
日期: 2025-01-24 19:06:56 |浏览: 12|编号: 66948




一些普利安商人感到神秘和好奇。在许多人的眼中,他们是封闭的,排他性的,不守规矩的和计算的。他们做事的各种方式使他们拥有周围城市所羡慕的财富,但是他们很难获得与他们的财富相匹配的尊重。 45岁的Putian Shoe Merchant Chen Yinghong决心打破这种情况。在这个被称为“假鞋子”的城市中,他坚持开发和生产正宗的户外鞋子,希望将其建立成闪亮的业务并获得认可。尊重甚至可以改变Putian。

在一定程度上,陈·洪港(Chen Yinghong)是普特安(Putian)传统价值观的“叛徒”。当他二十多岁的时候,他渴望自由和独立,但他与普利安氏族的法律有严重的冲突,即“家庭法最重要”。他逃离了家族企业和父母安排的婚姻,独自逃跑,找到了生活中的新道路,对自己的家乡感到绝望。十多年后,他回到了普利安(Putian),从他的外贸业中获得的财富。与周围环境不相容的情况继续存在,甚至变得更加激烈。他以几乎偏执的方式向这座鞋城的业务定位和结构挑战。但是,持久性的11年不仅导致了他的氏族和与同龄人的排斥,而且还使他耗尽了多年来积累的财富,并深深地陷入了巨大的债务。泥土。

Chen Yinghong的命运的悲惨起伏不仅是坚持在假鞋首都生产真正的鞋子的故事,而且是现代社会价值观与传统氏族道德之间碰撞的结果。他努力将新的想法和方法带入Putian社会,但与此同时,很难完全摆脱Putian传统在个人命运上的渗透和束缚。两支部队碰撞并拉在一起,导致他在痛苦中挣扎。基于当前情况,得出关于陈·杨(Chen Yinghong)生活的结论还为时过早。对于围观者来说,不仅值得考虑他的暂时成功或失败,而且还要考虑自己的阴影:一个持续的人应该如何与周围环境和自己相处。


在春季音乐节期间,普特安(Putian)的许多村庄的道路将被各种豪华车占据。他们是专门从全国各地发货的。对于在工作日外面努力工作的Putian商人来说,在农历新年回家不仅是拜访父母,而且是每年一次炫耀自己的实力的时间。用31岁的珠宝商人Rongfa的话说,春节是一个舞台。只要有一个宴会,就将比手掌大的新鲜鲍鱼放在桌子上,而Pangolins将放在桌子上。 “价值五到六百万美元的汽车非常普遍,而且到处都是价值超过100万美元的汽车。其中很多。”

您在外面忍受了多少困难都没关系。返回普里安村后,您必须有脸。除了炫耀豪华汽车外,赢得面孔的方法还包括为留在村庄的长者建造高层建筑。在普特安(Putian)的农村,拥有七个或八层的别墅并不少见,但居民通常只有几个老人。普特安(Putian)人喜欢谈论的故事是,一个小偷住在一座17层的别墅里,一个单层面积为600平方米,持续一个月,然后被楼下的一对老夫妇发现。 “当您局外人建造房屋时,您只是在盖房子。当我们建造房屋时,我们只是在建立一个社区。”

在这种比较财富的游戏中,45岁的陈·杨(Chen Yinghong)不再是赢家。他仍然认为两年前的春节是一场噩梦。在除夕,村里的其他人聚集在一起谈论他们今年赚了多少钱以及他们从事了什么大企业,但是他在家里与来收取债务的贷款鲨鱼一样。他觉得另一方知道他买不起钱,所以他选择了这次来羞辱他。



“ ...假鞋子。”犹豫了几秒钟后,我终于说了。一篇文章的一句话突然想到:“在普利安(Putian)中,为全世界负担得起的品牌鞋从来都不是一个空洞的谈话。”

他在情感上说:“这显然有问题。” “我们拥有世界上最发达的工业集群。为什么人们在提到Putian时只记得假鞋?我们应该做最好的鞋子!我希望世界尊重我们的Putian鞋子!”

这是一个坚持在“假鞋子”中生产高质量的真正鞋子的人。他的品牌称为“ Luo Chi”,其英语名称为clorts,其中一半是衣服和运动。他觉得其他人,无论他们是为大型国际品牌工作还是制作高端模仿,都“短视”,“赚钱”和“没有未来”。他是一个“有远见的人”。 “当我告诉别人我的想法时,他们根本不了解他们。”

当他说这些话时,陈·洪港(Chen Yinghong)响起了决心,但当时的5000万现金返还已经变成了近1亿个负债。为了偿还债务,三年前建造的数万平方米的工厂建筑已被拆除,数百名工人被驳回。他目前的工厂建筑是从朋友那里借来的。在几百平方米的空间中,只有十二个左右的人。就在楼下,高高的仿制品工厂正在如火如荼地进行。

许多同事认为他是一个离群机甚至开玩笑。也有一些人认识到自己的价值,但他不太喜欢。与拒绝放弃的近200个债权人不同,直到他们的钱退还了,一个生产鞋底的老板搬走了陈·扬洪(Chen Yinghong)的鞋厂的计算机,并密封了仓库的门。他希望能与他合作,债务可以一口气掉出来,但他不得不占股票的15%。

对于当时陷入困境的陈·洪(Chen Yinghong)来说,这是使他重生的一种选择。但是他当场拒绝了。 “我不喜欢一个想强奸我嫁给我的男人。他只是想赚钱,我想拥有一个职业。我们有不同的想法,我们如何一起做事?”


