
日期: 2024-12-28 22:08:29 |浏览: 21|编号: 63354



















税源是财政收入的基础。否则,一味追求财政收入增长,就会增加企业或公众的税收负担。今年,重点抓好项目建设服务,确保财政收入达到6000万元以上。 “强村工程”重点挖掘和开发各村的资源优势。要在做好排查明晰产权的基础上,扩大招商引资,加快创业场地建设,加快标准化工厂建设,力争把全镇12个村全部建成值钱村。 10万元。 “富民工程”高度重视分类指导,采取一户一策、一品一品、一项目,真正提高脱贫成效,确保未脱贫群众脱贫致富。快速脱贫,脱贫后不再返贫。力争实现全镇人均纯收入9000元。




一、当前经济下行压力加大。此外,全市企业规模小、负债率高、效率低,核心竞争力差,融资难、贵,仍然是困扰中小企业发展的突出问题。针对这一问题,“政府担保贷款”工作正在积极开展。合作银行向“政府担保贷款”企业库企业提供无抵押、无抵押贷款。中小企业增信基金将承担贷款本金和利息损失的10%。合作银行的持股比例不得低于20%,保险公司的持股比例由保险公司与合作银行协商确定。 “政府担保贷款”将充分发挥财政资金的引导作用,推动商业银行加大对中小企业的信贷支持,切实缓解中小企业融资困难。

目前,我市已有43家企业进入XX市“政府担保贷款中小企业数据库”。其中,建仓炉业、金朝阳电动汽车、绿洲食品3家企业已通过德州银行、华安保险公司审核,预计近期可获批贷款;燕岭生物科技、黄三角环保产业园、德顺昌农业科技等公司正在接受调查。 “纳政保贷”工作的实施,将有效解决我市中小企业融资问题。
















为了让更多的投资者了解烟台,我坚持在我的个人投资网站上宣传和推介烟台。每当烟台取得一些进展,获得新的荣誉,或者推出一个大项目时,我都会第一时间在网站上发布,让更多的投资者知道这个信息。为了让更多的投资者了解烟台,让他们知道烟台一直在进步,烟台投资促进局的工作人员一直在用最大的热情邀请他们走进烟台。项目能否完成,主客观因素以及软硬件条件都发挥着作用。烟台虽然还是个三线城市,但我们也有自己的优势。比如我们正在建设的30万吨级铁矿石码头,将是全国最高级别的铁矿石码头。我们位于北纬37度,这里有山、有海、有岛屿。 、温泉、葡萄园我们有公园、高尔夫球场的壮丽景色;我们拥有全国最丰富的黄金资源;我们有很多在地级城市难以想象的高等院校;最重要的是,我们有一支团结、勤奋、进取、勇于拼搏的团队。一支强硬的投资团队。希望通过我的推荐,让更多的投资者知道烟台投资促进局的工作人员正在为家乡的发展努力工作、积极努力,是值得信赖的朋友。经过四年多的不懈宣传,网站已初步达到宣传烟台、了解投资者的效果。通过一篇关于烟台生物肥料的文章,我结识了嘉特生物的总经理。得知公司下游客户新加坡元利集团有意向北部拓展太阳岛度假村项目,于是邀请元利集团陈董事长来蓬莱考察。经过局和蓬莱市领导一年多的大力推动,该项目于2018年签约。通过烟台港口资源的推介,结识了深圳市光汇石油有限公司郭经理,了解到据悉,公司正在国内沿海城市部署保税船舶供油项目。我亲自为他办理手续,协助他完成芝罘区的项目。烟台广汇石油有限公司注册。此外,通过龙矿集团油页岩综合利用项目的推介,吸引益高环保能源有限公司负责人到龙矿集团考察;通过对我市海洋工程产业的推介,吸引了北京三人宝业公司负责人来我市考察钻井装备项目等。


(2) 专用








(3) 不足之处


(4) 转发
























2. 总体目标




















首先,我们必须关注计划在20xX启动但尚未开始的项目。主要是Zhenke Weiye沥青生产项目。我们应该专注于项目构建中存在的特定问题,并竭尽全力一个人解决项目建设的基本条件,并努力实现同年的建设和同年的收入。

