

The main reasons for the above unqualified projects are: 1. Due to the product as a multi -functional product, the enterprise's implementation standards for the product are unclear, and it is not designed and manufactured in accordance with national compulsory standards. Insufficient safety knowledge involved in electrical design and manufacturing; 3. The quality control procedures for the production process are not strict, and there are hidden dangers in assembly and raw material selection.

(Sixty) Industrial and Commercial Electric Food Processing Equipment

The basis for this sampling inspection is CCGF-CD-026.1-2020 "Implementation Rules for the Implementation of the Product Quality Supervision of Electric Food Processing Equipment of the Chengdu Market Supervision and Administration", and 3 batches of products in the production field. The logo and instructions of the products that are drawn, the protection of the leakage current and electrical intensity, stability and mechanical hazard, structure (22.2), internal wiring (23.1), power supply connection to the leakage current and current of the pumping products和外部软线(25.3)、外部导线用接线端子(26.1)、接地措施(27.5)、螺钉和连接(28.4)、设备结构的安全卫生性、设备结构的可洗净性等项目进行了检验, No qualified items were found.

(Sixty -one) Plastic packaging containers, tools and other products for food contact

The basis for this sampling inspection is CCGF-CD-034.4-2020 "The Chengdu Market Supervision and Administration Bureau is contacted by the implementation of the packaging materials and container quality supervision and random inspection of the quality supervision of the food materials for food". 2. 22 batches of circulation areas. The sensory requirements, total migration, total migration, potassium permanganate consumption, heavy metal (PB measurement), discoloration test (product added with color agent) and other items for the extra -composite film bags, woven bags, slices检验,对所抽复合膜袋的感官指标/感官要求、蒸发残渣/总迁移量、高锰酸钾消耗量、重金属(以Pb计)、溶剂残留量、甲苯二胺(4%乙酸)等项目进行了检验,对所抽容器工具类的感官指标、总迁移量、高锰酸钾消耗量、重金属(以Pb计)、脱色试验(仅限含着色剂产品)等项目进行了检验,未发现不合格项目。

(Sixty -two) Paper packaging and containers such as food contact

The basis for this sampling inspection is CCGF-CD-045.3-2020 "Implementation Rules for the Mass and Mass Supervision of Food Continua, Cardboard Materials and Container Quality Supervision of the Chengdu Market Supervision and Administration Bureau". 9 batches of circulation areas. For lead, arsenic, formaldehyde, fluorescent substances, total migration, potassium permanganate consumption, heavy metal (in PB), colonobacteria, Salmonella, mold, end -covered force, axial pressure collapse Power, fast leakage test, leakage performance, cup bodies, pressure resistance, temperature resistance (95 ℃ ± 5 ℃ water, oil), drop test and other items were tested. No unqualified items were found.

(Sixty -three) Stainless steel products for food

The basis for this sampling inspection is CCGF-CD-098.2-2021 "Implementation Rules for the Implementation of the Quality Supervision of the Chengdu Market Supervision and Administration Bureau and Foods for Stainless Steel Product Products", and 13 batches of products in the field of循环。 The physical and chemical indicators (AS, CDs, PB, CR, and Ni) of the products they were drawn were inspected, and no unqualified items were found.

(Sixty -four) Disasters can be decomposed at one time

The basis for this sampling inspection is CCGF-CD-138.1-2023 "The Implementation Rules for the Mass Supervision and Mass Supervision of the Chengdu Market Supervision and Administration Bureau", 10 batches of products, including 9 batches and circulation areas in production fields, 1 in the field of circulation 1 batch. The sensory requirements, total migration, potassium permanganate consumption, heavy metal (PB), discoloration test (only color -containing products), organic matter content, biodegradation performance, etc. The quality of the 2 batches of products was unqualified, and the unqualified discovery rate was 20.0%. Unqualified items are: biological degradation performance (sludge anaerobic digestion degradation conditions, anaerobic, 90D).

Bio -degradation performance (sludge anaerobic and digestive degradation conditions, anaerobic, 90D): The project of this batch of products is unqualified. Enterprises use non -degradable plastic raw materials to produce products and pretend to be sold for degradable products. As a result, the biodegradation performance in the test results is unqualified. This is a typical counterfeit and inferior behavior. After the banner of biodegradation, it is an irreplaceable product to flow into the market, which will seriously disrupt the market order and hinder the implementation of the new version of the "plastic limit order". After consumers are discarded, the product cannot self -degrade in the natural environment, which will cause white pollution and destroy the ecological environment.

(Sixty -five) fire window

The basis for this sampling inspection is CCGF-CD-015.4-2020 "Implementation Rules for the Implementation of the Implementation of Fire Product Quality Supervision and Administration of the Chengdu Market Supervision and Administration", and 6 batches of products in the production field. It was tested on the refractory performance of the products, the reliability of the fan closure, and the automatic shutdown time of the fan fan, and no unqualified items were found.

(66) Fire door

The basis for this sampling inspection is CCGF-CD-015.4-2020 "Implementation Rules for the Implementation of the Implementation of Fire Product Quality Supervision and Administration of the Chengdu Market Supervision and Administration", and 43 batches of products in the production field. The fire resistance projects of the products drawn were inspected, and the quality of the two batches of products was unqualified, and the unqualified discovery rate was 4.7%. Unqualified projects are: refractory resistance.