Chen Yinghong反复强调,从他回到Putian开设鞋厂的第一天,赚钱从来都不是他最重要的事情。他想建立一个“真正的品牌”和一个可以向家人发光的业务。 “如果您选择这条道路,就必须准备损失所有东西并赚很多钱。如果您想赚钱,我有数百种方法,例如复制。但是复制的意义是什么?您必须追求生活中的东西。”

现实情况是,生产高仿鞋是普利安(Putian)的一项大生意。到达Putian一周后,我遇到了一个“ Amao”,这是一个在Putian方言出售假鞋子的人。他兴奋地告诉我,如果他想欣赏Putian的假鞋业务多么繁荣,他就必须去Anfu Market,他必须在晚上去。

“为什么?” “您白天在线下订单,我们在晚上打包和运送它们。”


过了一会儿,我面前​​出现了“中国·anfu e-Mall”的红灯标志。我站在灯光标志下,问阿玛(Amao),他对普利安(Putian)坚持生产自己的品牌的人们的看法。他大笑起来:“这只是在求婚。在同一条生产线上生产的鞋子可能会出售400至500元的yuan,上面有阿迪达斯的标签,但是如果他们有自己的品牌,他们可能不会以150元的价格出售。您疯了吗? “


ANFU市场是白天和黑夜倒转的地方。这个社区从火葬场转变为现已成为Putian高质量模仿鞋的贸易中心。从“中国Anfu E-Mall”大门进入的是一条超过200米的商业街。商店的标志看起来都很熟悉,但是经过仔细检查,总会有一些差异。 “ New Balance International”,“ American New Balance”,“ Asia Pacific New Balance”,有20多种“ New Balance”品牌。

但是Chen Yinghong不想过这样的生活。他认为,他最大的痛苦植根于在追求身体需求的环境中过度的精神追求。早在17岁时,他就成为Putian鞋业的成员,并在耐克OEM工厂制造鞋子中工作,每月收入为6至700元。在1980年代后期,这是一个相当大的数字。但是他认为这不是一个令人愉快的经历 - 他讨厌耐克OEM的标准化生产过程,讨厌要求允许上厕所的严格管理,甚至讨厌原材料的气味。

更令人讨厌的是,一些普特亚人的习惯是“保守的,短视的”和“赚钱”。结果,他成为普利安(Putian)的叛军,去了广东(Guangdong)赢得了他的第一罐黄金。 “那时,我觉得我一生中最讨厌制作鞋子,并与普利安人打交道。”

“ Putian商人”的一部分经常使人们秘密和复杂的感觉。他们喜欢在做生意时作为一个团队一起工作。一个城镇从事一家在全国范围内传播的业务。 Xianyou从事桃花心木,汉江从事农业贸易,中央从事木材,而东洪(Dongzhuang)从事医疗治疗,而Beigao则从事黄金。普利安人为自己擅长“无所事事”而感到自豪。例如,没有生产木材的宗门镇控制着中国木材贸易的90%以上。

高仿鞋是普利安(Putian)的发展中。从表面上看,ANFU与大多数住宅区没有什么不同,但是有许多生活在安全门后面的模仿鞋卖家。 Anfu白天非常荒芜,商店门关闭。晚上八到九点钟,灯光逐渐打开,开始醒来,交易持续到后半夜。白天忙于接收订单的货车,摩托车和电动汽车的卖家来接送货物,当场检查它们,然后将它们交给了快递点。走进Express送货区,数十家商店正在现场交付和接收商品,而撕裂胶带的声音到处都是我的耳朵。

“你认为海外购物是真实的吗?你天真。”一个成年人对我热情地告诉我,与淘宝(Taobao)相比,淘宝(Taobao)现在​​正在穿上普利安(Putian)的鞋子,海外购物是伪造的最难打击区域。许多淘宝买家知道自己是假的,而海外买家以真正的价格购买假产品,从而获得更高的利润。受欢迎的阿迪达斯Yeezy 350的价格根据模拟程度而有所不同,范围从六到700元到一百元,但买家通常必须支付超过三千人民币。


这种行为使普特亚人拥有周围城市所羡慕的财富,但是很难获得与财富价值相匹配的尊重。福建其他地区的人们认为,他们对外国人不守规矩和计算,并且“众神很难在Putian中赚钱”。 Zhangzhou的一位建筑材料老板认为Putian人民在全国各地开展业务,但他们并没有真正向外界睁开眼睛。他们心里只有一个痴迷,那就是回家并建造房屋。 “要维持东洪大老板的外部大理石成千上万的人元,但他甚至每年都不能住在那里。”