其次,我们必须密切关注正在建设的项目。包括第二阶段OP陶瓷的项目建设,Fuhua Steel Rolling Mill生产生产线,Shunkangx的中药生产线以及Minxing Steel Products Factory,确保在20xX上完成和调试。

第三,我们必须在新项目中做得很好。对于由Henan Isotope Research Institute投资和构建的谈判项目,以及由Henan Kehai Ceramics Co.,Ltd.投资和构建的陶瓷辅助材料生产项目和陶瓷辅助材料生产项目,有必要提高服务水平,提高谈判水平,提高谈判工作, ,并努力在20xx开始建造。










首先,领导者必须领导。我们必须带头解放思想。我们必须实现“四个机构”。那就是建立开放环境的概念;摆脱被欺骗并建立双赢合作概念的想法;摆脱“寻求稳定和恐惧混乱”的想法,并建立敢于冒险冒险的敢于冒险的概念;摆脱平衡努力并在所有事物中努力争取的想法,并首先建立追求发展的概念。 ,通过解放思想来促进投资促进和项目开发。我们必须领导着改变我们的工作风格,将投资促进视为最重要的优先事项,确定投资促进的入口点,并努力协商一个,建立一个并取得成果。













投资促进部根据公司总经理办公室制定的投资框架条款进行实质性工作,并在准备中心的领导下执行所有者批准框架条款。举行了第一次针对所有者投资促进工作的研讨会。投资促进部的工作人员负责通知会议和持续维护现场。我们还收集了所有者对投资促进工作的意见和建议,并提供了有效的答案,以便成功举行了第一次所有者投资谈判会议,并且在场的所有者签署并批准了该框架的条款。目前,签名率达到70%以上,后续签名补给工作正在积极而有序地进行,为未来的投资促进工作奠定了良好的基础。在3月中旬,我们将彻底实施用于管理公司的准备工作,并在投资促进部和投资促进过程中制定和提高每个职位的职责。通过制定工作职责和投资程序,部署了投资网站。除了完成由准备中心领导的日常任务外,还利用现有的人力资源来进行现场投资接收工作。投资促进部积极地进行了收集有关中央购物中心主要商店投资目标的信息的工作。根据信息收集,我们迅速分析并消化了它,锁定了目标,并推出了首个外展工作。目标区域是山古附近的城市高舍格(Gaishengxiang),以及扬昌(Yongcheng Yongmei)集团的子公司西安苏伊百货公司。专注于在Xuzhou方向促进投资。根据第一个外部投资促进状况,有兴趣与该项目合作的公司是Xuyijia在Xuzhou的Xinyijia。通过与其发展部门的联系和沟通,我了解到它有计划在香格扩展。 8月15日,Xuzhou Xinyijia的开发经理首次对该物业进行了现场检查。他访问了现场的物业,拍摄照片和记录,并提出了向公司领导人和解所需的建议和财产标准。

在8月中旬,基于Xuzhou Xinyijia和山东Ginza之间的沟通,该公司负责公司的人,以及中央购物中心所有者的主要人物,与上述最终谈判进行了第一轮谈判两家公司。我们还进行了现场检查,以了解其主要的业务格式和运营条件。 Xuzhou Xinyijia的主要商店扩展集中在大型市场上,需要不到10,000平方米的商业领域。对于该物业,它提出了合作意图,以租用中庭街的一楼以及中央购物中心购物中心的一楼和第二层,并建议该公司进行多商店的组合。 Ginza的主要商店正在扩展为超市和百货商店的综合格式。作为其主要商店扩建计划,业务区为10,000-20,000平方米。它打算租赁所有该项目,但提出了两个问题。















3。功能分区的投资进展会影响“进入的决策 - 各种商店的制作。根据合理的功能分区计划,成功输入相应的商店或服务机构可以互动各种商店的运营,从而极大地帮助项目和商店运营。而且,一旦某种类型的商店或服务机构无法招募,整个项目的服务功能可能并不理想,尤其是在各种主要的精品店,餐厅或类似商店的著名商店(专业商店),这些商店或类似商店都可以吸引流行。目前,它影响了整体操作。






