Fire resistance: This random inspection has two batches of fire resistance projects. The fire door is the door to life that can meet the refractory stability, integrity and insulation requirements within a certain period of time. The culprit of fatal accidents is often not fire, but smoke. Because as early as the fire spread sharply, many people were coma because of excessive inhalation with toxic smoke and buried in the fire field. In addition to the role of ordinary doors, the fire door also has the effect of preventing the spread of fire and the spread of flue gas. It can prevent the spread of fire from the spread of fire within a certain period of time and ensure that personnel are evacuated. Once a fire occurs, the fire door is a protective door to protect people's life and property. This is also the real reason for people to compare the fire door as the door of life. Therefore, the fire door must have a good performance of high temperature resistance, heat insulation and smoke -proof penetration. The main reasons for unqualified fire resistance are: First, the door frames have not taken heat -breaking measures or inadequate heat -cutting, the door frame structure is unreasonable, the door frame is poorly sealed, and the filling materials in the fan are not合格的。 The production enterprise is forced to cut corners and reduce the quality of the product.

(Sixty -seven) fireproof coatings

The basis for this sampling inspection is CCGF-CD-015.4-2020 "Implementation Rules for the Implementation of the Implementation of Fire Product Quality Supervision and Administration of the Chengdu Market Supervision and Administration Bureau", and 4 batches of products in the production field. The combustion -resistant time, refractory, quality loss, carbonization volume of the decorative facial fire coatings, and the state, fineness, drying time, dry crack resistance in the container of the fire -resistant coatings of the steel structure of the steel pumping steel structure Pigmentation, adhesion strength, dry density, water resistance, heat -resistant cycle resistance, acid resistance, alkaline resistance, humidity resistance, frost -resistant cycle, salt and fog corrosion, etc. project.

(68) Valve for building ventilation and smoke exhaust systems

The basis for this sampling inspection is CCGF-CD-015.4-2020 "Implementation Rules for the Implementation of the Implementation of Fire Product Quality Supervision and Administration of the Chengdu Market Supervision and Administration Bureau", and 31 batches of products in the production field. The driving torque, reset function, temperature sensor control, manual control, electric control, reliability and other items such as the pumping products were inspected, and no unqualified items were found.

(Sixty -nine) Practical fire extinguisher

The basis for this sampling inspection is CCGF-CD-015.4-2020 "Implementation Rules for the Implementation of the Implementation of Fire Product Quality Supervision and Administration of the Chengdu Market Supervision and Administration Bureau". 14 batches of products are spot-checked, of which 4 batches of production areas and 10 batches of circulation areas. Check the spray performance of 20 ° C, the amount of fire extinguishing agent, the operation pressure inspection (applicable), structural inspection, water pressure test, cylindrical blasting test (applicable), fire extinguishing agent inspection and other items The test was conducted and no qualified items were found.

(Seventy) Fire Fire Fire Equipment Products

The basis for this sampling inspection is CCGF-CD-015.4-2020 "Implementation Rules for the Implementation of the Implementation of Fire Product Quality Supervision and Administration of the Chengdu Market Supervision and Administration", and 7 batches of products in the production field. The 20 ° C spray performance test, operating institution inspection, appearance, external structure and total quality inspection of operating institutions, exterior structure and total quality inspection, fire extinguisher air density test, water pressure test, fire extinguishing agent quality Inspection and other items were inspected, and the quality of 1 batch of products was unqualified, and the unqualified discovery rate was 14.3%. Unqualified items are: quality inspection of fire extinguishing agent.

Quality inspection of fire extinguishing agents: This random check is unqualified by the quality inspection project of the fire extinguishing agent of 1 batch of products. The main reason for the unqualified project is that the quality management of the manufacturer is not in place, and the quality of the purchased agent is not carefully controlled and strictly controlled, resulting in the low content of the main component of the main component of the fire extinguishing agent. When fire occurs, the content of dihydrogen phosphate is low, and the fire extinguisher fire extinguishing effect decreases. It will not effectively extinguish the initial fire, which will cause the people's property loss and personnel damage.

(71) Fire fire exhaust fan

The basis for this sampling test is CCGF-CD-015.4-2020 "Implementation Rules for the Implementation of the Implementation of Fire Product Quality Supervision and Administration of the Chengdu Market Supervision and Administration", and 15 batches of products in the production field. The case, safety requirements, main parts materials, assembly requirements, etc. of the fired fire exhaust fan (bearing type), and the mechanical operation test of the fired fire exhaust fan (centrifugal type) of the pumping firefighting fan (centrifugal type) , Vibration speed valid validity value, leaf wheel radiosioprotic gap and other projects were inspected. No unqualified items were found.

(72) Fire fire exhaust pipeline system

The basis for this sampling inspection is CCGF-CD-015.4-2020 "Implementation Rules for the Implementation of the Implementation of the Fire Product Quality Supervision and Mass Supervision and Administration of the Chengdu Market Supervision and Administration", and 21 batches of products in the production field. The thickness of the zinc layer of the products (applicable to the galvanized steel plate duct), the thickness of the plate, the splicing, and the flange bolt pores and other items were inspected. No unqualified items were found.

(Seventy -three) Fire Water Gun

The basis for this sampling inspection is CCGF-CD-015.4-2020 "Implementation Rules for the Implementation of Fire Product Quality Supervision and Administration of the Chengdu Mark