但是Chen Yinghong认为他与其他Putian人不同。在二十多岁的时候,当面对烦人的人和事物时,他选择逃脱。十多年后,他在异国获得的财富给了他强烈的自信心 - 如果我不喜欢你,那么我会改变你的。

当他回到Putian时,与他离开时相比,曾经无聊的Putian鞋业发生了变化。经过十多年的演变,将真实的人与假货混为一谈,绝不是在Putian中进行空虚的谈话。 Chen Yinghong领导下的产品研发负责人Xiong Xiaojian在广东生产运动鞋已有十多年了。 “您可以从五米之外告诉真实性”是一种咒语。但是自从来到普里安以来,他不得不把这些话拒之门外。不久前,他去了一家鞋厂讨论合作。另一方拿出了两个Yeezy 350,并要求他猜测他们在讨论业务之前是真实的还是假的。经过几分钟的重复观察,他终于给出了正确的答案。这种“顶级模仿”在淘宝上出售了3,000元人民币,而Amao的交付价格约为700元。

在陈·洪(Chen Yinghong)的看来,过多地关注直接利益和热爱赚钱是许多Putian商人的局限性。但是他也感觉到了机会。家庭成员一致反对他回到普里安(Putian)做鞋子,以为他不在脑海中。但是在他看来,鞋子是世界上每个人的必要条件,也是“太阳从未落山的行业”。他觉得Putian拥有世界上最发达的鞋业连锁店。没有理由不创建自己的品牌。它只缺乏远见和勇气的企业家。他将成为这个角色。为了展示他独立发展和生产的决心,他故意将“技术”一词添加到了公司的名称中。

在Putian,许多鞋厂开始制作模仿鞋,因为初创企业很难获得大订单。 Chen Yinghong不仅拒绝制作模仿鞋,而且还想直接制作户外鞋。与普通运动鞋相比,户外鞋的过程更加复杂,成本更高,风险更大。直观的比较是,普通运动鞋厂的数量远远超过户外鞋厂的数量。但是Chen Yinghong不在乎。他认为,户外鞋是运动鞋中的“鞋子”。一旦制作了户外鞋,其他一切都是“一件小事”。

建立品牌是一个缓慢的过程,陈·杨(Chen Yinghong)准备在五年或更长时间以来无利可图。在他的同龄人的眼中,这简直太疯狂了。他最初的想法是专注于产品设计,专注于将产品制作到极端,并将特定的生产外包,就像大品牌找到OEM一样。回到普里安(Putian)不久后,他参观了一家大型鞋厂寻求合作,但另一方拒绝了:我现在有很多订单,我无法完成。我为什么要从你那里拿这呢?

在搜索半年后,没有人愿意接受他的命令。一再撞墙后,他决定建造自己的工厂。这意味着资本成本和风险因素飙升。他周围的人一致反对它,以为他太侵略性和不现实了,但他坚持认为没有人理解他的思想。 “普利安人的最大问题是他们缺乏远见。如果生产过程将来变得完全聪明,而无需生产的人力呢?什么是灾难!如果您有品牌,那么您就不害怕了。”



抬头看着Anfu市场,很容易发现监视摄像机,其中大多数是由Amao主动安装的,以防止工业和商业局的惊喜检查。一个带有蓝色背景和白色字母的招牌,悬挂在出口上方的房间上方,“领先的小组的办公室,用于打击成昌良格区的伪造品牌运动鞋的生产和销售”。距离十二米,交易正在全面进行。走出Anfu,有一个汤托(Tamo)商店在对面的树木中出售的标志:“ Anfu最安全,最耐用的是,一旦您合作,您将成为终身朋友。”



“买了它的人也知道这是假的!一对尼克斯的成本超过200,每个人都知道他们是不可能的。他愿意这样做。”正如他所说的那样,他从桌子上捡起了梨。 “如果你做一个假梨,它有毒并杀死了人,那是不合理的。假鞋与它有什么关系?它不会杀死任何人!它也可以省钱。你省钱。你省钱,我赚钱。这就是两全其美。”


“陈先生是一个典型的无知和无所畏惧的人。当时他根本不了解鞋子。” Xiong Xiaojian在2007年放弃了Converse的邀请,并从广州来到Putian,负责Luo Chi的产品开发。这种选择的原因是他了解到,陈·杨(Chen Yinghong)愿意每年花费300万元人民币设计费用来聘请韩国设计师设计五十款鞋子,而市场上鞋的设计费则大部分是数千人民币。

Xiong Xiaojian认为Chen Yinghong一定已经将所有链接都弄清楚了。但事实并非如此。

在返回Putian之前,Chen Yinghong在广州花了十多年的大部分时间从事外贸业务来获得利润率。随着时间的流逝,他觉得自己最终将拥有自己的行业,因此他进行了两次失败的尝试。他曾经制作了计算机袋,曾经制作过珍珠珠宝,并且都犯了类似的错误:制作计算机袋时,他主要专注于产品设计,认为生产和加工并不困难。但是,当我拿出设计图纸来寻找某人去做这项工作时,我发现好的加工工厂是由不愿接受订单的台湾公司垄断的,愿意接受订单的工厂无法建立它们。