在此策略的指导下,投资促进团队根据实际情况灵活地调整和实施租金政策。例如,根据不同类型的租户提出的不同需求,他们为他们提出了解决方案。正确地安排每个租户的地板位置和位置,以使其相对成为城市,相互利益和获胜,而不是彼此干扰。 ,削弱。





在吸引大型商人进行宣传方面,开发人员应采用各种宣传方法:报纸,专业杂志和在线媒体。我建议该项目不仅必须关注该项目本身,而且还要突出该项目。 ,提高商业房地产项目的等级,塑造出色的品牌形象,并为随后的开放操作奠定了良好的基础。


























中国商人的支柱应达到高水平的工资收入,建议建议公司的工资(使用基本工资 +浮动工资模型)。年工资是根据投资促进的质量和数量确定的,投资人员通过实际绩效进行评估。







传统百货商店 +超市型号不是购物中心的最佳型号。专业旗舰店的作用越来越重要。例如:Zhengzhou Carrefour在投资促进中小型商人的投资中:使用客户营销想法,使用主商店的支票 - 中的 - 并通过它们嫁接。或招募众所周知的家庭连锁店的零售商。 17。在5月底,根据主要商店投资促销情况制定了投资促进表:在综合投资促进阶段,我们必须注意集中的投资促进活动。请注意其他商店的其他项目的投资经验,并系统地安排其他主要商店投资促进活动,以将后来的投资促进与开放前的预热相结合。控制和保证投资促进质量:

根据我在银基地的工作经验,我发现许多基于银牌的人被用作运营管理团队,以良好的职位作为诱饵和供应商折扣。 So we need to supervise the results of the investment:

1. Control the quality of the main stores and international stores. Without the main store, there is no increase in overall rent.

2. The division of labor in the investment team is clear, and the China Merchants Director will uniformly manage the investment promotion. The team clarifies the division of labor to ensure the order of investment promotion, and then improve the quality.

3. Adopting the distance between the negotiation method, most tenants commission the intermediary companies to attract investment, and the leaders of important customer developers such as the main merchants and international brands come forward.

4. Strictly implement the plan to determine the price and location of the investment of investment, and implement the increasing tenants' confidence through the scientific format plan.

5. Establish the China Merchants Inspection Department to supervise and supervise the entire investment process.

Recommendation: According to the status quo of the property and the Property Merchants Progress, the company is recommended to invite the project with the new property to invite professional commercial property companies to enter the service. The investment department and the commercial property management team are connected. 。

The above is the inadequate summary of the work of the Ministry of China Merchants and the lower work plan. It is hoped that leaders have criticized more criticism and stating that the investment promotion work can be completed smoothly.

Investment Program 6

In response to the strategic measures of "China Merchants County" in response to the county party committee and the county government, accelerate the construction of the economic and social development of Dahu Economic and Strong County, which is an ecological and livable Dahu Economic County, and promotes the economic and social development of our town.计划。


Carefully implement the spirit of the Conference of Changde City's "Open and Strong City, Industry City City" meeting, focusing on the overall arrangement of investment promotion work around the 20xx year of XX County, and strive to innovate the working method and working mechanism of investment promotion to introduce large projects, do strong enterprises, cultivate large companies The industry is aimed at improving the level of economic and social development of our town, and ensuring the comprehensive completion of the task of attracting investment in the 20xx year of our town.

2. Target task

Increase the efforts of investment promotion, reach more than 3 intentions and signing projects throughout the year, and strive to be more than one industrial project or cultural tourism project of 100 million yuan; more than 2 industrial projects of 10 million yuan, and strive to have more than one. The project landed. At the same time, combined with the actual situation of the town, the characteristics of the township and townships are excavated, and the qualified consulting company has packed the agricultural industrialization or agricultural+tourism projects, agricultural and sideline product deep processing projects before the end of May, and produced PPT Reports, producing project planning books, forming an industry analysis and argument report that conforms to the actual industry of our town.