此后,两个鞋子城市的命运已经分歧。 Jinjiang的鞋类经销商开始发起疯狂广告的品牌建设活动。 1999年,与今天相比,安塔(Anta)就像一个小型研讨会,年利润仅为300万元,但他们花了80万元人民币要求Kong Linghui在CCTV体育频道上大喊“我选择,我喜欢”,并且有从那时起,迅速复活。至于Putian,它已经踏上了生产高模仿鞋的道路。对于几十年来从事行业和业务的普特亚人来说,设备,技术和材料都不是问题。大型和小型高素质工厂正在迅速增长。与常规OEM相比,它们不需要发票或缴税,并且可以以较低的价格获得相同的原材料,从而获得更高的利润。

这样的开发道路意味着,尽管Putian拥有4,000多家鞋厂,但它没有上市公司,一个知名品牌,并且缺乏生产高端产品的能力。 Chen Yinghong感到沮丧,他在Putian找不到合适的设计师。经过几次搜索,他以每年300万元的高价聘请了一位韩国设计师。看到设计图纸后,一些同事不禁叹了口气:我们正在建造小船,但您想建造航空母舰。

回到普里安的陈港似乎与他的同事大不相同。例如,尽管他在初中的第二年初辍学,跟随他的父亲,但他仍然喜欢读书。他每年在孙子森大学和Xiamen大学学习EMBA,并在国外学习。他最喜欢的书包括迈克尔·波特(Michael Porter)的《国家竞争优势》,“失控”和凯文·凯利(Kevin Kelly)的“不可避免”。他几乎每天都在QQ空间和微信中发布自己的阅读经历。

但是Putian的鞋子商人不认为这很特别。赚钱是最后一句话。制鞋是一个复杂而系统的项目,随后的步骤比陈·杨(Chen Yinghong)想象的要困难得多。不仅没有人愿意从事OEM工作,甚至很难购买原材料。用Xiong Xiaojian的话来说,如果我们要生产中高端运动鞋,那么Putian中没有可用的材料将无法在其他地方提供。但是,当时的Putian,高端户外鞋仍然相对较新,在当地购买所有材料是“幻想”。

面对困难时,陈·洪(Chen Yinghong)经常采取态度,即其他人发现太偏执。工作人员认为,韩国设计图纸的颜色太多,最好将它们统一成一个,否则成本将太高。但是他被禁止进行任何修改,感觉到阀门打开后,它将与其他制造商迟早变得相同。他将设计图纸带到了Putian最大的网状织物加工厂。另一方使用计算器进行计算一段时间,并提供了300万。他认为这只花了数万人民币,几乎晕倒了。


不仅他在普利安(Putian)的同事,而且他的外国同行也觉得他是一个异常现象。在过去的十年中,他参加了数百场国际鞋子表演。关于Putian鞋,他最常听到的两个单词是复制和便宜的。 “许多人根本不敢相信我的鞋子是用普里安制造的。”



这是一个注定要在短期内看不到回报的赌注。没有多少人愿意支付高昂的价格来购买一个陌生的品牌。在同事看来,这与普利安鞋的生存方式相反。曾经试图建立自己的品牌但回到模仿鞋业的鞋子经销商认为,普利安(Putian)低价和假鞋的整体形象已深深地植根于人们的心中,而且高价高品质的产品注定没有未来。他说:“如果质量良好的鞋子能够生存,Putian已经充满了品牌。”但是Chen Yinghong的想法是:“中国产品总是被认为是低价的。为什么?好东西。不可能出售它!”

随着时间的流逝,他的同事们从他身上脱离了。那些不喜欢他的人范围从从他保持距离到在行业中传播他是个疯子和骗子的新闻。甚至他周围的人也经常与他分歧。有一次在海滩吃饭时,Xiong Xiaojian忍不住叹了口气:您真的不了解鞋子。如果您这样做了,您将永远不敢制造这个品牌。

但是Chen Yinghong不在乎。十多年前,当他离开普利安(Putian)时,他已经经历了背叛和与亲戚分离的感觉。为了证明他是右侧,他毫不犹豫地第二次尝试。


Chen Yinghong保留了在Tiananmen广场拍摄的照片。当他十几岁的时候,他在中国东北部的原始森林中收集蜂蜜时是特别的。照片中没有出现的是修补的裤子,鞋子总是很大。在青春期,他的脚长得太快了,但是他的父亲总是买鞋子,因为他买不起钱。在完成了二年级的初中,享年16岁,他跟随父亲的命令,跟随数十名家庭成员在全国各地旅行,从事蜂蜜业务。


普安(Putian)在一侧靠近大海,并在三个侧面被山包围。它与周围的地形隔绝,土地较少和更多的人。地理隔离也影响了语言。 Putian方言与福建的其他部分不相容,其特殊发音方法被嘲笑为“ Digua Accent”。在周围城市和城镇的人们的眼中,普利安人很贫穷,无法说话,“一个好女孩不会嫁给一个普特的男人。”绝望,普特安人别无选择,只能离开福建来谋生。



Putian人在做生意时喜欢小组工作。如果有人放弃了氏族成员并独自去,那么他们肯定会被别人不喜欢。 1995年,隆法的父亲将他的家人的十多名成员带到了北京。由于黄金采矿是嘈杂的,易于检测的,所以他们住在daxing的Xihongmen三楼的地下室。在几年之内,数十人住在地下金抛光研讨会上,都是亲戚。几年后,黄金开采业务逐渐扩大,他成为比戈镇最富有的人。他是第一个在村庄建造六层楼的别墅的人。

按照类似的模式,来自贝戈镇的数十万人居住在全国各地,占中国十大珠宝品牌的特许经营商店的70%。严格来说,开展地下黄金开采业务是不合法的,但是在普特安人民的信用系统中,只要您不欺骗家人,在外面做非法的事情就不会影响一个人的声誉。 Whether you can be respected depends on how much you can spend for your family. The ancestral hall built with donations from the Rongfa family cost 20 million. "The motivation to make money comes from this. How much can you spend just to survive? Why don't you just make money to buy face?"

For Putian people, clan order is above all else, but various rules made Chen Yinghong feel oppressive and constrained when he was a boy. Going out to collect honey is hard work. His father not only assigned him the heaviest task, but also asked him to buy vegetables, cook, wash dishes, and be responsible for the meals of dozens of family members. In his father's eyes, this was training and training for his eldest son, but he felt that his father was dictating his life.

After contradicting his uncle once, his father beat him up and called him "rebellious." The rebuke was replaced by fierce resistance. After returning home for the Chinese New Year, Chen Yinghong stayed in Putian and went to work in a Nike OEM factory. From then on, he was unwilling to take the initiative to talk to his father. "At that time, as long as I could leave my dad, I could do anything."

From then on, in the eyes of others, he became a person accustomed to confronting Putian's traditional order. According to the regulations of Nike OEM, everyone can only focus on the process at hand and must not cross the line.但是他对此不满意。 In less than a year, he figured out the entire process of sports shoe production and encouraged two colleagues in the factory to set up a separate business with him to produce imitation shoes.

Unlike today's skilled "Amao", the imitation process back then was not smooth. The three people scraped together more than 100,000 yuan and hired a dozen workers, but they could not afford advanced equipment and could only produce more than 20 pairs a day. Unable to buy high-quality raw materials, they had to use waste materials eliminated by Nike's foundry. As a result, the entire batch of shoes came out of glue, resulting in a loss of hundreds of thousands.

His father scolded him for doing shoddy business, but more intense conflicts were yet to come. He met a girl at a Nike factory and wanted to marry her, but his father rejected his idea and arranged another marriage.

直到今天,普利安(Putian)的一些城镇和村庄仍然保留旧的婚礼习俗。 They rarely intermarry with outsiders, considering it a sign of incompetence, even unfilial piety, and damaging to the family's reputation. Even if you work hard outside all year round, you must go home and marry a Putian wife so that your business can be passed down from generation to generation and avoid falling into the hands of outsiders.

For young people from Dongzhuang, Zhongmen and Beigao towns who are doing business outside, their first priority when returning home during the Chinese New Year is to go on a blind date. It is common to see more than a dozen girls every day, and you often have to line up in front of the girls' homes. A betrothal gift amount of five to six hundred thousand is common, and more than one million is not uncommon. The most valuable item is an 18-year-old bride. The rule in some towns is that the bride price will be reduced by 20,000 for every year a girl turns 18.

A merchant filling in the express delivery number

Due to the government's intervention, during the Chinese New Year, several towns will hang up slogans such as "Bride price is not worth, marriage is not business", "Marriage with high bride price and high risk values ​​the relationship between husband and wife", and "Marrying a daughter means marrying happiness, not money". But the amount of bride price continues to rise. I heard a story in Zhongmen Town: The two parties set the amount of the bride price at 800,000 yuan, but when the man went home to withdraw cash, the woman's parents called to inform him that he did not need to come back because he had already accepted a bride price of 1 million yuan from another family.

The Putian people's concept is to live together first and then develop a relationship. It does not matter whether the two parties understand each other when getting married. Divorce is an intolerable thing and can ruin a person's reputation. But at that time, Chen Yinghong was unwilling to accept his father's arrangement. He wanted to break off the engagement, but several uncles scolded him. The eldest son was not allowed to be engaged, and the whole family would be in bad luck if they got married.

The next three or four years were a dark time in Chen Yinghong's life. After the imitation shoe business failed, he worked as a workshop director and factory director in several shoe factories, but everything went poorly, and his marriage was also in trouble. He thinks his wife is tall, virtuous, and a typical good wife and mother, but he just can't have feelings for her. The woman took away furniture, electrical appliances, and her newborn daughter. He became the first divorced man in the village.

Both his business and marriage collapsed. Chen Yinghong couldn't stand the disgusted eyes around him and went to Guangdong alone.

When he returned to Putian again, he demolished the old house where his parents lived and spent more than one million to build a three-story villa. The rebellious stubbornness of his youth became even stronger. The experience of failed counterfeiting made making good shoes not only a business, but also an obsession in his heart. He wanted to use this to prove himself and wash away the shame of the past.