3. Responsible subject

The investment promotion work is led by the Town Investment Office. 22 villages (communities) are responsible units of China Merchants. All units must strengthen organizational leadership, contact people with successful people in Anxiang, actively carry out land transfer and introduce industrial projects. The land acquisition and demolition and other aspects have played a effect, creating a good investment environment in the town.

Fourth, organizational leadership

Established the 20XX annual XXX Town China Merchants Guidance Work Leading Group. Comrade Luo X, the head of the town party committee, served as the team leader, and Fu XX, director of the CPPCC Liaison Division, was the executive deputy team leader and members of other team members. The person in charge of the station and the secretary of the villages and community branch. The leadership team has an office (hereinafter referred to as the "Investment Office"). Xu Jing is the director of the office and is responsible for the daily work of attracting investment.

Five, the focus of investment promotion

1. "Two Lords and Two Avicuines" industrial projects. Based on the resource characteristics of XX County and the industrial foundation of XXX town, relying on the existing park platforms in Anxiang Township, actively study and docking agricultural and sideline product processing, home building materials, biomedicine, mechanical, electrical equipment and accessories manufacturing "two mains, two auxiliary" industries, highlighting Industrial chain, extension chain, supplementary chain, strong chain articles.

2. Investment around the self -built and self -operated new business project. Relying on XXX town to abroad, encourage various market entities to vote, build, and self -operate, and promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation; vigorously cultivate new agricultural business entities to invest in creating creative agricultural development projects and modern agricultural industrialization projects.

3. Multi -production integration projects. Focusing on Anxiang Sports Sports and Leisure Featured Town Project, vigorously introduce "sports+agricultural" projects, make every effort to create safety, health and agricultural products, create ecological agricultural safety and health care function zones, special sports and leisure tourism areas, and tourist experience areas; introduce "sports+ Tourism "projects, combined with the XX cycling competition, XX village ecological vineyard, and vigorously develop family, experience, and casual urban and rural tourism.

6. Work measures

(1) Innovation investment.

1. Docking the business will catch investment. Actively dock with Huizhou and Zhanjiang Anxiang Chamber of Commerce, make full use of the resource of successful people outside XXX, and invite them to introduce the merchants and corporate bosss to Anxiang site to inspect and negotiate.

2. Staring on the hometown to catch the investment. During the Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid -Autumn Festival and other traditional festivals, organize the theme investment promotion activities of "attracting fellows, returning to their hometown, and building a hometown", mobilizing and guiding fellow villagers The situation of returning home, information returning to hometowns, capital return, project return, and relocation of enterprises.

3. Packaging items grasp investment. Based on the resource advantages of XXX town of Anxiang, we will conduct in -depth market research, plan, develop, and pack a number of high -quality projects that meet local characteristics and development positioning. Regularly hold investment promotion conferences and project conferences to domestic and overseas merchants.

(2) Implement the investment requirements.

1. Guarantee investment time. The secretary of the town party committee must guarantee one -third (7 days) for the monthly day of the working day for investment promotion. The secretary of the village and community branches must ensure that the time of more than 3 days is used for investment promotion, especially to actively contact people from the village outside the village.

2. Strengthen information management. For the focus on the project, it is necessary to dispatch special personnel to follow up, accelerate the negotiations, and promote the project to sign the project on schedule; for important investment information, carefully packaged, accelerate development, arrange special personnel to pay attention to the prison, follow up throughout the process; for general investment information information; for general investment information information We must keep in touch, master dynamics, and timely screen and tap a group of important investment information from it; for the accounts of successful people in each village, we must actively connect and verify information, and at the same time capture and dig new investment information.

3. Standardize outing investment promotion. Merchants must be controlled in strict accordance with the requirements of the relevant departments of the superiors, and the number of investment small teams is controlled within 3 people. Investment promotion must have a more mature investment project, an enterprise with obvious investment intentions, and a feasible analysis report. Only then can go out. The situation and related basis for the investment promotion shall be reported to the county investment promotion office for filing and assessment after the investment promotion. Each village (community) branch secretary must report to the town party committee and government in advance, and only get the approval in accordance with the procedures before going out.