The rise of the fake shoe industry has allowed a large number of young people in Putian to enjoy the pleasure brought by wealth. Putian College is less than 1 kilometer away from Anfu Market. It has given birth to many students who attend classes during the day and deliver goods at night. They open online stores and sell fake shoes to get rich quickly. They continued to make a living after leaving school, and Putian College was nicknamed "Amao College". "Don't look at how hard it is for us to ride an electric car at night to haul goods, but I can drive a Land Rover during the day." An Amao said with pride.

Some people suggested that Chen Yinghong would make high imitations while building a brand. In Putian, many people do this. A shoe dealer named Song Zonghu has been engaged in foreign trade in Northeast China for more than ten years. He sold Putian shoes to Russia. In 2005, he returned to Putian to build a factory to make shoes. He did both OEM and imitation shoes, so he had two nicknames. , formerly called "Siberian tiger", and later called "Puma tiger".

But Chen Yinghong never wanted to get involved in high imitation shoes. One is the obsession that has been accumulated for many years, and the need to prove to others that one is doing legitimate business. The other is that high imitation shoes are risky and the threshold is low. It is not a red sea, but a sea of ​​blood.

Under the temptation of profit, young people with a keen sense of smell flocked to Putian from all over the country to participate in the high imitation business. Ayu, a 26-year-old Shaanxi native, was so excited after reading a few of Amaofu's posts on Tieba three years ago that he bought a train ticket and rented a one-bedroom, one-living house in Ximen Community next to Anfu Market 。 , the monthly rent was 1,200 yuan, and I spent another 2,600 yuan to buy a second-hand laptop, registered a Taobao store, and became an Amao from then on.

Vendors are trading in the market

Around Anfu Market, advertisements for "Taobao Micro-Business Training" can be seen everywhere on telephone poles, in the back windows of vans and even in the bushes. Ayub described the feeling of taking the class as "a lot of benefit", "it is all the experience accumulated by Taobao masters for more than ten years." After several months of trial and error, his daily profit was stable at more than 1,000 yuan.

But in the past year or so, he feels that business has become more and more difficult. He used to go out at eight o'clock every night to collect goods and finish work at two o'clock. Now he leaves at ten o'clock and can finish at twelve o'clock. One of the reasons is that Taobao severely cracks down on fake shoes in Putian, and stores are always closed. The second reason is that more and more people come to Putian to hunt for gold, and dialects from all over the country can be heard when shopping for goods. The fiercer the competition, the thinner the profits. "If running Taobao requires some skills, even a mentally retarded person can do micro-business. The threshold is too low."

Chen Yinghong couldn't stand these phenomena. Unlike the Putian businessmen who were accustomed to making money in silence, he was willing to take the initiative to express his opinions. On various occasions, he repeatedly expressed concerns about the prospects of Putian's shoe industry, believing that many OEM orders were creating garbage, and even dared to slam the table with city leaders at industry meetings.

Xiong Xiaojian believes that Chen Yinghong's advantage is that he is easy to learn, but his disadvantage is that he is eager to perform before he has learned thoroughly and talks too much. "Others will think that I have successful cases here, but you suddenly use a loudspeaker to tell me that this is not working, and you haven't made any money yet. How can I listen to you?" Xiong Xiaojian once represented Luo Chi. I was attending an industry conference. On the bus going to the conference venue, someone commented: Chen Yinghong only knows how to brag. He once reminded Chen Yinghong to pay attention to something, but Chen was unmoved. Instead, he founded an internal magazine called "Luo Chihong" and wrote long articles to discuss his views.

As time passed, Chen Yinghong didn't like to deal with his peers except his own suppliers of raw materials, fearing that they would steal his ideas. "The biggest thief is the person who steals your mind. Creativity is worth a lot of money, but if it is said, it is worthless." For Jinjiang, who has gradually established a brand image over the years, his view is that over -capitalization, everything, everything In order to pack the market, the shoes itself is done. "My idea has always been very simple, that is, focusing on specific production and making the best shoes."

Despite being careful, there are still imitation products in the market. At first, he would work hard to restrain his anger and comfort himself: being copied and explained that the shoes are recognized. Which big brand is not copied? But after a long time, he gradually discovered that there was something wrong: the top two brands in the outdoor shoes industry also began to copy the design of Luo Chi, even copying the promotion poster, and copied the best style he sold. He excitedly showed me the comparison chart of both products, except LOGO, almost the same. "He propagated like this, and people who didn't understand thought it was me. What extent did you say this industry?"

Merchants shipped in a large number of goods at night

The business progress is difficult, and his relationship with his family has become delicate. What made him feel complicated is that he tried to prove to his family to make good shoes, but his family and relatives made a imitation shoes business. Two different paths formed a sharp contrast: a cousin who only read the third grade of elementary school was not smooth when he started opening the shoe factory, and closed down for more than half a year. Chen Yinghong felt that he did not have the ability to operate a factory, but because of family sentiment, he still helped him. Later, the cousin later had nearly a thousand workers, with a profit of more than 10 million a year. The business of imitation shoes became better and better, while Chen Yinghong brought back more and less from Guangzhou.

Despite the difficulties, Chen Yinghong still worked hard. In addition to pondering his shoes, he had almost no amateur life, describing himself that he was "mentally retarded away from business." Because the output has not been large, the number of workers in Luosi remained in two or three hundred people, and it can only be regarded as a small factory in Putian. He described the frequency of grand ideas in the family and began to decrease. "Too much, they can't understand."

But he occasionally couldn't help expressing his desire. He felt that the cousin looks like a violent hairpot, but after all, the other party has made money and is not easy to say anything. What kind of problem "

Under the support of hard work, at the end of 2013, a chain mall group signed an agreement with Luo Chi to open a counter in more than 100 shopping malls in the three east provinces. Chen Yinghong was excited and felt that the opportunity finally came. He loaned more than 40 million yuan, built a plant with tens of thousands of square meters, and plans to increase the workers to 3,000.

At that time, he had never expected that it would be a disaster waiting for him.


When he first heard Chen Yinghong talked about divorce, I thought it was the result of his brave fight with the old law, but the situation was the opposite. After the divorce, he never participated in the marriage of other members of the family because he was guilty. "If my life comes once, I will never divorce. In any matter, I can be their teacher, but the marriage is not good. I am not eligible. The divorce is not moral and responsible. Did not do it. "

Two power pulled him. On the one hand, he feels that the difficulty of pain over the years is that he is not compatible with the surrounding environment, and the idea is too advanced. But on the other hand, he could not completely break away from Putian's traditional gift.

During the divorce, the court sentenced his daughter to his ex -wife. Later, after several times, he took his daughter back to his side. After sending his daughter to the United States to study, he began to consider a new marriage. He wanted a son, and this was a big deal for Putian who attached great importance to clan inheritance.

In 2014, in accordance with the customs of Putian, he met his current wife through a blind date. The other party is a middle school teacher, 12 years younger than him, eight siblings in the family, and the youngest. When Chen Yinghong drove to the woman's village to pick up her, she was wearing a skirt and sitting on the stone at the village entrance. Chen Yinghong felt that the scene deeply moved him. "She is very simple, but she is pursuing a bit in spirit. This is very similar to me."两人一见钟情。

At the same time, the large orders in the Northeast also made him feel comfortable. His career and love went hand in hand, and he felt that he finally ushered in the opportunity to prove himself.


A few months later, the situation turned sharply.

In order to expand the scale of production, Chen Yinghong applied to the bank for nearly 40 million yuan loan. Like many small and medium -sized private enterprises with light assets, Luo Chi borrowed loans from banks through "mutual guarantee" -different enterprises provided guarantee for each other. If one of them is not money, the other guarantors have the responsibility to repay them. At the time of economic prosperity, business owners felt that mutual protection was just a matter of stamp. But as the economic growth slowed, the industry encountered bottlenecks, and trouble appeared.

Luo Chi's mutual security party is a company that produces LEDs, and Chen Yinghong's cousin is here as a financial manager. Chen Yinghong believes that the other party is similar to himself. But this company failed to resist the downturn in the industry and reached the ending of bankruptcy.

Chen Yinghong was not very worried at first. He believed that this was a responsible person who would work hard to pay debt. But the news that made him uneasy soon came: debtors came to the door to crowd out, and the other party could not bear the pressure to run to Shanghai and was caught. According to the law, the burden of debt repayment has been passed on to him.

More troubles are still behind. In the mutual insurance chain, the crisis will spread rapidly -once a company has a problem, other guarantors are easily considered by banks to think of business risks and get loan in advance. Chen Yinghong quickly received a notice of loan, asking him to repay nearly 40 million yuan of loans in advance.

"The mood at the time was really a bite of old blood." The moment the crisis happened, it was catching up with the barrier of the construction of a plant and hiring workers on a large scale. He later repeatedly assumed that if things broke out for a few months later, the new orders could generate income, and things were possibly possibly.

But assuming is just hypothetical, and the situation is as out of control like avalanche. Suppliers with funds with Luochi have come to debt collection. Some people wave their fists, some people plan to hang, and some people take out their knives. At the most difficult moment, hundreds of people were crossed at the door of the factory. According to the statistics of Chen Yinghong, there were more than 190 creditors. The bank listed him on the blacklist of credit. In order not to affect his wife, although they had a wedding, they have not yet completed the marriage formalities, and their new sons have not attended the hukou.

Compared with him, although the lives of Ah and Ai are not better than usual, they can always continue to earn wealth in a more flexible and light way. I saw an Ai who was named "Men who made shoes". The signature file was "a model of a counterattack". He didn't want to disclose his name and asked me to call him Huanghai. His WeChat friends circle forwarded an article that corporate owners cried and complained to make difficulties in the industry. The reposted words were: "It's still a big Putian, and the shoes are happy.


Huang Hai was 34 years old. After graduating from a university in Fuzhou, he stayed in the local area for two years. He felt that his income was low and there was no future. After ten years, he felt that he had lived a good life by relying on cleverness. "Now people always feel that there is a relationship with the door. Why can't Putian people feel that it is awesome to make money by their own mind?"