(3) Strict investment assessment

The performance assessment and evaluation of the town's investment promotion office is responsible for investment promotion. While actively improving the information of the accounts of the successful people abroad, each village and communities cooperate with towns and towns to complete the investment promotion activities of “welcoming villages, returning to their hometown, and building their hometowns” to actively docking with successful people单位外。相关信息。 At the same time, all units should actively do a good job of attracting investment in investment promotion, tap the village's characteristic resources, and create conditions for investment promotion.

Investment Program 7

1. Investment preparation (only for cooperation with the investment part):

1. Complete the project name registration, and the project logo, etc. CI design and register.

2. Register Chinese and English domestic domain names and international domain names

3. Determine the concept of publicity packaging and overall advertising.

4. Complete the China Merchants and Merchants and Merchants Building Books, including project function distribution and internal structural diagrams.

5. Complete the POP, 3D data disc of the design and production project.

6. Complete the transfer of design and production business centers: the main body of the business center investment preparation plan, the sectional model model of each separation surface.

7. Complete the establishment (recruitment) of the investment team, conduct training and personnel selection and distribution.

8. Formulate business access standards, introduction principles, operating rules, etc.

9. Determine the company's organization and department settings.

10. Construction of the Investment Promotion Office.

11. The China Merchants Department's various management rules and regulations, performance assessment rewards and punishment systems, and work operation rules were introduced.

12. Develop merchant access standards, conditions, and investment rules.

13. Formulate and print investment lease contracts, lease application forms, registration forms, related agreements, business management rules, etc.

14. Urges each branch to formulate a countdown plan for investment promotion (including investment areas, key goals, task indicators completion plans, etc.) according to the investment promotion.

2. Investment time arrangement:

The preparatory work stage of the investment promotion is: xx year x month x day-xx year x month x day

The official investment time is determined as: xx year x month x day-xx year x month x day

Post-investment promotion period and opening celebration planning stage: xx year x month x day-xx year x month x day

1. XX year x month x day-XX year x month x day completes the recruitment (10 days) and training work (10 days), and complete the personal investment index confirmation and submit the countdown implementation plan for the investment task index according to the investment mission indicator .

2. XX year x month x day-XX year x month x day to complete various contracts, documents, application forms, registration forms, etc. Complete the series of CI designs such as the project logo, and change the identification system (including business cards, letters, flags, etc.). Determine the concept of packaging and overall advertising.

3. XX year x month x day-XX year x month x day to complete the early investment promotion, China Merchants Building book production, determine the investment media advertising plan (including advertising creativity, production, media purchase options, etc.), investment promotion management expenses expenditure expenditure expenditure expenditure expenditure expenditure expenditure expenditure expenses Budget. Complete the production of various POP, 3DVISION, sand tables, etc. Complete the establishment of the China Merchants Department.

4. XX year X Month X completed all investment promotion preparations a few days ago.

5. The investment promotion work of the XX month X XX years officially started.

6. XX year x Month X -day — XX year x month x day cooperates with organizational public relations activities to target the objects of industry associations and government departments; for international investment. If there is a list of Hong Kong Investment Program.

7. XX year x month x day-XX year x month x day investment promotion first stage.

With Beijing's focus on investment promotion, the proportion of investment promotion is controlled within 60%of the overall plan. At the same time, it is responsible for foreign investment staff to conduct foreign investment in the local area. The International China Merchants Department has conducted investment promotion through various business counselors in China, representatives of foreign companies in China, and foreign products in China.

The 2 -month temptation period of the foreign investment promotion is set up. If the response is good, the responsible persons will make a report and submit it to the China Merchants Department. Please report to the general manager for approval. In the 8, XX year X Month X completed all the field investment in all foreign fields.

9. XX Year X Month X -XX year x month x day investment promotion entered the second stage. On the basis of ensuring that the investment promotion work in Beijing is planned smoothly, and the expected goals and the ideal return of money, the demands are raised to carry out secondary development of the market. The goal is to increase the connotation of the name, special, excellent, new, unique, and diversity of central products. Foreign ports and international products are listed at this stage. According to the actual investment promotion, the investment promotion plan is formulated, and the final assault research on the recruitment work fails to meet the set standards.

11. XX year x Month X -day -XX year X -day promotion in the end. All investment promotion targets have been instructed to complete the relevant branches in the XX year x month xa few days ago. According to the pre -selection of shops in the investment phase, the preparations for planning merchants (locations, methods, security guarantees, and fair procedures) for the unsatisfactory location of the shops.

12. XX year x Month X -day XX year x month X's investment promotion period and opening celebration celebration.

The staff of China Merchants Department has shrunk, and some personnel are transferred to commercial management. Investment work as a whole

Summary, the financial situation summarizes the report of the company's board of directors.

Public relations activities, promotion activities, advertising release, etc. of the opening celebration.

(Alternative scheme):

1. Ibid.


3. XX year x month x day -xx year x month x day work content is the same as above.

4. XX year x Month X -day — XX year x month X completed the early media release work, everything is ready.

5. XX year x month x day (December 18th of the lunar calendar, Dahan) Investment officially started.

6. XX year x Month X -day — XX year x Month x Spring Festival investment promotion work is carried out normally, and the Spring Festival in the coastal areas of Guangdong, Fujian, and Zhejiang: The business center investment preparation plan plans to return to the country with 4 million overseas Chinese in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Perform the Spring Festival offensive. Combined with South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan businessmen to visit relatives to visit relatives, their spread will be extremely effective.

7. Others.

Third, achieve targets (reasons for setting and means)

The goal is to arrange the minimum investment promotion requirements to formulate the promotion of investment in the procedures of commercial project investment. In the process of actual investment, this goal must be completed or in advance, otherwise it will affect the success of the entire investment promotion. 1. 1.xx year x Month X -day XX year x month x day to complete 20%of the investment mission.

At this stage, the main operation plan is through project advertising promotion and internal pre -prepared merchants for refining and screening, telephone and DM marketing methods. From the analysis of the degree of attraction of investors in commercial projects, this goal is more guaranteed. The goal of the task is to ensure the quality of the project investment business households. It only assumes that the number of merchants with less than 20%of the registered customers meet our investment standards.

2. 2.xx year x Month X Day -XX year X Month X's second phase of the second stage of completing the investment mission to complete the investment mission.

At this stage, entering the maturity period of China Merchants. Due to the word of mouth of the merchants in the early stage, it will also attract interbank or related joint merchants at the same time. In addition, the first phase of the phone and the lagging response of DM marketing will be effective at this stage; at the same time The large -scale expansion of the point; and the international investment promotion is expected to reach the most obvious stage at this stage; the above four aspects support the completion of 30%of the task indicators at this stage.

3. 3.xx year x Month X -day xx X -month x day to complete 50%of the investment missions.

At this stage, due to the ground out of the ground, the structure reaches the front stage of the cap, and the trust of the merchants has greatly strengthened the project's trust; 50%of the production merchants (manufacturers and affiliated manufacturers' marketing agencies), 40%of product agent and distribution in the investment ratio are designed Business, 10%of ordinary operators, the first two stages are mainly targeted at the top 50%of the target proportion design. This stage Due to the acceptance of the remaining 50%of the merchants, the standards are reduced, and the difficulty of investment promotion has decreased accordingly; through the smooth progress of investment promotion and the enthusiastic merchants, public relations activities will be catalyzed by the remaining investment promotion; The final stage of the bidding publicity stimulates the investment promotion; it is feasible to complete the final stage of the final stage.

In addition, during the specific investment process, the actual situation in the final stage should be that the remaining tasks should be far lower than the planning goal, and it is actually in the final (Go term) fine -tuning stage.

4. Investment promotion implementation content:

1. Recruitment of investment personnel: Turn: Turn:

In order to better complete the project's investment promotion work, the establishment of the investment team needs to be carried out according to the needs. Due to the particularity of the project attributes and the actual requirements of work progress and work intensity, people who are not allowed to be lacking experience and do not have time to train the sales staff.所以 。

Recruitment principles: For the investment personnel of business majors, they must have experience in the industry's employment for more than 3 years, and give priority to the work experience in investment promotion work, investment planning and other aspects of business