Unlike most of them, Huang Hai has never opened a Taobao shop or does a micro -business. I feel that the threshold is fierce. It should be used to survive with their own advantages. He understands English and is programming. Now he mainly attacked Alibaba, Facebook, YouTube, Instgram and other channels, selling shoes to buyers who are pursuing trend but want to save money.

He turned on the WhatsApp on his mobile phone and showed me a chat record with overseas buyers. "You see, this is the Czech Republic, this is Chile, this is France." In his spare time, he would watch the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and some foreign fashion information websites to master the latest international trend. "Don't look down on me, after all, I'm also a small intellectual."

I talked to him about Chen Yinghong. He said he had heard this person and admired his spirit, but he felt that he was not smart, thought too much, and was too pursuing. Five years ago, he had a similar idea to Chen: Lao Tzu was rich, and he couldn't do this matter that would not be on the table. He spent more than one million open a women's shoe store in the mall. After three years, he lost hundreds of thousands. "Who doesn't want to do regular business, economic downturn, who dare to do as soon as the physical store is done?" Who dares to do it? “

He is very satisfied with his current life. He feels that if it is in the Qing Dynasty, this is the day when Wang Yegege can enjoy: sleep until noon every day, play games in the afternoon, pick up children from school, chat with buyers at night, earn higher than first -tier cities than in first -tier cities. Increase, enjoy clean air and leisurely life. “北京那么多北大清华毕业的学生,买得起房吗?莆田一大堆三本烂学校毕业的阿冒,还有没上过学的,好几套房,为什么?因为我们有头脑,会选择, Grasp the business. “

When he was leaving, he patted my shoulder: "Xiao He, think about how to go in life. While you are young, you still have time to change now."


The sudden outbreak of the mutual insurance chain crisis is like a sudden death for Chen Yinghong. In desperation, he disassembled the factory, sold equipment, closed specialty stores, and hundreds of workers stopped their work and returned to their hometowns. More than two years have passed, and he is still trapped in huge debt. In order to clean up inventory debt, the price of shoes has been reduced from nearly a thousand yuan to two or three hundred yuan, which means that the high -priced boutique routes built in the past ten years have announced failure.

After the crisis, in addition to hundreds of thousands of pairs of inventory, there is a pair of large blue shoes with nearly five meters high -printed Logo. This pair of shoes has become the goal of taking a group photo at many exhibitions, but now, it stands alone on an abandoned basketball court under the office borrowed by Chen Yinghong. Behind it is a pile of garbage grass beach.

Twenty years ago, he left Putian, and his foreign trade business in Guangdong gradually became better. Although the family in the family did not have a good look at him, he followed the rules of the Putian people and brought more than a dozen people in the family to Guangzhou to get rich together. "You don't support them, all three aunts and six wives are looking for you to settle accounts. You are destroyed, don't mix at home."

Twenty years later, he suffered a debt crisis. Except for the cousin who dropped out of the third grade of elementary school, he borrowed four million in him, and few people in the family supported him. His sister suggested that he take the initiative to ask for help, and he is unwilling.

After returning to Putian for more than ten years, he still failed to get the long -awaited respect. But he is still unwilling and still believes that he will be able to create a brand inherited from generation to generation. "I belong to the way to enter the shoe, and this life is to make shoes!" He even thought about letting his son inherit the industry in the future and cultivate his interest in his shoes from an early age, "unless I die now." Right now, he is seeking to unite other interested shoe factories to create a "'Internet+' Industry Vertical Supply Chain Management Service Platform", which will take a comeback. In his description, this will trigger "terrible fission reactions" and "several hundred million big businesses."

One evening, he drove me to dinner in Putian City. On the way, he talked again about the concept of the supply chain platform. The next morning, he was going to the city to hold a meeting of the transformation and upgrading of the shoe industry, and he prayed that the city leaders could support his ideas. After a while, he revealed his worries again, fearing that the parliament would flow in the form.

What he discussed now is very different from when he returned to Putian more than ten years ago -even reached the opposite. He used to cooperate with Putian most, and he was not interested in corporate capitalization.

"Is this really what you want to do?" I couldn't help asking him.

"No way, I have to survive first." He became excited and said loudly, "I want to make specific production, but I was dragged into the mud pits, and I had to pull up!"

After returning from Putian to Beijing for a week, I contacted Huang Hai again. When he met in Putian, he asked me if he could contact some net red big V to help him write soft text to promote shoes. But when he re -contacted, his state seemed to change someone. He sent me two videos -the police stopped a van at the entrance of Anfu Market and took away all the whole car shoes. The next night when I left Putian, the industry and commerce, quality inspection, public security and other departments carried out joint operations, set up card inspections in the Anfu market entry and exit, and found that fake shoes were checked. According to the news circulating in the Angarian circle, the crackdown will continue for a long time.

The tone of Huang Hai is a little helpless: "It is not easy to make some money on the bottom of the working people."

The requirements of the interview object should be the pseudonym of Rongfa and Huanghai.

Wu Chengjie and Wu Yanchi also contributed to this article.

The operation process of this article was enthusiastically assisted by Mr. Zheng Shuxiang, the School of Engineering of Fujian.

